
Women might have unconscious hate towards some men

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@Javfly33 The issue here is that you're just insecure and have a weak frame.

It takes lots of experience to know how to handle a woman. They don't hate you. You're just frustrated in your lack of skill at handling them.

And, of course, you are not meant to click with every woman. Some women are just wrong for you.

Edited by Leo Gura

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You just have to get your shit together in terms of core confidence. You will become a different person in the process by developing yourself. Nitpicking, intellectualizing and trying to understand this subject is nice in terms of mental masturbation, but mental masturbation won't produce results. Owen from RSD has some good videos on core confidence. Developing confidence is something strange because it can't be produced by a step by step method.

Edited by StarStruck

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On 20.9.2023 at 10:28 AM, Javfly33 said:

Another one I had in a recent date: "Isn't that brand (looking at a store) the same of your purse?". Again, she reacted like I was saying a DUMB thing.

But that is an incredibly strange question to ask, why would you ask this question. xD


See, if you came to me and told me this in person I would laugh at you. Maybe I would laugh so hard that I would be crying from laughter. And you would probably interpret it as malice. But it's not malice. It's just that you might have difficulty seeing how clumsy this question is. This doesn't make you a bad person, but it is something worthy of laughter.

Now, to you this might be harsh because you are insecure, so you are too tense to be playful about this. I also think you might have tendencies toward some type of autism, which could make communication more difficult for you in general.


In general, you need to take all of this far less seriously. And if you can't, you need to work on resolving how to take yourself far less seriously.

Hell, watch something like "The Theory of Everything", and take Stephen Hawking as an example for you. He doesn't take himself seriously, and I think I remember there were scenes were he was socially awkward and was being made fun of. See, if you are playful enough, you can turn the "being made fun of" into an enjoyable interaction rather than tensing up into insecurities. That is the mindset you have to achieve, it has to be all fun and games.

Edited by Scholar

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43 minutes ago, Nabd said:

Humans are full of shit, including you and me.

Exactly! I’m learning how to be less serious on my dates and more authentic.

For example, on a recent date they were talking about how they visited Colorado for a road trip. Now, I’m terrible with maps, so I have noooooo fucking idea where that is. But guess what? They didn’t give two fucks that I didn’t know where stupid Colorado is!!

They even mentioned how they went to Croatia… oh shit. I jokingly asked, “Is that in South America?” Well… it wasn’t really a joke, because I seriously had no idea where it is! Now I know it’s in Europe ^_^


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@Leo Gura yeah, I think that's a good point. But I must say, this sucks, I thought when going on a date with a woman the point was connecting and having a good time. Not trying to have a strong frame and overpower her/lead her with your frame over hers.

Aren't they women out there that you can just relax with and they just won't fuck with you? 



@Scholar ?¿ How is that a strange question ask? Literally I thought the brand of the shop was the same as the purse.

Is literally as if I saw the Chanel Shop and their purse was a Chanel one. How the hell that is a "strange question"? Hello? @scholar0 @Scholar

Edited by Javfly33

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1 hour ago, Scholar said:


See, if you came to me and told me this in person I would laugh at you. Maybe I would laugh so hard that I would be crying from laughter. And you would probably interpret it as malice. But it's not malice. It's just that you might have difficulty seeing how clumsy this question is. This doesn't make you a bad person, but it is something worthy of laughter.

Now, to you this might be harsh because you are insecure, 


Don't worry, since you are not a girl, I'll just punch you in the face if you would laugh so hard and call me an austist ;)

In sure you wouldn't find it so fucking funny that way ;)


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19 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I thought when going on a date with a woman the point was connecting and having a good time. Not trying to have a strong frame and overpower her/lead her with your frame over hers.

Aren't they women out there that you can just relax with and they just won't fuck with you? 

Try to be a bit more flexible when it comes to social situations. 

The girl is laughing not because you’re stupid, but because you’re finally allowing yourself to not be “correct” all the time. She sees that, but you don’t!

When she laughs, that’s your cue to mirror her laugh. That’s where the connection lies.

Edited by Yimpa


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39 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:


@Scholar ?¿ How is that a strange question ask? Literally I thought the brand of the shop was the same as the purse.

Is literally as if I saw the Chanel Shop and their purse was a Chanel one. How the hell that is a "strange question"? Hello? @scholar0 @Scholar

The fact that I have to explain this to you indicates you have abnormal cognition.


31 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Don't worry, since you are not a girl, I'll just punch you in the face if you would laugh so hard and call me an austist ;)

In sure you wouldn't find it so fucking funny that way ;)

I never called you an autist, you take things way too seriously and personally, this is the issue here. I am just trying to help you figure out what is going on, because I suspect this is a you problem.

The fact that you are reacting this way to what I said tells us much more about you than you seem to recognize. And again, we are not here to be mean to you, we are trying to help you. If you had some distance from all this, you would be right here next to me laughing at yourself for how silly you were being.

Edited by Scholar

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xD Good ol’ laughing yoga xD

If this video doesn’t make ya chuckle even a bit, then I don’t know what will xD

Edited by Yimpa


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44 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

yeah, I think that's a good point. But I must say, this sucks, I thought when going on a date with a woman the point was connecting and having a good time. Not trying to have a strong frame and overpower her/lead her with your frame over hers.

You are taking all this too seriously.

When it comes to girls, you just gotta laugh.

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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

When I have a date, my intention is not to go like I'm going to war. I feel nonsensical to play this games just because some people haven't healed some obscure aspects of themselves.

Yes, this starts to feel like twitter in the era before Musk.

Yeah I think I get the point. Unless I find an Unicorn women, dating is like a jungle. Constantly in fight or flight mode in order to defend myself and counterattack those "teasings". 

Like for me is just ridiculous. If you go on a date with me why the fuck you going in "teasing mode"? The whole point of dating someone is to have ONE PLACE, one place in life where you can relax and connect and trust. Not to be again in that jungle push-pull mode. Is fucking pathetic that women play this game and I can't wait to fuck some more women and get sick of it and never come back to this dick shitty game of superior-inferior games. 

I fucking hate humanity and so pathetic and unable to love is.

   Try watch some comedy, maybe go watch some Bill Burr or other comedians, watch and feel how your state of mind and being shifts. Try to do some visualizations and affirmations of being a funny guy. Really imagine trying to find the funny in all situations, and feel yourself go there.

   Drop your misanthropy, excuses of not loving, stop hating on women that have played you. Reframe and think how'll you out play them, and make them giggle and laugh. Remember those girls and women you're dating do have jobs, work maybe a 9-5 in a rational state, a logical state, which is against most average female minds and their female centric natures and can be mentally exhausting, so all you have to worry about is how to trigger them into being more feminine, and emotionally stimulate them. If I'm exhausted, last date I want is some robotic guy unable to emotionally stimulate me if I'm too exhausted. I'm there on the date to have fun, so should you, and so should both of you find the funny together.

   Go study NLP(neuro-linguistic programming), and learn some more dating advice, and try to think positively and feel that state. You can still enter back into that doom and gloom hating self, but put that part aside for later and be more positive and optimistic, and try to find the funny.

Edited by Danioover9000

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10 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Drop your misanthropy, excuses of not loving, stop hating on women that have played you. 

Another key insight is to profoundly realize that you’ve been playing yourself the entire time. 

That’s when the possibility of expanded learning emerges and blaming external circumstances for your problems decreases significantly.

Edited by Yimpa


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17 hours ago, Scholar said:

The fact that I have to explain this to you indicates you have abnormal cognition.



Of course now you have to insult.

Cool bro, cool. You are so better than me for never doing a mistake. Yuppy! Hurra to you. Go enjoy your cognitive perfectness. 

Guy that never mistaken anything. Lmao. You are being absolutely nonsensical. 


Edited by Javfly33

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5 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Of course now you have to insult.

Cool bro, cool. You are so better than me for never doing a mistake. Yuppy! Hurra to you. Go enjoy your cognitive perfectness. 

Guy that never mistaken anything. Lmao. You are being absolutely nonsensical. 


I am not insulting you, I have abnormal cognition myself. I am telling you all this because I made such mistakes myself. You probably have it worse than I had it because you are a programmer and that will just give you coderitis, but none of this means you have to be stuck in that mindset and cognitive mode forever. You just have a bias towards it, for whatever reasons. Your problem is that you are thinking too logically, too much, and in inappropriate situations. You are probably not very familiar with other modes of cognition because you reside in this type of cognition most of your waking time.


One of the issues is that you are too attached to your intelligence and intellectual abilities, because you probably get most of your self-worth from your intelligence. So, anything undermining your intelligence will be taken as an attack on your identity.

Thinking has become a way of life to you, when it was always supposed to be just a tool.

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If he was just trying to be nice, no matter how stupid his questions were, she should just be nice to him and act like an adult, even if it was pretended. Why even bother going on dates when you can't take simple questions like what is the brand of your purse?

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1 hour ago, FourCrossedWands said:

If he was just trying to be nice, no matter how stupid his questions were, she should just be nice to him and act like an adult, even if it was pretended. Why even bother going on dates when you can't take simple questions like what is the brand of your purse?

Imagine if you were on that date and you walk past a Nike store and the girl says "isn't that store the same as your shoes?".

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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44 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Imagine if you were on that date and you walk past a Nike store and the girl says "isn't that store the same as your shoes?".

I would smile and ask her if she likes the brand or something like that, not make a big deal of it.

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3 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Imagine if you were on that date and you walk past a Nike store and the girl says "isn't that store the same as your shoes?".

@Carl-Richard The point is it wasn't a famous brand. It was a niche small brand, so seeing that brand as a store on your borough would be a significant coincidence, so the question is not dumb.

Is a question I would have done if I was with my mum or a friend, it didn't have anything to do with trying to be funny or ingenius.

You guys are being nonsensical 

Edited by Javfly33

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Carl-Richard The point is it wasn't a famous brand. It was a niche small brand, so seeing that brand as a store on your borough would be a significant coincidence, so the question is not dumb.

Is a question I would have done if I was with my mum or a friend, it didn't have anything to do with trying to be funny or ingenius.

You guys are being nonsensical 

Maybe it's not a niche brand from her perspective. Maybe you're just unfamilar with brands that sell purses. Maybe she sees the brand everywhere and it's not such a big coincidence in her mind. Maybe it doesn't matter.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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