
Russell Brand is being accused of rape

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@Danioover9000 There’s a good chance that one of my distant relatives was a rapist. It would be difficult to know for sure, since my family culture did a phenomenal job hiding dirty secrets. 

I’m not saying you won’t go through hardships. I’m saying that it’s not the end of the story.


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15 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Leo Gura

   Just why? Is there something in the food or water or air in Las Vegas that makes men even hornier and crazier? Was it the radiation from the nuclear testing sites? Just what is up with that place?

   I don't know, Las Vegas is definitely a special strange place. Please stay safe Leo.

He's from San Fran, not Vegas.

When he was a teen his father raped his mother with a shotgun, tortured her, and killed her. He caught her cheating on him. He tortured and killed the guy too. It was a big news story back in the 90's.

Jeffy turned into quite the character as a result.

Jeffy has an insane autobiography which you can read called Nine Ball. It details all his crazy abusive sex adventures.

Edited by Leo Gura

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Weirdly worded question, better worded like this:

*How does Jeffy's method work exactly?


3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Act like a wild psychopath until you finally badger her into sex.

Jeffy would do stuff like invite a girl over for the first time to his house, walk out naked, and just say, "LET'S FUCK!" And just keep saying it over and over again until she finally relented. Then spray her with a garden hose as she leaves his house.

God damn it, that's really weird and i follow RSD teachings for more than 10 years now and i still get surprised by how creepy things can get when you live in this PUA bubble.

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19 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

God damn it, that's really weird and i follow RSD teachings for more than 10 years now and i still get surprised by how creepy things can get when you live in this PUA bubble.

You don't even know the half of it.

I know a PUA coach who wanted to install a commercial grade radar jammer into his high-rise condo to scamble girls' phones so they could not text their friends. Until he was informed that radar jamming phone signals is a serious crime.

This same guy would also secretly film his coaching students having sex. Which is a crime.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Act like a wild psychopath until you finally badger her into sex.

Jeffy would do stuff like invite a girl over for the first time to his house, walk out naked, and just say, "LET'S FUCK!" And just keep saying it over and over again until she finally relented. Then spray her with a garden hose as she leaves his house.

How is that even possible? I never invite girls to my town, let alone my house for the first time (always to the big city nearby). What kind of girl would tolerate such shit from a guy she has zero connection with? I lost girls for all kinds of little faux pas, and he gets away with that!? 

Also Brand seems to have some serious charm and social skills so why would he use such an insane style?

Edited by Vrubel

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@Vrubel Jeffy also has serious charm and social skills. Charm is how you get away with stuff like that.

Girls are easily attracted to psychopaths and narcissists.

It's a lot easier to get away with stuff like that if you are also handsome, which both of them are. If a guy is really handsome he can treat girls badly and they will be attracted even more.

One of the reasons a psychopath gets away with stuff like that is because his behavior is so bold that people just go along with it.

One time I heard Jeffy say, he could probably walk up to a random guy and just make out with him, and the guy would just accept it because it's so unexpected he would not know how to react and Jeffy would just steamroll him with his confidence. Psychopaths can get away with stuff like that.

Jeffy would go to a club dressed in a furry costume, start dancing with a random girl, and then just whip his dick out in the middle of the dancefloor and stick it inside her while she danced.

That's psychopath kinda game.

Jeffy has a term for it: "the audacity of boldness".

One time his friend was smuggling drugs through the airport when the police showed up with a drug dog. So he ran to greet and pet the drug dog. The dog started barking at the drugs it smelled on his body. But the cop was fooled into thinking this guy was just some dimwit playing with the dog and yanked the dog away.

Warning: If you try to do this kind of stuff and you're not a psychoapth then you will probably just get arrested. A psychopath has the personality and style to pull it off. A normie doesn't.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

He's from San Fran, not Vegas.

When he was a teen his father raped his mother with a shotgun, tortured her, and killed her. He caught her cheating on him. He tortured and killed the guy too. It was a big news story back in the 90's.

Jeffy turned into quite the character as a result.

Jeffy has an insane autobiography which you can read called Nine Ball. It details all his crazy abusive sex adventures.

His father didn’t kill his mother or her lover, they lived after that.

Edited by Raze

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3 minutes ago, Raze said:

His father didn’t kill his mother or her lover, they lived after that.

I thought he killed them.

You can read his autobiography for the full story.

Edited by Leo Gura

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Vrubel Jeffy also has serious charm and social skills. Charm is how you get away with stuff like that.

Girls are easily attracted to psychopaths and narcissists.

It's a lot easier to get away with stuff like that if you are also handsome, which both of them are. If a guy is really handsome he can treat girls badly and they will be attracted even more.

One of the reasons a psychopath gets away with stuff like that is because his behavior is so bold that people just go along with it.

One time I heard Jeffy say, he could probably walk up to a random guy and just make out with him, and the guy would just accept it because it's so unexpected he would not know how to react and Jeffy would just steamroll him with his confidence. Psychopaths can get away with stuff like that.

Jeffy would go to a club dressed in a furry costume, start dancing with a random girl, and then just whip his dick out in the middle of the dancefloor and stick it inside her while she danced.

That's psychopath kinda game.

Jeffy has a term for it: "the audacity of boldness".

You have Psychopath game and normal game. In normal game you're respectful. Because being a dick does not work if you're a decent person who had a good upbringing. 

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Just now, Vrubel said:

You have Psychopath game and normal game. In normal game you're respectful. Because being a dick does not work if you're a decent person who had a good upbringing. 

I am not suggesting you do psychopath game. I'm just giving context for Russell Brand's style.

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2 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

You have Psychopath game and normal game. In normal game you're respectful. Because being a dick does not work if you're a decent person who had a good upbringing. 

   What about sociopath game? Like Destiny?

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@Leo Gura I understand of course, It's just that it's a common misconception that you need to be a dick to get girls. But apparently being a dick only works if you're a psychopath, which most guys are not.

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1 minute ago, Vrubel said:

@Leo Gura I understand of course, It's just that it's a common misconception that you need to be a dick to get girls. But apparently being a dick only works if you're a psychopath, which most guys are not.

   In another context, being a dick just means being more confident and even ambitious to a potential date. It's like amplifying yourself to build the courage, I think because most men are scared to approach women, and have neediness from the fear.

   Obviously being a dick, like Russell Brand and Jeffy, is psychopathic game

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15 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

@Leo Gura I understand of course, It's just that it's a common misconception that you need to be a dick to get girls. But apparently being a dick only works if you're a psychopath, which most guys are not.

Jeffy's game doesn't work by being a dick. It works by being very charming, extroverted, fun, and bold.

If you met Jeffy in real life, as I have, you'd see he's a fun, charming guy. Less creepy than 90% of guys here.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Girls just want a guy with a strong frame. I don’t get why you guys make a rocket science out of it. 

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@Danioover9000 I am not familiar with Destiny or his style. I had experiences where I was in a grey zone. I almost made a girl lose her flight because I was being selfish, not taking her agenda into proper consideration. I did not do the right thing by causing her extra stress and felt bad for it. Also, I didn't get laid then because she could sense that I was hesitant about my actions.  


2 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   In another context, being a dick just means being more confident and even ambitious to a potential date. It's like amplifying yourself to build the courage, I think because most men are scared to approach women, and have neediness from the fear.

   Obviously being a dick, like Russell Brand and Jeffy, is psychopathic game

Sure, have masculine energy! With that energy, you can be a dangerous man but at the same time you got it under control and you don't need to act needlessly like a dick. 
I notice that in cultures where there is a bigger contrast between men and women, like in Eastern Europe. It's custom for the man to behave like a gentleman towards a woman. Why? because the man does not need to prove his masculinity, because it's most likely already there. He needs to prove that he can take care of her. 

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10 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Girls just want a guy with a strong frame. I don’t get why you guys make a rocket science out of it. 

Haha Yes! no intellectual philosophizing. You have a stance, state it and make it clear that you're ready to chop off the head of anybody that disagrees with you.

I often made the mistake of being too" courteous", "open-minded" and intellectual on dates where instead I just should have had expressed a strong stance. 

Edited by Vrubel

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4 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

@Danioover9000 I am not familiar with Destiny or his style. I had experiences where I was in a grey zone. I almost made a girl lose her flight because I was being selfish, not taking her agenda into proper consideration. I did not do the right thing by causing her extra stress and felt bad for it. Also, I didn't get laid then because she could sense that I was hesitant about my actions.  


Sure, have masculine energy! With that energy, you can be a dangerous man but at the same time you got it under control and you don't need to act needlessly like a dick. 
I notice that in cultures where there is a bigger contrast between men and women, like in Eastern Europe. It's custom for the man to behave like a gentleman towards a woman. Why? because the man does not need to prove his masculinity, because it's most likely already there. He needs to prove that he can take care of her. 

   Ah, Destiny is the online gamer/streamer, debatebro guy, argues politics, you know the guy? Well, he's in an open relationship and dates multiple women, and in the past did admit he's a sociopath, so he definitely made some sociopathic date style. I mean it's actually fascinating how organically he can create and farm drama for his content, but also date some of those women.

   Yes, I will develop Banshee like powers, tap into that masculine side of me, drive all the psychos away from me.

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9 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Girls just want a guy with a strong frame. I don’t get why you guys make a rocket science out of it. 

   That's also true, partly. Where the rocket science part just comes from what ifs, especially around accusations.

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4 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Haha Yes! no intellectual philosophizing. You have a stand, state it and make it clear that you're ready to chop off the head of anybody that disagrees with you.

I often made the mistake of being too" courteous", "open-minded" and intellectual on dates where instead I just should have had expressed a strong stance. 

Being a dick is like being an actual “dick”. You just have to hang there and go erect when encounter femininity. Most guys cuck to get some only to end up being cucked. 

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