
Extremely bad reactions to shampoo, no solutions

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I’ve tried natural alternatives like Black African soap, natural shampoos and kaolin clay but there’s no hope. Not only did they not work, some of them managed to give me headaches like African black soap did. I have extremely dry skin and eyes, this dryness always effects my eyes and makes me feel like I didn’t sleep at all.

I am looking for the most natural of natural shampoo alternatives.

P.s my skin is also prone to acne, specifically my chest, face and especially the upper back, my hands and fingers are always missing pieces of skin. This dryness goes away after a day or two of not showering, but in those two days I am barely functioning.

Not shampooing doesn’t work for me, my hair is itchy and greasy if I don’t. This problem goes way beyond just smelling nice or looking clean. So I’m not some beauty queen trying to find the best shampoo to look my best. I am dying. 

Edit: Shaving cream has the same effect.

Edited by MarkKol

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1 part apple cider vinegar with 4 parts water.

I was skeptical but it works.

It's all I use, I don't wash my hair with shampoo at all anymore.

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@flowboy do you mix a bottle of it and store it or do you make a new batch every time you shower?

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@flowboy ok. How do you apply it. I assume you need to use a lot to cover the whole hair?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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@Something Funny I have it in a spray bottle and I try to spray it mostly under my hair, onto the scalp. Then I leave it in for a few minutes while I brush my teeth, then shower and rinse everything off. Hair's perfect after that.

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@flowboy i see, thanks for advise.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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When I was younger my hair would get horribly greasy so I would shampoo it every day religiously to solve the problem, and then I realised that was actually what was causing the problem in the first place. Now I wash it once per week or twice if I’m doing physical activity and my scalp and hair are much healthier.

I don’t know if this will apply to you, but I remember it being quite a big problem for me so thought I’d share. It took about 2 weeks of time with less regular washes for my hair to adjust and stop overproducing oil.

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Maybe try Dr Bronner's soap. Diluted as it's very potent.

I use this kind of black soap, not necessarily the brand but how it looks and not the extremely black looking one that I consider fake black soap. The one i use is made from plaintain leaves from Africa and it looks just like this. I break it up and add hot boiling water to melt it into liquid and put in bottles. Lasts longer that way and it's not drying and lathers real well. 




Edited by Princess Arabia

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The first thing that comes to mind for people to try if they are reactive to products are baby versions of these products. Johnson's Baby Shampoo is probably one of the least reactive products on the market for those with issues. It's not just for babies. :)  All it needs are the surfactants to emulsify the oils on the hairs. The rest of the ingredients are mostly for marketing purposes.

You could also shampoo your hair with a bar of Ivory soap if you wanted. "Shampoo" is a modern marketing creation mostly... pretty smelling compounds which all do pretty much the same thing at various price points. Adding in all this fancy stuff really doesn't do anything for hair.

Edited by sholomar

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7 hours ago, sholomar said:

The first thing that comes to mind for people to try if they are reactive to products are baby versions of these products. Johnson's Baby Shampoo is probably one of the least reactive products on the market for those with issues. It's not just for babies. :)  All it needs are the surfactants to emulsify the oils on the hairs. The rest of the ingredients are mostly for marketing purposes.

You could also shampoo your hair with a bar of Ivory soap if you wanted. "Shampoo" is a modern marketing creation mostly... pretty smelling compounds which all do pretty much the same thing at various price points. Adding in all this fancy stuff really doesn't do anything for hair.

Hi. I don't want to start a debate on this and this is just my personal opinion but some of it can be backed up with substantial evidence and/or proof with references.

First, I would say, I would stay away from most, if not all, baby products in the mainstream market even food products marketed for babies and children and especially J&J products, not to mention the highly publicized lawsuit that they lost from claims that their baby powder which contained talcum powder caused cancer in some of its users.

I checked out the link you provided and if you stroll to the ingredients section, you will see quite a few ingredients that, if you were to research are highly toxic and not suitable for use on the skin and can be absorbed and enter the bloodstream to create harm, especially hormonally, especially EDTA. I don't have to itemize these ingredients as they are already on the website but if you need me to go in depth I can do so by a simple search that shows how dangerous some of these ingredients are.

This website is promoting a product so, of course, they won't do that for you and will make claims of how their ingredients are safe to use with the hopes that one won't delve deeper into these claims. I'm not saying this product won't provide the results you're looking for, but it comes with a cost and damaging side effects.

Baby products are especially toxic in the mainstream market and are very meticulously marketed with the tricks of the trade, which is very sad, IMO. I wouldn't recommend any Johnson &Johnson products to anyone and they are extremely clever in their marketing strategies. Take that for whatever it's worth and I will be open to any rebuttals or disagreements you may have regarding my statements and will certainly look into it personally if I see where I'm wrong in respect to any claims I made.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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17 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I use this kind of black soap, not necessarily the brand but how it looks and not the extremely black looking one that I consider fake black soap. The one i use is made from plaintain leaves from Africa and it looks just like this. I break it up and add hot boiling water to melt it into liquid and put in bottles. Lasts longer that way and it's not drying and lathers real well. 


You probably smell like a weed then

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16 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Hi. I don't want to start a debate on this and this is just my personal opinion but some of it can be backed up with substantial evidence and/or proof with references.

First, I would say, I would stay away from most, if not all, baby products in the mainstream market even food products marketed for babies and children and especially J&J products, not to mention the highly publicized lawsuit that they lost from claims that their baby powder which contained talcum powder caused cancer in some of its users.

I checked out the link you provided and if you stroll to the ingredients section, you will see quite a few ingredients that, if you were to research are highly toxic and not suitable for use on the skin and can be absorbed and enter the bloodstream to create harm, especially hormonally, especially EDTA. I don't have to itemize these ingredients as they are already on the website but if you need me to go in depth I can do so by a simple search that shows how dangerous some of these ingredients are.

This website is promoting a product so, of course, they won't do that for you and will make claims of how their ingredients are safe to use with the hopes that one won't delve deeper into these claims. I'm not saying this product won't provide the results you're looking for, but it comes with a cost and damaging side effects.

Baby products are especially toxic in the mainstream market and are very meticulously marketed with the tricks of the trade, which is very sad, IMO. I wouldn't recommend any Johnson &Johnson products to anyone and they are extremely clever in their marketing strategies. Take that for whatever it's worth and I will be open to any rebuttals or disagreements you may have regarding my statements and will certainly look into it personally if I see where I'm wrong in respect to any claims I made.

Fair enough :-) buy whatever you find works for you. Buy whatever soap has the least number of added ingredients and is basically just tallow maybe something like ivory?  I like seeing other posters who ramble on with long multi-paragraph responses like I tend to do especially when provide useful information that teaches me something so I appreciate your post ;)

Edited by sholomar

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3 hours ago, sholomar said:

Fair enough :-) buy whatever you find works for you. Buy whatever soap has the least number of added ingredients and is basically just tallow maybe something like ivory?  I like seeing other posters who ramble on with long multi-paragraph responses like I tend to do especially when provide useful information that teaches me something so I appreciate your post ;)

Appreciate your response.

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14 hours ago, MarkKol said:

You probably smell like a weed then

I smell like roses?

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I smell like roses?

What type of African black soup smells like roses

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8 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

What type of African black soup smells like roses

She is West Indian.

Everyone knows that black Africans smell like lavender.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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8 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

What type of African black soup smells like roses

Soap is for cleansing; it's not a perfume. The African soap I use doesn't smell. It's neutral. Even if it was scented, the scent, as in say lavender, would be there for it's medicinal purposes as in leaving the skin soft or healing the skin of skin issues. You wouldn't walk around smelling like lavender if it was used to scent soap because it gets washed off,

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4 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

She is West Indian.

Everyone knows that black Africans smell like lavender.

That's funny because I was just leaving a comment about lavender the same time you left this one.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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