By Juan Cruz Giusto
in Personal Development -- [Main],
“Step with care and great tact, and remember that life’s a great balancing act”. Dr Seuss
The story about the beautiful castle and the spoon with oil.
Balance is fundamental for your development. You are taking information from multiple sources and giving advice to some people (family, friends, girlfriends, etc), but you need to understand how balance fits into the equation.
The problem is that balance can’t be taught, it has to be lived. You cannot learn balance from reading books, you learn by living! YOU NEED TO FIND THE RIGHT BALANCE FOR YOU IN YOUR LIFE, AND THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! You cannot give the same advice to people and expect to work every time. Everyone is unique and lives in a specific situation.
Balance is really difficult since you need to know when it is too much or too little. You need to be flexible enough to find a balance in your life.
Take into account that you need to find an equilibrium in your life and each of these different aspects of your life:
· The balance between complacency/laziness vs being neurotically disciplined
Some people are way too lazy and need some kick in the ass, while some are over achievers and need to chill out a little bit.
· The balance between being gentle with yourself and others vs being hard with yourself and others
You need to be flexible in regards of the context. It always depends on the situation.
· The balance between right brain and left brain
You need to balance logic and intuition. You need to be really good at using both and utilize them in different situations.
· The balance between suppressing emotions vs expressing emotions
Some people suppress way too much and some express way too much. It is something you need to decide depending your life situation, who you are and the exact moment.
· The balance between rejecting theory altogether vs getting lost in theory
Some academics are lost in theory or some people in business get lost in theory and just don’t take that much action. Other people don’t give a fuck about theory and just take action.
· The balance between life purpose vs spirituality
There needs to be a balance between business and spirituality and it’s your work to find out. You need to find your authentic values and motivations and discover your balance in a certain point in your life.
· The balance between pursuing enlightenment vs spiritual development
If you only do enlightenment you will be in problems and if you only do personal development you will be in problems too. Either extreme is wrong and sticking in the middle is probably a bad decision. Take into account your current situation!
· The balance between working in yourself vs enjoying life
· The balance between unconditional love vs being a doormat
Loving unconditionally doesn’t mean that you don’t have to stand up for yourself sometimes. Also, some people are hyper assertive and turn into assholes.
· The balance between being too stingy with your money vs being to wasteful
· The balance between chasing money vs neglecting money
Some people are striving form more money all their lives and some just neglect it saying that it is not important and life is about love and art.
· The balance between being pragmatic and idealistic
You need to maintain your values and ideals but at the same time, you have to be part of the real world and be practical. You need to get stuff done while doing business, and relationships, etc.
· The balance between contemplating death vs becoming nihilistic
You need to find a balance between the inherent meaninglessness of life and that life has a meaning and you can be passionate.
· The balance between being scientific vs being materialistic
· The balance between art vs marketing
If you are an artistic type of person, you really value your art. The problem is that sometimes your art cannot be marketed and you won’t be able to impact people. It will take you a decade to sort out in your career.
· The balance between rejecting culture vs studying culture and finding good things in it
When you are starting, you need to reject many aspects of your culture but after a while, you don’t have to deny them. You need to develop a certain worldliness.
· The balance between being brutally honest vs being weak and compassionate
· The balance between relationships vs career
· The balance between exploring psychedelics for growth vs using them for escape
· The balance between quitting toxic relationships vs avoiding commitment
Some people use stupid problems to cut off a relationship that was actually good just because they use the excuse of quitting toxic relationships.
· The balance between being focused on one teaching vs being eclectic
The solution sometimes doesn’t mean that you have to be in the middle. In some occasions, you need to be fully on some side of the equation and sometimes on the other side. It is a dynamics equilibrium.
A low consciousness mind goes to extremes and generalize. Complex advice is not black and white. It requires careful discernment.
Balance applies to your business, government, your personal life and so on.
Balance is not “everything in moderation”.
In the end you are the ultimate decision maker about which advice is right for you and which is wrong for you in this specific time in your life. Even the most enlightened person can give you a personal advice that cannot be applied to your life right now. BALANCE IS NOT AN ACT YOU CAN OUTSOURCE.
The key here is to keep moving forward, although you are confused. Balance is a dynamic form of equilibrium, not just the middle of two ways.
Dynamic Balance looks like this: In the next 5 years you will be working in your business. When you get that handled, you will work in your love life. Then when you have that handled, you focus on spirituality. When you are working in spirituality you may quit your business but then you become enlightened and you get back into business or whatever. THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!
Try to follow your motivations! These will change a lot in your life! FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!
Think of life as a mixing sound board with lots of knobs. Your life is like a giant mixing knobs. Balance is not about putting all the knobs to 0. It is about finding the right balance depending on the songs you are composing, depending on what you want out of your music. When you think about your life and the life of others like this, you become more tolerant and cosmopolitan and less ideological.
Be careful about criticizing others’ people process. They may need to go through a different process than you in order to grow. Moreover, people are different so keep that in mind.