
Russell Brand is being accused of rape

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6 minutes ago, Alex M said:

Or she was still in the bedroom.

You’d think she’d have heard or that would have put him off though… but I don’t have the brain of a rapist so who knows.

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Or... Russell's friend was a donkey.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura

6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Or... Russell's friend was a donkey.

   It could have been a horse. Who knows what you imagine when you're that drunk and high on coca cola.

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Or... Russell's friend was a donkey.

 ????. This is the funniest gag I’ve ever heard from you. 

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This thread is pretty much becoming pointless as the Tate one.  Many people have their minds fixed on the whole situation.  We will have to all see what the conclusion of the whole situation will be in the next coming weeks to months.  

Bidens accuser(s) have stepped forward, I wonder how British law works because if these women step forward and expose themselves I can see their lives going for a rollercoaster.  Maybe Monica Lewinski sues Bill Clinton and that makes the news too.  

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


The issue is that Brand's YT content has nothing to do with sexual assault. What he did 10 years ago is not relevant to his YT channel today.

Of course it is. His anti mainstream media content is why they launched a massive investigation into his sex life to find any bad behaviour. How do you think they knew about these women? These women didn’t come to channel 4. Channel 4 went in search of them. 

Edited by How to be wise

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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16 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

Of course it is. His anti mainstream media content is why they launched a massive investigation into his sex life to find any bad behaviour. How do you think they knew about these women? These women didn’t come to channel 4. Channel 4 went in search of them. 

This doesnt really work, his anti-mainstream/conspiracy stuff only really started coming out during the pandemic. Channel 4 started their investigation at least 4 years ago if not more, at the time he was more critical of the right and had previously been more aligned to the Labour Party (equivalent to the Democrats). 

Also apparently everyone knew about his bad behavior, there were stories written about this in the media but he couldn't be named because of the defamation laws which is why they had to get significant evidence before naming him. 

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1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

Of course it is. His anti mainstream media content is why they launched a massive investigation into his sex life to find any bad behaviour. How do you think they knew about these women? These women didn’t come to channel 4. Channel 4 went in search of them. 

Dude, journalists investigate corrupt people all the time. That's their job. Especially after #MeToo.

Russell Brand is just another #MeTop creep who abused his power for sex. That's all this is.

Journalists will always seek to investigate powerful people who abuse their power for sex. Russell Brand is not the little guy being abused by the elite, he is the elite who abused little women and now it finally came to light.

Brand is lucky that he could keep all this in the dark for so long.

Edited by Leo Gura

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I very much dislike Brand's politics, but he should not be penalized for them unless he violates clear YT guidelines.

That’s why they’re called guidelines; not laws. 

The bigger question to ponder upon is how does Google handle reports of sexual abuses within their own company culture? 



Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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I wonder when we’re all going to finally get bored talking about this? Xx

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2 minutes ago, Seed said:

I wonder when we’re all going to finally get bored talking about this? Xx

Don’t be myopic. This is a serious issue that has been kept silent for far too long.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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  1. 1 minute ago, Yimpa said:

    Don’t be myopic. This is a serious issue that has been kept silent for far too long.

    I was joking…. ? 

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28 minutes ago, Seed said:
  1. I was joking…. ? 

   I know right? Feels like this thread has run it's course, so we'll see if he's officially charged and investigated...?

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19 minutes ago, Seed said:


It's cute how he cloaks himself in the anti-corpo narrative.

Yes, corporations are scummy. But that does not in any way account for Russell Brand's sexual scumminess.

See, in this case the BBC actually cares more about women than Russell Brand did when he worked for them.

There is nothing unique about mainstream corps pushing narratives. Russell Brand and his ilk also push narratives, and often more dangerous and untruthful ones.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Seed said:


   All I can say, is pompous inbred galloping swine. SO...let me be all posh, dress in white and purity, ramble on via scripted body language and tonality, all calm, about anti mainstream and anti establishment, how the UK government has canceled and censored me(YouTube mate), big tech companies, deep state and corporate collusion, democracy is fake(Don't care for big word salads), big pharma, military industrial complex laundering money via wars, BIG PHARMA INFLUENCE! Media corruption and censorship. Let me talk all that while AVOIDING TALKING ABOUT THE RAPE ALLEGATIONS!

   Clearly to me, he's now likelier to be guilty of those allegations, I am more certain now, am intuitively getting that feeling he's guilty. He can talk circles all he wants, he can try to manipulate the framing, but he can't avoid talking about the rape allegations. It's on now mate, I hope they actually follow up with a charge.


Edited by Danioover9000

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's cute how he cloaks himself in the anti-corpo narrative.

Yes, corporations are scummy. But that does not in any way account for Russell Brand's sexual scumminess.

See, in this case the BBC actually cares more about women than Russell Brand did when he worked for them.

There is nothing unique about mainstream corps pushing narratives. Russell Brand and his ilk also push narratives, and often more dangerous and untruthful ones.

off he goes for a rumble in the jungle….

Clearly just carrying on as usual then with his show  as if none of this is happening.



Edited by Seed

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13 minutes ago, Seed said:

off he goes for a rumble in the jungle….

Clearly just carrying on as usual then with his show  as if none of this is happening.



   Yes, exactly, trying to sweep under the rug the allegations of rape by those 4 women, and maybe more. At least he has the human decency to manipulate with a white pure shirt, and romantic candle lighting.

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