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Fastest way to god realized state without 5 meo dmt, for experienced users.

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I think this might be the fastest way to god realization and the permanent change of your consciousness state in your ego. In this state life around you becomes a miracle at all times. Things like infinite food/drinks can become your reality and more.  *When you retain this permanent state of consciousness if you wish so, there will be no sleep, you're always awake

This is only for experienced users that are already enlightened to some degree and know that they're god creating/manifesting their own solipsistic reality.

The way to achieve this permanent new consciousness presence state is to do this:

- don't sleep for 1 day

- the next day when you're gonna go sleep at night take 100-300ug lsd-p1 and fall asleep.

- You will start becoming conscious in the blackness/nothingness and you start deconstructing reality who you're actually are, everything will happen automatically.

- Ones you deconstruct reality enough, you will see that there is no difference between any dream and this is the time you will get back to your body.

- Your memory will become nothingness, you will start becoming nothingness, logic will be gone, all you have is your mind and fantasy, fantasy/imagination will be your new state of reality creation.

- You will specially become aware that you were self-decepting yourself, and you will regret for not loving others enough because you're the only being. Jesus: 

-love your neighbor as yourself

-Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you



-In that state you're free to wipe yourself/ego away ones you go inside of yourself with closed eyes, you will notice that you will lose all remembrance of yourself and fall asleep in your imagination and are ready to be reborn again in whatever you create.


*Warning very dangerous territory*





Capture.PNG Sunlight, your creation , won't ever hurt your eyes if you directly stare at it.


Don't forget to have white clothes in your wardrobe ?

Edited by Jowblob

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9 hours ago, SourceCodo said:

Who is the individual in the photo

Haidakhan babaji or a mahavatar from the current era with most evidence. Study this guy and all the witnesses of him and it will help you with god realization

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19 hours ago, Jowblob said:

This is only for experienced users that are already enlightened to some degree and know that they're god creating/manifesting their own solipsistic reality.

LOL. Perfect recitation of Leoisms. you get an A+.

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Nah, you're confused big homie. Permanent change in state is not going to be brought about by using psychedelics or not sleeping or anything like that. When you let go of everything and simply sit in your room for months, then you will reach home. It's simple when you know what you have to do and what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is simply coming back to your original nature. What do you have to do to come back to yourself? Nothing. You have to stop doing everything, and I mean everything, and then, wualia - you are enlightened. It takes a lot of wisdom to do that, though. When I am talking about completely letting go, I am saying that you have to let go of your family, friends, food, all entertainment, everything. Are you ready for that? It's actually nothing, all of the things in this world are valueless, and they are of no use. When you realize that, then letting them go won't seem like a sacrifice, but a natural decision. But do you realize that everything in this universe is one big hoax, here just to entrap you? I bet not. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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12 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Nah, you're confused big homie. Permanent change in state is not going to be brought about by using psychedelics or not sleeping or anything like that. When you let go of everything and simply sit in your room for months, then you will reach home. It's simple when you know what you have to do and what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is simply coming back to your original nature. What do you have to do to come back to yourself? Nothing. You have to stop doing everything, and I mean everything, and then, wualia - you are enlightened. It takes a lot of wisdom to do that, though. When I am talking about completely letting go, I am saying that you have to let go of your family, friends, food, all entertainment, everything. Are you ready for that? It's actually nothing, all of the things in this world are valueless, and they are of no use. When you realize that, then letting them go won't seem like a sacrifice, but a natural decision. But do you realize that everything in this universe is one big hoax, here just to entrap you? I bet not. 

You're so deeply stopping to do anything that you even stop stopping doing anything. Only then the chasm disappears. It's all perfect, even the Process itself! Always has been.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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22 minutes ago, vibv said:

You're so deeply stopping to do anything that you even stop stopping doing anything. Only then the chasm disappears. It's all perfect, even the Process itself! Always has been.

Wrong (as Trump likes to say). It's not all perfect. This universe has been designed to be imperfect for a very specific reason. If you see perfection in this universe, then you have a distorted vision. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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Just now, CoolDreamThanks said:

Wrong (as Trump likes to say). It's not all perfect. This universe has been designed to be imperfect for a very specific reason. If you see perfection in this universe, then you have a distorted vision. 

? alrighty then

It's Absolute Perfection. If you see it differently, more power to you ;)

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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4 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Nah, you're confused big homie. Permanent change in state is not going to be brought about by using psychedelics or not sleeping or anything like that. When you let go of everything and simply sit in your room for months, then you will reach home. It's simple when you know what you have to do and what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is simply coming back to your original nature. What do you have to do to come back to yourself? Nothing. You have to stop doing everything, and I mean everything, and then, wualia - you are enlightened. It takes a lot of wisdom to do that, though. When I am talking about completely letting go, I am saying that you have to let go of your family, friends, food, all entertainment, everything. Are you ready for that? It's actually nothing, all of the things in this world are valueless, and they are of no use. When you realize that, then letting them go won't seem like a sacrifice, but a natural decision. But do you realize that everything in this universe is one big hoax, here just to entrap you? I bet not. 

Be careful what you say, having god realization is taking up the control in the dream. Psychedelics are just a starting tool, deconstruction of reality starts with you taking control in your own mind like an AI. There is a member here that was recently in a psychedelic state from deconstructing reality for like 25-30 days, he admitted himself to psychward. And i almost did the same, but used my consciousness and will to get back to the ego state. 

You saying psychedelics can't be used a starting event to cause permanent change is you putting limits on yourself, which is hilarious. You have no clue what god is


Edited by Jowblob

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14 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Be careful what you say, having god realization is taking up the control in the dream. Psychedelics are just a starting tool, deconstruction of reality starts with you taking control in your own mind like an AI. There is a member here that was recently in a psychedelic state from deconstructing reality for like 25-30 days, he admitted himself to psychward. And i almost did the same, but used my consciousness and will to get back to the ego state. 

You saying psychedelics can't be used a starting event to cause permanent change is you putting limits on yourself, which is hilarious. You have no clue what god is


You guys are so messed up in this community.. Any real insights fly over your heads and you keep swollowing and recycling whatever Leo spat out. At least you will meet up in a psychward at some point and can continue the same discussions.

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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What community this is one Mind having fun with itself. Within itself as itself forever. Leave Jowblob be.

Edited by Jehovah increases

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