
About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo

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3 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Wrong.   Reality is an absolute dream and you can awaken to that absolute fact about Reality.  Get off of Nahms forum he is lost.


   @Nahm has a forum? Can you tell him to also remove some of my warning points he placed on me, seeing how he's no longer with us anymore, in spirit?

Edited by Danioover9000

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22 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Nice move.....and I'll say I think there is some appreciation...just not to the same depth...but hey...they'll get it eventually when their dream reaches the climax...or maybe they'll get it through a NDE.

Remember this post you made? https://www.actualized.org/insights/understanding-karma

I tested it out...and let's say....it was ABSOLUTELY TRUE. So TRUE...it was magical. 


You said at the end of your Solipsism video that "anything you do is ultimately pointless because it is all being done for you."

Let's just say I did some retarded shit on purpose to test this out and let's say I was shown this was true. The most dangerous thing is to tell someone this though lol....ohh the crazy stuff people would do!!!

That's just your karma. You have your individual karma, which is the karma of the character you are currently living as, then you have your collective karma which is the karma of this entire dream. (When I say karma of the dream I mean all the history you have consumed about human history etc.)

If you deep shadow work you get to see how ridiculously sick and twisted your mind is....and that you are capable of some dark and twisted shit!!! It is only because of your personal history and choices...that you didn't turn out some other way. Gives you great empathy not just for victims, but the perpetrators as well.


I saw this ages ago for some reason it came up last night again on my YouTube channel. I told you oneness. We are one forever Razard86.

Edited by Jehovah increases

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5 hours ago, vibv said:


I don't understand the analogy of the dream because it involves someone doing something, and different levels of reality.

all the realizations I have had are: reality is total absolute infinity. This experience is because it hides part of the total absolute infinity, just enough to function as a stable pattern of existence. This experience tends to increase in depth, to show more of the total absolute infinity, but it can only do so progressively. existence is eternal cycles in which total absolute infinity is . where is the dream? who dreams? Everything is real, even dreams. reality is absence of limits, this, now. The relative is as real as the absolute because it is the absolute. Everything is the infinite, in its entirety, now you are the infinite in its entirety, trying to show everything possible about yourself while maintaining a stable pattern of existence. using your infinite intelligence to make this. Nothing is unreal or imaginary, everything is the only reality, the shape that the absolute has now, and now is everything

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@Breakingthewall Imaginary doesn't mean unreal, imaginary = reality.

Your hands are imaginary. You are dreaming them. And that is reality. A mind is imagining a world around itself.

Physical objects are just a denser kind of imagination than the images in your head. Don't forget, the images in your head are real. So don't hold imagination as something unreal. Imagination is real. The way a human imagines a picture in his mind is directly analogous to how God imagines the physical walls of your house.

This is what is being pointed to. Practically what this means is that if you become conscious enough your couch can turn into a dragon. Because the couch was always imaginary. Very few humans understand that this is possible. Even "enlightened" people may not understand this point. So the question is, do you understand that your couch is imaginary?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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57 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   @Nahm has a forum? Can you tell him to also remove some of my warning points he placed on me, seeing how he's no longer with us anymore, in spirit?

What do you guys do to get warning points 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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Ya’ll are gonna make me sentimental now 9_9

The mushrooms make a lot of sense now. Take my hand :P

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

So the question is, do you understand that your couch is imaginary?

6 hours ago, vibv said:


I understand that the couch It is the appearance that infinity has now, and it could be a cluster of galaxies, in fact, within it is all existence, as in everything that appears. This moment now is infinity, everything is here, but only part of it is visible. 

In some way you could say that this is imagining, although it is rather limiting. Imagining implies creation, and nothing is created, everything already is

Edited by Breakingthewall

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5 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I understand that the couch It is the appearance that infinity has now, and it could be a cluster of galaxies, in fact, within it is all existence, as in everything that appears. This moment now is infinity, everything is here, but only part of it is visible. 

That's good. You got that part.


In some way you could say that this is imagining, although it is rather limiting. Imagining implies creation, and nothing is created, everything already is

Your mind is creating that couch. Couch is Creation. If your mind was not creating that couch you could not see it.

You are on the right track, but you would benefit from a deeper realization of imagination, mind, and God. This is a good example of where Awakening can deepen, even though you already got a good whiff of it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura if the physical is illusionary why can material substances like psychedelics have such a profound effect on us? If the material is truly illusionary we wouldn’t need material substances like psychedelics.  Our mind would be enough. 

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Your mind is creating that couch. Couch is Creation.

6 hours ago, vibv said:


I can't see how I'm doing that. But I don't understand how the reality appears as it appears

Edited by Breakingthewall

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7 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@Leo Gura if the physical is illusionary why can material substances like psychedelics have such a profound effect on us? If the material is truly illusionary we wouldn’t need material substances like psychedelics.  Our mind would be enough. 

This is incorrect logic.

In a video game, the world still has rules even though all objects are virtual. In a video game a mushroom can make you double in size. How can a virtual mushroom have so much power? Why can't a video game character just do whatever the hell he wants in a video game world if the world is virtual?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I can't see how I'm doing that.

Seeing it simply requires higher consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Seeing it simply requires higher consciousness.

Could be. For now I'm starting to see what reality is, the quality of the now, my realization about how things happen are zero.


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The higher degree of consciousness you reach, the more physical reality will melt before your eyes into a liquid mindscape.

Higher consciousness is liquid, lower consciousness is solid.

If you become conscious enough, your couch can literally melt into a talking dragon. This is a good example of what I mean by "higher consciousness".

You ain't really conscious until you start seeing dragons.

One time I became so conscious I started seeing dragons and demons crawling between the gaps in empty space. That's when things get interesting. That's when you really start to understand CONSCIOUSNESS.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's good. You got that part.

I'm not sure he did, language is so tricky

Everything is potentially here but what is actually here is what is visible, there's nothing behind the scenes, so everything is actually here, potential = actual

In that sense yes

17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If your mind was not creating that couch you could not see it.

Creation is absolute, again language is tricky

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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What fucks up most of us about the concept of imagination is this difference of actuality between the classic imagination in your head and the imagination of this dream.

When you kiss a girl in your classic imagination, it doesn't come as close, as the "real" thing, as you don't account for all the minor details. You forget for example to imagine the girl with clear detail vision, every single hair, the smell, the sensations in your body, while the sensations of her body. The voice. All the context. Was it a party or was it date? What's the background story of your character and her character, that shapes also your emotional feelings, etc, etc. If you account for EVERYTHING in the imagination in your head, then it's as real as the "real" thing.

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Have you ever fucked in a dream? It feels totally real.

Last night I had a dream of aliens surgically implanting tracking devices into my arm and leg. It felt so real I woke up freaked out.

The material world is as imaginary as the sleeping world. Just more vivid and stable.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Have you ever fucked in a dream? It feels totally real.

Last night I had a dream of aliens surgically implanting tracking devices into my arm and leg. It felt so real I woke up freaked out.

The material world is as imaginary as the sleeping world. Just more vivid and stable.

I've played league of legends while on coke. I was able to control my character with my pure will, like those monkey with chip implants. And literally everything there was, was this 2D perception of League of Legends.

I was sitting on my couch and boom, League of Legends.

It felt like those classic Salvia Trips you always hear.

Just to be clear, there was no Computer involved haha, just me, my mind and coke.

Edited by UnlovingGod

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56 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The way a human imagines a picture in his mind is directly analogous to how God imagines the physical walls of your house.

Nice! If in god mode it is possible to imagine whatever you want, ¿Can you imagine all states of consciousness at once?

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10 minutes ago, fictional_character said:

Nice! If in god mode it is possible to imagine whatever you want, ¿Can you imagine all states of consciousness at once?

It's possible to completely heal yourself in an instant.  Now that is awesome.   Can it imagine all states at once? That would be a state in itself so the question is paradoxical.   But that is by design.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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