
Youtube going to censor anti-science health advice

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This dude is getting censored:

I never caught him giving shady advice but he kept pushing his bullshit products in every video.

He says Youtube is going to censor everybody who doesn't give mainstream advice under the banner of anti-science advice.

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"Dr." Eric Berg is a con-artist who sells more problems than solutions, I'm glad YouTube is finally pulling the plug on his channel.


there's a reason why he never accepts any of the debates that he is invited to, especially on medical twitter. 

I'm not sure how I feel about YouTube censoring every anti-science video though. YouTube hasn't exactly been known to be the best company ever with good values and morals. I can easily see some abuse to happen with that. 

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

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I never caught him giving shady advice 


MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

He says Youtube is going to censor everybody who doesn't give mainstream advice under the banner of anti-science advice.

That's horrifying. Mainstream health advice is horrendous and akin to a map leading to the cliff of your demise.

His advice is generally quite good, with the exception being that ketosis is not the optimal state for human performance. Neglecting the carbohydrate macronutrient will not render ideal endocrinological outcomes. The notion that carbohydrates are toxic is complete nonsense.

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2 hours ago, toasty7718 said:

"Dr." Eric Berg is a con-artist who sells more problems than solutions, I'm glad YouTube is finally pulling the plug on his channel.


there's a reason why he never accepts any of the debates that he is invited to, especially on medical twitter. 

I'm not sure how I feel about YouTube censoring every anti-science video though. YouTube hasn't exactly been known to be the best company ever with good values and morals. I can easily see some abuse to happen with that. 

Why do you say that he's a con artist. Also have you heard of Dr. Cass Ingram. He was banned from YT during covid, I believe, but he was into alternative medicine also. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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54 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@Jason Actualization keto is not working for me. I got low energy from it and low key constipation. 

Yeah, there is definitely an adaptation period that you could eventually get past, but I prefer being metabolically flexible by eating plenty of carbohydrates, but also being able to burn ketones by only eating twice daily without snacking in between.

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I think he gives out a lot of useful information whether you're on the keto diet or not. I wouldn't be surprised if they ban all Major Spiritual teachers and channels that are teaching people how to tap into their God power. Spiritual teachers watch out they're coming for you next.

It's the people who don't understand how systematic the world is and how it's a business and we are the ones who are unknowingly contributing to this business of consumerism who can make bans like these possible because it's not enough people who've recognize how money is being made off of our ignorance. 

People are waking up to certain things; and before it gets too mainstream, they will try to shut down those who are trying to empower us as a human species to not be so dependent on agencies and government to rule over certain things we should have been taught to rule over ourselves. 

Love is more powerful, though, and as long as we remain true to ourselves and our intentions and try to stay grounded in Truth, there can be no stopping that. I don't know about Dr Berg's agenda per se, nor any one of these natural health practitioners, but I can say for me personally, I have learnt a lot from them and I have stayed disease free up to this point, and have lived my life up to this point with no major health problems, and I can attribute that to the reluctance of the use of mainstream medicine. I usually go with a holistic approach and it has served me thus far. Even with my mental health, compared to a lot of people that I see suffering from mental health conditions. Not saying my conditions are perfect, but in comparison, I'm doing ok. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

People are waking up to certain things; and before it gets too mainstream, they will try to shut down those who are trying to empower us as a human species to not be so dependent on agencies and government to rule over certain things we should have been taught to rule over ourselves.


3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I don't know about Dr Berg's agenda per se, nor any one of these natural health practitioners, but I can say for me personally, I have learnt a lot from them and I have stayed disease free up to this point, and have lived my life up to this point with no major health problems, and I can attribute that to the reluctance of the use of mainstream medicine.

Likewise. Dr. Berg strikes be as the antithesis of nefarious, he seems quite well-intended and his information far outshines the mainstream medical paradigm. I have dispensed thousands of pharmaceuticals in my life, and I am 100% confident that I could coach any one of the such people dispensed to, how to reverse their chronic condition(s), primarily mediated via dietary changes.

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32 minutes ago, Jason Actualization said:

I have dispensed thousands of pharmaceuticals in my life, and I am 100% confident that I could coach any one of the such people dispensed to, how to reverse their chronic condition(s), primarily mediated via dietary changes.

You will probably need a disclaimer for making that statement and suggesting some type of home remedy and they will call you a Quack Doctor for making such claims when it would probably cure many. It's ridiculous.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 hours ago, undeather said:


The man is not that bad. He is better than 99% of other health gurus. In his defense, he popularized the keto diet and being cautious of excessive carbs but he basically has nothing else to talk about, lol. And he doesn't promote the whole anti pharma conspiracy theories. I think he has an overall good effect on people, he helped a lot lose weight and take good care of themselves.

PS: He has some good videos tbh, like that one about the difference between synth and natural vitamin C, the antiviral and anti-cancer benefits of garlic, etc.... I didn't catch him giving medically unreasonable advice other than that time he was discussing fasting for 20-30 days for cancer patients.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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On 9/17/2023 at 9:20 PM, Princess Arabia said:

You will probably need a disclaimer for making that statement and suggesting some type of home remedy and they will call you a Quack Doctor for making such claims when it would probably cure many. It's ridiculous.

Ridiculous, indeed. The modern medical establishment is a broken system that serves to keep civilians sick by prescribing chemical crutches that get forever leaned on, and don't allow one to ever embody an optimal, holistic state of health.

I've been a pharmacist for the past 5 years, but that time would have been better spent being a farmer, actually producing high quality food for folks on the front end, so they don't have to attempt to buy back their health pharmaceutically on the backend.

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dr. berg has helped so many of my health issues as well as my family's health issues. keto was the most helpful diet for me to be on while I was transitioning from being obese to a healthy weight and his videos helped me understand the diet and how to do it properly saved my life. every keto side effect you have, he has a video to address that issue including things like low energy and constipation which were also symptoms I experienced. unlike most doctors who prescribe antacids for acid reflux, Gerd and heartburn dr berg actually says the problem is that you don't have enough stomach acid which is why you should take apple cider vinegar or betaine HCL before a meal, this helped my friend and her parents get off of antacids which they used for decades. I have about 40 more personal examples how his advice helped people I know heal their health problems naturally instead of with pills.


I think it is terrible to be censoring information that does not agree with the world health organization. we have a right to research alternative methods of healing and do what we want with our bodies. this also extends to health advice that other ethnic groups support such as native American medicine, Ayurvedic, Chinese medicine etc. people have a right to be able to have access to alternative healthcare information 

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9 hours ago, iceprincess said:

I think it is terrible to be censoring information that does not agree with the world health organization. we have a right to research alternative methods of healing and do what we want with our bodies. this also extends to health advice that other ethnic groups support such as native American medicine, Ayurvedic, Chinese medicine etc. people have a right to be able to have access to alternative healthcare information 

100% this.

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On 20/09/2023 at 3:07 AM, iceprincess said:

I think it is terrible to be censoring information that does not agree with the world health organization. we have a right to research alternative methods of healing and do what we want with our bodies. this also extends to health advice that other ethnic groups support such as native American medicine, Ayurvedic, Chinese medicine etc. people have a right to be able to have access to alternative healthcare information 

It sounds simple, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. It’s really really bad if we have people confidently projecting their ideas on how cancer can be cured with salt mixtures and sugar pills. People die from this advice being handed out. 

It’s a tough job to decide where to draw the line but it does have to be drawn somewhere. If you want to find sources of alternative medicine you will always be able to do that, but it makes sense ethically (and from a PR perspective for a site like YT)  not to heavily promote health advice that is not rigorously confirmed to work.

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When is YT gonna censor materialist scientists and atheists for spreading misinformation?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@toasty7718 I thought he was an advocate of keto / intermittent fasting? Not sure how that is anti-science? And how does it make him a grifter?

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19 minutes ago, Alex M said:

@toasty7718 I thought he was an advocate of keto / intermittent fasting? Not sure how that is anti-science? And how does it make him a grifter?

I think the general consensus in science of what a healthy and balanced diet consists of is a diet rich of carbohydrates consisting of grains, fruits, veggies and legumes with low to moderate amounts of fat and protein. Making carbs the enemy is extremely against that consensus. 

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On the one hand I think this is very dangerous because for one as he said in the video the competition for opposing viewpoints won't be there any more, so that's a big paradigm lock and that's dangerous because nobody has a monopoly on truth and it can also be misused from the people who claim to have the truth because they can come up with bullshit which benefits them because critiques from opposing viewpoints are silenced. 

On the other hand I think this will actually help with overall help drastically. I think most of society isnt smart enough to actually think about topics like health seriously, they will just follow whatever paradigm they click on first. So chances are higher that they subscribe to a better paradigm when the paradigm of the World Health Organization is the one which suits most of society. 

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