
Russell Brand is being accused of rape

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@Leo Gura can you talk more about psychopath game sounds interesting. i don't know if it is because i am a psychopath or just because it's interesting in general. but i find this stuff very appealing. 

btw you think russell brand is a psychopath ?

Edited by Majed

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52 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

One time I heard Jeffy say, he could probably walk up to a random guy and just make out with him, and the guy would just accept it because it's so unexpected he would not know how to react and Jeffy would just steamroll him with his confidence. Psychopaths can get away with stuff like that.

Welp…. this clip makes a whole lotta sense now.


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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Jeffy's game doesn't work by being a dick. It works by being very charming, extroverted, fun, and bold.

If you met Jeffy in real life, as I have, you'd see he's a fun, charming guy. Less creepy than 90% of guys here.

Oke but at some point, he starts to swing his dick from the very first moment he meets a girl at his place? 

If he has such social skills and charisma isn't it easier to just be accommodating? But of course, he is a highly exceptional person, I do realize that. 

Edited by Vrubel

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3 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Being a dick is like being an actual “dick”. You just have to hang there and go erect when encounter femininity. Most guys cuck to get some only to end up being cucked. 

   Yes, please keep talking the red pill talk.

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35 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

I understand of course, It's just that it's a common misconception that you need to be a dick to get girls. But apparently being a dick only works if you're a psychopath, which most guys are not.

You can be a dick by playing hard to get. It’s a hard thing to do, but the best for the both of ya. Like making a spicy, creamy curry in a slow cooker.


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23 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

I often made the mistake of being too" courteous", "open-minded" and intellectual on dates where instead I just should have had expressed a strong stance. 

Never, ever try to correct a woman on a date.

You’re the student, and she’s the hot teacher. Got it??


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37 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Oke but at some point, he starts to swing his dick from the very first moment he meets a girl at his place? 

If he has such social skills and charisma isn't it easier to just be accommodating? But of course, he is a highly exceptional person, I do realize that. 

That was just one example. That doesn't mean that's his whole game.

You guys are being too black & white about this. No one is claiming that Russell Brand is whipping out his dick and raping every women he sees in the street.

When I tell you some extreme stories these are exceptional cases, not the norm. Just like Russell Brand whipping out his dick in public is an exceptional case. That's not a proper understanding of his game.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

You can be a dick by playing hard to get. It’s a hard thing to do, but the best for the both of ya. Like making a spicy, creamy curry in a slow cooker.

Playing such games will backfire. Even when girls play hard-to-get it's mostly out of insecurity and it backfires on them. Sure, some manipulations will always be involved but playing "elaborate" games will just cause the other person to move on.

5 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Never, ever try to correct a woman on a date.

You’re the student, and she’s the hot teacher. Got it??

It's not about correcting but about making a strong stance. It's good to disagree on an issue or two on dates. Girls just love when you have an opinion and you do not compromise on your stance to accommodate her. Shows that you're not slimy or wishy-washy and that your principles come first.

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26 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Yes, please keep talking the red pill talk.

You don’t understand the metaphor. It goes very “deep”. 

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1 minute ago, StarStruck said:

You don’t understand the metaphor. It goes very “deep”. 

   Of course I don't know, it's so deep you guys named it 'hypergamey' theory right?

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you met Jeffy in real life, as I have, you'd see he's a fun, charming guy. Less creepy than 90% of guys here

Yeah lmao. When I saw him live I thought he was hilarious and super charismatic. I would have literally never guessed that he did all that shit. Thats actually a crazy backstory though

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He's gettin' MeTooed hard.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I started feeling bad for the guy after knowing he has a family, maybe this is why he acted like this.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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2 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

I started feeling bad for the guy after knowing he has a family, maybe this is why he acted like this.

He's had an interview with Brené Brown and they were talking about if people were redeemable or not and Brene ask Russell if he believes whether or not people are trying their best and he said yes, he believes everyone on earth is trying their best.  

Despite of how people feel about RB, there are some evolved aspects of his being that most people that dislike him think about it.  Even before his whole news thing, I would say about half if not more people from the UK do not have a very good perspective of him.  I have spent many hours listening to him and even someone like Ben Shapiro which I disagree with on most things just to do an intellectual audit of myself.  

Most journalist that even dislike him have mostly agreed that youtubes and the BBC treatment of him is excessive for someone that hasn't even been charged of the crime let alone convicted.  They also feel that since it was so long ago, they these platforms should not hold against his past.  Most of us have been some combination of racist, homophobic and have done questionable things in our past.  

Its still too early to assume things looking back at the whole Amber Heard, Johnny Depp fiasco.  The correct information didn't come out until months after his life got cancelled.  

If people have been thrown in jail and even wrongfully executed for murder there's always room for doubt.  

Edited by Tanz

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On 9/20/2023 at 10:09 PM, LSD-Rumi said:

@Danioover9000 I personally expected his response to be much more bengin considering his spiritual tendencies. I expected him to say something along the lines of "I was an addict who did many stupid things. I might engaged in sexually inappropriate behaviors. I would like to sit with these women and discuss the details of the incidents".

I was quite surprised with the super defensive video he released. I don't follow his content tbh, maybe he is always like this.

I just got around watching some of the videos. You're actually quite right and I understand what you're saying. However keep in mind that his entire world has just collapsed, HIS ENTRIE WORLD. THE END. DEATH! Of course he doubles down on his (zen) devilry, that's how egos respond. 

Look at the fear in his last video, he seems totally beaten down

All your worth being attached to your image, it's just one of many reasons the entertainment business is so nasty. The power games and abuse are others, so here we see different sides of the same dirty coin. And that business attracts disturbed individuals, nothing new under the sun. 

If he stays off the internet for a few years he could make serious spiritual growth and admit his wrongdoings. 

Is anyone actually taking him to court? 

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In the future people won't have sex at all which will prevent these kinds of things from happening. Mark my words. 

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Oh and if you think this is big, this is nothing. There's still meetoos coming that are WAY bigger than Brand, you wouldn't believe. In that sense @Bobby_2021 is onto something.

Just my humble opinion of course. 

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1 hour ago, Butters said:

Oh and if you think this is big, this is nothing. There's still meetoos coming that are WAY bigger than Brand, you wouldn't believe. In that sense @Bobby_2021 is onto something.

Just my humble opinion of course. 

   the me too movement is a good movement.

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