
Russell Brand is being accused of rape

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38 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Damn, what you just described for Russel Brand is a cult leader, and cult like dynamics. Another reason why certain platforms of views are dangerous.

   Semi disagree with the ban part, maybe demonetized or shadow banned.

I wouldn't go as far to say he's a cult leader, but it is definitely a feature of modern times where there are 'leaders' who put themselves out there as a mouthpiece for a certain group of people. Even if they don't do it intentionally the leader naturally takes that role for their followers. So they have to be extra careful to avoid people following them in that manner and ideally show them how to think for themselves even if it means disagreement. Leo has talked about this before how he has to be so conscious of not turning this into a cult. 

Unfortunately because its fairly easy to do and because you can get a lot of fame, clout, validation and money from it a lot of leaders fall into the trap of stepping into cult territory. Because everything they say is celebrated by their audience, they can come to believe that they are always right. But it's not always a situation of the leader knowingly taking advantage of the followers, its almost a symbiotic relationship, in that the leader needs to give content that is going to please the followers and get more views. Brand didn't actually have a strong stand against vaccines initially but I believe he came to realise that a large part of his audience did. So his views evolved to become more and more anti-vaxx. So he has changed his audience but his audience has also changed him. 

Because of the Internet, youtube and social media, this dynamic is on steroids


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21 minutes ago, Consept said:

I wouldn't go as far to say he's a cult leader, but it is definitely a feature of modern times where there are 'leaders' who put themselves out there as a mouthpiece for a certain group of people. Even if they don't do it intentionally the leader naturally takes that role for their followers. So they have to be extra careful to avoid people following them in that manner and ideally show them how to think for themselves even if it means disagreement. Leo has talked about this before how he has to be so conscious of not turning this into a cult. 

Unfortunately because its fairly easy to do and because you can get a lot of fame, clout, validation and money from it a lot of leaders fall into the trap of stepping into cult territory. Because everything they say is celebrated by their audience, they can come to believe that they are always right. But it's not always a situation of the leader knowingly taking advantage of the followers, its almost a symbiotic relationship, in that the leader needs to give content that is going to please the followers and get more views. Brand didn't actually have a strong stand against vaccines initially but I believe he came to realise that a large part of his audience did. So his views evolved to become more and more anti-vaxx. So he has changed his audience but his audience has also changed him. 

Because of the Internet, youtube and social media, this dynamic is on steroids


   I also agree, because of social media, internet and online cultures, and the marketing/business/capitalistic incentives of the big tech companies, like Tik Tok, Twitter, Twitch, Kick, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms, their algorithms and A.I programs tailored and curate to user biases which enforces an echo chamber of ideologies, hijacks the limbic brain system of men, women and especially children using social media, auto beautifying algorithms creating false self image issues and narcissism/sociopathy/psychopathy like personality traits and disorders, how these algorithms increase ADD/ADHD because their formats hyper stimulate the brain to seek more novel and more dopamine from their content via scrolling and click bait titles and thumbnails, over sensationalized shorts and clips/edits that by design influences mass user desire for shorter sensational content. Overall these effect developmental factors negatively like value systems, cognition, morality, personality traits/types, ego development, limiting life experiences due to over use of 2d pixel screens versus outdoors 3d environments we're meant to interact with more than screens, regression of certain domains of mastery, life, societal and other lines of development, ideological falsehoods and beliefs indoctrinated/groomed/gas lighted by culture via digital platforms under culture warfare, narrative/ideological/political and information warfare, which most will effect your self biases and preferences making you think those are your values when they're mostly from others imposed onto your mind.

   Overall, these negative factors create perverse incentives that are mostly accidental, some maybe intended by design by other enemy cultures like Chin a with their Tik Tok. Russel Brand and his brand(no pun intended) in YT and other social media platforms contributes to this problem as well

   P.S The word also to describe this cult like dynamic is called 'para socialization' which is a particularly big problem with chatters and srreamers/reactors.

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   Zero empathy and shame, trying to milk as much attention as possible to his Channel, while pretending the accusations are not there:


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13 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Zero empathy and shame, trying to milk as much attention as possible to his Channel, while pretending the accusations are not there:


   In fact, I'm intuitively speculating here, after watching this video:

   I think he was partly baiting the media, the ITv4 channel to release that documentary, and is now spinning that gained attention he has from that rape accusation documentary, that increase in outraged voices, and taking advantage of YouTube's bad decision, and spin all this into some anti mainstream anti establishment talking points, just manipulative.

Edited by Danioover9000

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   It's like Russel Brand's newest rape now isn't the 4 women anymore, he can't no longer help himself but to now mind rape his audiences here. Mind slay them and fill them with BS anti mainstream talking points. It's psychological rape.

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22 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

 Zero empathy and shame, trying to milk as much attention as possible to his Channel, while pretending the accusations are not there:

It would be a bad idea for him to talk about the issue online (any lawyer would ask him not to address anything) and since he hasn't broke any guidelines officially yet there isn't anything youtube can do. Honestly a very small percentage of rape cases get convicted (in the UK its like 1%) because the court can't convict someone when there is reasonable doubt.  The one woman that reportedly got raped by him never filed a police report which is going to make the accusations hard to prove.  His Lawyer is going to give her a very hard time and the most painful part is if he did rape her and Russell doesn't get convicted she's going to fall into extreme depression.  The media will win because the successfully slowed down his growth, the girl will lose out because she's going to have to re-enact her trauma and get nothing for it.  

To put it in perspective Epstein's victims were going to the FBI to file a complaint over 20 years, several of them and when they did try to convict him it they werent successful until the last try.  

If Russell Brand were to hide in shame, that would make him seem more guilty.  Lets say he is guilty, the best thing he can do is continue to talk on his channel about the things that made him famous.  His fans will watch his content even more and ironically his channel might even grow.  The idiotic media did the same thing for Trump and they helped make him president because of the attention they gave him for free!

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45 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

he can't no longer help himself but to now mind rape his audiences

Dude, chill.

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27 minutes ago, Tanz said:

It would be a bad idea for him to talk about the issue online (any lawyer would ask him not to address anything) and since he hasn't broke any guidelines officially yet there isn't anything youtube can do. Honestly a very small percentage of rape cases get convicted (in the UK its like 1%) because the court can't convict someone when there is reasonable doubt.  The one woman that reportedly got raped by him never filed a police report which is going to make the accusations hard to prove.  His Lawyer is going to give her a very hard time and the most painful part is if he did rape her and Russell doesn't get convicted she's going to fall into extreme depression.  The media will win because the successfully slowed down his growth, the girl will lose out because she's going to have to re-enact her trauma and get nothing for it.


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Good points, i was thinking about this though in terms of, if the media doesnt bring something like this to the light who will?

Of course I'm not saying the media are some altruistic, looking out for the little guy entity, they want people to read and view their content so they can make more money. But there isn't really a strong enough incentive from other bodies to expose this type of thing, at least no one with the type of power the media has. The government and police are limited as we're seeing from the low conviction rate, maybe you'll get an independent youtube journalist or blogger reporting it but they're limited in budget and potentially their status. So putting yourself in the shoes of one of these women that got raped, what are your options, if your police report basically didnt get anywhere? You can only go to the media or agree to talk to them if the get in contact or you can let it go, that's pretty much it. 

The other point is that if the media doesn't report on it and it comes out that it's even worse they will get destroyed by public opinion and the public will lose trust in them. This I what happened with Jimmy Saville, the police never brought any formal charges to him and the media didn't do an expose while he was alive, the evidence available wouldn't have been far off Brands situation, in that it was allegations without any police reports as far as I know. The media was destroyed for protecting him as some would see it as the their duty to report this type of thing. Brands alleged crimes are nothing compared to Saville, but the point is the media is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, if they don't report, they're the bad guys and if they do report they're the bad guys. 

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2 hours ago, Tanz said:

It would be a bad idea for him to talk about the issue online (any lawyer would ask him not to address anything) and since he hasn't broke any guidelines officially yet there isn't anything youtube can do. Honestly a very small percentage of rape cases get convicted (in the UK its like 1%) because the court can't convict someone when there is reasonable doubt.  The one woman that reportedly got raped by him never filed a police report which is going to make the accusations hard to prove.  His Lawyer is going to give her a very hard time and the most painful part is if he did rape her and Russell doesn't get convicted she's going to fall into extreme depression.  The media will win because the successfully slowed down his growth, the girl will lose out because she's going to have to re-enact her trauma and get nothing for it.  

To put it in perspective Epstein's victims were going to the FBI to file a complaint over 20 years, several of them and when they did try to convict him it they werent successful until the last try.  

If Russell Brand were to hide in shame, that would make him seem more guilty.  Lets say he is guilty, the best thing he can do is continue to talk on his channel about the things that made him famous.  His fans will watch his content even more and ironically his channel might even grow.  The idiotic media did the same thing for Trump and they helped make him president because of the attention they gave him for free!

   So what are some solutions then, if Russel Brand is guilty but there's little interest in investigating him?

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1 hour ago, Consept said:


Good points, i was thinking about this though in terms of, if the media doesnt bring something like this to the light who will?

Of course I'm not saying the media are some altruistic, looking out for the little guy entity, they want people to read and view their content so they can make more money. But there isn't really a strong enough incentive from other bodies to expose this type of thing, at least no one with the type of power the media has. The government and police are limited as we're seeing from the low conviction rate, maybe you'll get an independent youtube journalist or blogger reporting it but they're limited in budget and potentially their status. So putting yourself in the shoes of one of these women that got raped, what are your options, if your police report basically didnt get anywhere? You can only go to the media or agree to talk to them if the get in contact or you can let it go, that's pretty much it. 

The other point is that if the media doesn't report on it and it comes out that it's even worse they will get destroyed by public opinion and the public will lose trust in them. This I what happened with Jimmy Saville, the police never brought any formal charges to him and the media didn't do an expose while he was alive, the evidence available wouldn't have been far off Brands situation, in that it was allegations without any police reports as far as I know. The media was destroyed for protecting him as some would see it as the their duty to report this type of thing. Brands alleged crimes are nothing compared to Saville, but the point is the media is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, if they don't report, they're the bad guys and if they do report they're the bad guys. 

   It's a tricky situation for sure, but it's just sad to see the Russel Brand comment section, and similar Channels, they sound like fanboys. Do they realize that if there's a small chance Russel is guilty, that they were supporting a criminal?

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2 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Do they realize that if there's a small chance Russel is guilty, that they were supporting a criminal?

Anyone could be a criminal, including you. You could make anonymous allegations against anyone. People support him because they feel represented by him speaking against corporate tyranny and endless wars. 

And even when he ventures into conspiracy theories, corporate media has no tools to counter it because they are part of the problem


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@Leo Gura

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Dude, chill.

   I was a bit harsh calling Russel Brand's marketing his Channel as mind raping the audience. Maybe ideological proliferation, assimilation, and mind slaying his viewers to not critically and independently think for themselves?


1 hour ago, Juan said:

For real @Danioover9000.

   I'm chilling. 

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5 minutes ago, Tobia said:


Anyone could be a criminal, including you. You could make anonymous allegations against anyone. People support him because they feel represented by him speaking against corporate tyranny and endless wars. 

And even when he ventures into conspiracy theories, corporate media has no tools to counter it because they are part of the problem


   I can't relate, or empathize or have little understanding with why they would feel represented by Russel Brand. Even before the allegations, in the past I don't like him, there's little attraction or little likability, he's too feminine and weird to me. After the allegations, that's enough for me to not like him at all, and it's sad to see he's got a growing following lapping his takes.

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   Another perspective from a streamer. Know I know YT demonetized him, they didn't take his channel down.

Edited by Danioover9000

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If it's a conspiracy against him for his views, why isn't for example Joe Rogan getting the same treatment? I'm sure he has been with multiple women too. If it was that easy to get false allegations for Brand, why wouldn't it be for Rogan too, and shut another truth-teller about vaccines and stuff?

I'm sorry, but the investigation seems consistent. The guy was a monster. He may have embraced a spiritual route last years, I'm sure he has improved, but the girls he hurt are allowed to come back from his past and not be fine.

YouTube did well according to their guidelines because it's not only about content. If a creator damages their corporate image with their life apart from the videos, they can and should take measures. To put an extreme example, if a serial killer of children would upload party song videos, wouldn't YouTube be allowed to demonetize or cut his content just because his videos are okay? Hell no, fuck him, banned, and so his content and videos. Elon Musk would be glad to show them in X anyway.

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X, where a child killer feels at home.


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