
Not wanting those who want us

13 posts in this topic

I noticed this in myself and others.

  • If a guy is too eager to be friends with me I don't want to be friends with him.
  • If a girl is too eager to want me I don't want her.

If they camouflaged their desire they would make a better impression so I don't get these authenticity crusaders who say "just be yourself and you will get what you want". In social game you have to be able to play the game but if you are a knuckle head and say I don't want to play the game "I'm just going to be myself" you are not taking into considerations what other people feel.

Most of social game is just being aware of other people's emotions and being able to influence them in a favourable way. Especially with women with more prone to pathos (emotions) instead of logos (logic). You are never going to get a girl in bed with logic. In the same way you will never make a lot of friends with logic beside with some nerds who are desperate to make friends.

The thing is if you get a lot of social proof from your surrounding your winner effect get's activated and you will get even more social proof because of the confidence. And if you don't have a lot of social proof, not a lot of people will reward you and it will only reassure you that you are low on the social proof and your looser effect will be activated which will result in a low confidence. That is what I think about it.

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I have a t-shirt with a naked woman on it, it's a real pussy magnet. 

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I am kinda the opposite

But it takes courage to choose me as I am a very inconventional person in many ways

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I love you ❤️ Either you want to be my friend or not. You can accept me if you like.

I am a friend to myself and I have a friend everywhere I go.


What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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12 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

HAHAHA DUDE PLEASE STOP. I can't help but read all your posts with the Butters voice in mind and I just can't get over the image of some innocent 4th grader going onto a spiritual forum to post edgy shit like that. I'm dying... ?

I wasn't joking, this is the shirt. Bought it second hand for €6 best investment of the year. 


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To receive love, you must be able to give it.
So a person who hopes to receive love will not attract it.

Needy people don't trust this logic because of trauma or something.
It's a bit like when you're an insomniac (like me lol), if you think about "I shouldn't have a sleepless night, it's already late!" then you'll have a sleepless night. :ph34r:

Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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When I absolutely want a girl, I become needy and pathetic.
When I don't want the girl, then suddenly I'm 10 times more lucky lol.

The devil is in the details.

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13 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

To receive love, you must be able to give it.
So a person who hopes to receive love will not attract it.

Needy people don't trust this logic because of trauma or something.
It's a bit like when you're an insomniac (like me lol), if you think about "I shouldn't have a sleepless night, it's already late!" then you'll have a sleepless night. :ph34r:

The brain signals the body and the body follows. The real battle happens in your head when solving a problem. 

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28 minutes ago, Butters said:

I wasn't joking, this is the shirt. Bought it second hand for €6 best investment of the year. 


It is not the clothing but also who wears it and how you wear it. 

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16 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

The brain signals the body and the body follows. The real battle happens in your head when solving a problem. 

Not exactly.
The whole challenge is exactly not to fight :ph34r:

The devil is in the details.

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6 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Not exactly.
The whole challenge is exactly not to fight :ph34r:

Getting what you want without a fight is also a fight. It is the best way of winning. But it demands a lot of skill to win a fight without a fight. 

Edited by StarStruck

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If you cant create the winner effect on your own then you might as well throw in the towel...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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On 21. 09. 2023. at 11:14 AM, Butters said:

I wasn't joking, this is the shirt. Bought it second hand for €6 best investment of the year. 


xD I hope this is true

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