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Hello, everyone, I hope you're doing well.

I've discovered my life's purpose, which is to express myself and share beauty with people through my voice. I've been fortunate enough to be accepted into a conservatory for opera singing, and I'm also part of a band while pursuing stand-up comedy. I naturally possess charisma and am considered a funny person.

However, about six months ago, I lost my voice, and unfortunately, it hasn't fully recovered since then. While I can still sing, I've lost the power and sparkle in my voice. The thought of not being able to perform in front of audiences due to my limited voice capacity has left me feeling depressed and stuck in a rut. I've lost hope, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to do anything. My passion for singing is deep, and I find myself crying almost every day because of it.

I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance you can offer. Thank you.

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Loss and grief are an inevitable part of the human experience, especially if you’re focusing on something you’re deeply passionate about.

I, too, share in your pain of untapped potential due to unfortunate circumstances, such as disability and personal upbringing. As a result, countless opportunities have passed me by, and I became “comfortable” in that seemingly unbreakable loop.

Don’t surrender yet. All is not loss. There is a deeper love for life that is yet to be discovered, and I’m not even talking about some profound Alien Love realization (that I’m sure you’ve heard about if you frequent this forum).

Focus on what you can do, at this stage of your life, even if it appears to be insignificant to yourself or other people. Gradually, you’ll rediscover the “magic” that is your life, albeit in ways you couldn’t have otherwise seen before. Take it one day at a time, and at your own pace. 

Wishing the best for you and I. You’re more than capable than you currently think!

I AM Lovin' It

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