
Life purpose fail :(

12 posts in this topic

Hello, everyone, I hope you're doing well.

I've discovered my life's purpose, which is to express myself and share beauty with people through my voice. I've been fortunate enough to be accepted into a conservatory for opera singing, and I'm also part of a band while pursuing stand-up comedy. I naturally possess charisma and am considered a funny person.

However, about six months ago, I lost my voice, and unfortunately, it hasn't fully recovered since then. While I can still sing, I've lost the power and sparkle in my voice. The thought of not being able to perform in front of audiences due to my limited voice capacity has left me feeling depressed and stuck in a rut. I've lost hope, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to do anything. My passion for singing is deep, and I find myself crying almost every day because of it.

I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance you can offer. Thank you.

Edited by kamill
better phrasing

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I feel sorry for you, man

Maybe you just happen to suck at taking care of your voice at the moment? Sounds like you started to follow your life purpose and using voice a lot but then didn't do much extra for taking care of it

Voice professionals usually go to huge length to nurture voice-related organs. Maybe you need to research how some veterans do it usually and steal some voice maintenance techniques

I know it sucks so much to be losing voice, but maybe don't panic yet, what have you tried?

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Can you find a coach to help you heal it? Or a technique, medicine or supplements?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Hello from Russia I tried everything doctors and all say I have nothing on vocal chords calcium injections pills exercises and I still feel it did not come fully back. 

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@kamill patience 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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22 hours ago, kamill said:

Hello, everyone, I hope you're doing well.

I've discovered my life's purpose, which is to express myself and share beauty with people through my voice. I've been fortunate enough to be accepted into a conservatory for opera singing, and I'm also part of a band while pursuing stand-up comedy. I naturally possess charisma and am considered a funny person.

However, about six months ago, I lost my voice, and unfortunately, it hasn't fully recovered since then. While I can still sing, I've lost the power and sparkle in my voice. The thought of not being able to perform in front of audiences due to my limited voice capacity has left me feeling depressed and stuck in a rut. I've lost hope, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to do anything. My passion for singing is deep, and I find myself crying almost every day because of it.

I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance you can offer. Thank you.

There is so much you can do. You either go and shark out the root cause of your voice problems and continue to heal it and not give up. If that is not possible you can learn an instrument, teach, manage people in the industry, compose for people, organize concepts for people to be inspired etc.

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12 hours ago, kamill said:

I realized Iam fucking victim holy shit

That is a good realization to have. Now you can reduce blaming external forces for your problems and move forward on solutions. One step at a time.


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20 hours ago, kamill said:

I realized Iam fucking victim holy shit


Stay strong

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@kamill  That's rough, my sympathies!

Life purpose goes deeper than any single concrete activity.

The 'essence' of how you are meant to share beauty with others is not tied to singing. It is an essence that can be abstracted and applied to any other concrete activity. It is a pattern.

One exercise I have done with a client is to focus in on that feeling of meaningfulness, when you share beauty with others through singing in your case, and then search for other times in life, short or long, that you've felt that same feeling.

This is to get a sense that it's not tied to its current expression.

  • What is it about singing that makes it deeply meaningful?
  • What is it about singing and its relation to other people that makes it feel right for you?
    Do they need to be mesmerized? Emotionally touched? Transported to a different world? Uplifted? Entertained?
    Is it about the feeling of you expressing yourself and your inner truth, or rather about you surrendering to a creative force that makes your ego step aside and lets magic flow through you?
    Is it about an experience of pure naked expression? Is it vulnerable or not?
    I'm just naming some things I can think of.
  • Try to describe as many facets of the experience of singing that makes it meaningful, then take away the singing part and see what else you can put in place of it.

Now you must hold on to that feeling and go on a search for new concrete ways to feel that.

If you woke up one day in an alternate reality where people didn't have voices and singing was not a thing, you would still be able to find your way to expressing your purpose.

Which could take a long time, but your purpose isn't lost.

Edited by flowboy

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Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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The voice is a delicate instrument & progress isn’t linear. Give yourself time to rest, time to breathe and time to practice. It’ll change and transform every step of the way & you need to let it be what it wants to be. 

Sometimes we are so critical with ourselves that we stifle the JOY that is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to play at our best. And keep in mind it isn’t possible to always play at your best. But the more you practice, the more it’ll fall into place.

Warm-ups and good technique goes without saying. No shouting obviously.

Plenty of water. Good sleep. No smoking. Healthy eating. Exercise.

How old are you and what’s the extent of your musical training?

Edit: If your voice hurts when you use it then it’s a code red. You need complete vocal rest for an extended period of time and ease back into it extra carefully.

If, as you say, it’s like you have lost power and sparkle but your voice is still there and it doesn’t hurt to use it in this way, then I’d actually encourage you to explore this “unpowerful” & perhaps “duller” sound that you find yourself with right now. I am suggesting a very open and non-judgmental investigation of the sounds that are actually coming out of you. You might find that you actually like them. And when your full range comes back(with adequate care, practice & rest) you might even want to retain some of that gnarlier tone that you’ve been feasting on. It’ll become another means of expression. More toys for you to play with. 


Edited by Rigel

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Thank you everyone @Rigel I have been classicly trained for around six years I am curretly 25. I used to hurt after i sang but the pain is coming down.

I think the best way is to sing a lot but with good technique.

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