
Perverse incentives of the internet/online culture.

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   Great video about mental health and the problems of the internet/online cultures. Boycott Streamers and stop viewing stream content, and stop overconsuming social media sites passively, as it leads to various mental health problems like increases in narcissism, neuroticism, sociopathy/psychopathy like pathologies, false self images, inflation of self entitlements, increases in ADD/ADHD and mental unhealth. If you all will still view online/internet streamers, social media influencers, reduce.


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I couldn't watch the whole video, but I'll continue tomorrow.

So the biggest problems are how society defines mental health, competition and loneliness, separation from nature and togetherness, and most of all from nutrient deficiencies caused by fast food and soil mineral depletion, toxins and neurotoxins.

I have an interesting fast food solution that could compete with MC Donalds and KFC for you guys in the west. MCdonalds isn't that badt hough, it just needs to add a bit more veggies in those burgers.

So here it goes: red peppers cut in halves and paté smeared over them with dry or fresh persley spread on top. It is delicious! Put three of those together and sell them for a decent price. 

And here is a great business model idea so you don't have to rent expensive property:


PS: One day I really might have my own business selling food on the street. How great would that be? You travel and make a living.

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It's funny how the more conscious you become the less internet you consume. You just see how awful it all is, just to make a buck people do such stupid things and then think they are successful. Even the big start influencers are the same - STUPID. And the same goes when you get less conscious the more internet you consume thinking that you are getting somewhere with all this free info that you consume.

Thanks for the video ♥


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45 minutes ago, inFlow said:

the same goes when you get less conscious the more internet you consume thinking that you are getting somewhere with all this free info that you consume.

This is true. Thank you for writing this post.

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On 2023-09-20 at 1:09 PM, inFlow said:

It's funny how the more conscious you become the less internet you consume. You just see how awful it all is, just to make a buck people do such stupid things and then think they are successful. Even the big start influencers are the same - STUPID. And the same goes when you get less conscious the more internet you consume thinking that you are getting somewhere with all this free info that you consume.

Thanks for the video ♥

   You're welcome. Even Sam Harris deleted his twitter account, mindfully aware that it would piss off Elon Musk, Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman, knowing how much he hates Trumpism and what an example that'll set for some. He's like the trumpet that blows into the digital Twitter prison, shaking some awake from it's icy grips.

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On 2023-09-20 at 10:06 AM, at_anchor said:

I couldn't watch the whole video, but I'll continue tomorrow.

So the biggest problems are how society defines mental health, competition and loneliness, separation from nature and togetherness, and most of all from nutrient deficiencies caused by fast food and soil mineral depletion, toxins and neurotoxins.

I have an interesting fast food solution that could compete with MC Donalds and KFC for you guys in the west. MCdonalds isn't that badt hough, it just needs to add a bit more veggies in those burgers.

So here it goes: red peppers cut in halves and paté smeared over them with dry or fresh persley spread on top. It is delicious! Put three of those together and sell them for a decent price. 

And here is a great business model idea so you don't have to rent expensive property:


PS: One day I really might have my own business selling food on the street. How great would that be? You travel and make a living.

   It's a good idea, but!? The blonde haired blue hoodie customer, looking to his left at the cam, like he's disappointed or slight smirking. Just a strange resting bitch face at least. 

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@Danioover9000 lol It's a bit unwelcoming, but there are probably better structures similar to this one.<3

Edited by at_anchor

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On 2023-09-25 at 1:37 PM, at_anchor said:

@Danioover9000 lol It's a bit unwelcoming, but there are probably better structures similar to this one.<3

   I agree that there are higher quality structures. For example look at the discourse between Daniel Schmachtenberger and this self help YT guy:

   Solid and profound insights into personal development, and some on dating and sex. Compare and contrast this to this other debate of the online perverse incentivized internet structure:

   Low quality discourse, only interested in milking and farming drama, and bad faith and uncharitable takes for the views and clicks, very little good faith communication and a genuine desire and intent to reconcile between a conservative mind/position versus liberal mind/position. Very little want to understand the pros and cons from the religious stage blue/ some orange view of pre marital sex, marriage, and state involvement by Andrew's and Zen's side, although this side too is perversely incentivized to be sensational and chase views, versus Destiny and Alex, more liberal minded, more of a hardcore stage orange with some green, and tiny yellow from Destiny, more siding sexual liberation.

   Main problem is both sides are ignorant of developmental factors and developmental psychology. Both sides are incentivized to not understand in good will and good faith each other's arguments, both sides ignorant of value systems and stages of development, both sides ignorant of cognitive and moral development as well as cognitive and moral biases and preferences by their ego mind, both sides ignorant of personality types/traits for example Destiny is openness-conscientious-introverted-disagreeable-high neurotic and autistic minded, hyper logical which influences how he views sex, plus he farms drama from open ended relationships therefore biasing him to not be good faith to admit he as an arguer is compromised, and Andrew is more closed minded-conscientious-extroverted-agreeable/disagreeable-some neurotic lower than most there due to his conservative mind and bias and can joke more than the arguers there, both sides ignorant of consciousness levels and other developmental factors, how ideology in their minds distorts reality for them. This is all a consequence by the big tech companies like Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Tik Tok, and their social media formats and designs that all contributes to mental health issues, no wonder. 

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   Another example of online perverse incentives, and online debates/arguments being low tier and immature:

   Destiny, how about you go and address John Mearsheimer's argument for why Ukraine/Russia is the west's fault, instead of poisoning the well and character assassinating via his source is of Neo-Nazi bias? Go do that, instead of fucking farming drama! 

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   This one's a good one, how the perverse incentives of the internet normalizes these sexual deviant behaviors:


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