De Sade

I found a great site discussing Solipsism/Non - Duality/God - Realization

51 posts in this topic

I presume that's the seconds version of it,since the first version (this one) got deleted(?) >>> (Not working).

It has helped a lot with God - Realization,i think you should try.

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 Look at your parents, they are standing right in front of you. Now look away from them… they no longer exist.


I experienced this from the article, during the trip. They moved away from my sight to the kitchen, and suddenly all the noise/sound was gone and didn't see them. Then i panicked and started looking for them and they suddenly manifested somewhere else. In that consciousness state it was clear that i was manifesting them somehow. Very scary, and in that consciousness state you truly realize how much you love this life and how much you love everyone including your parents because there is nobody.



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@De Sade I read jamiiforum. I somehow feel like he watched leo's Videos and grasped it intellectualy but not deeply and is parroting him.

Also he is not consistent with his solipsistoc bubble: He explained at the beginning how nothing exist if you dont observe it and then talks about if you eat meat, you kill indirectly because somebody killed the animal and this will be an imprint your DNA and make you fall apart. He believes in eastern Karma. But no animal is killed,  if you speak of his  solipsism Version before. If you dont observe it doesnt exist


"I do currently own and use an iPhone. I am aware that factory workers who make iPhones have killed themselves due to the work conditions. Will this make me grow old and die? I hope not" How can he say this when he writes at the beginning that nothing exist outside your bubble and there is no one really suffering only if it is in Front of you? 


"Realize what is really happening, your DNA doesn't actually exist right at this moment. There is no way that you can directly observe or sense your DNA. It only comes into existence if DNA sequencing is performed on you. Since your DNA doesn't exist, it's not your DNA that is making you grow old; YOU are making you grow old. The telomere shortening in your DNA is simply how making yourself grow old expresses itself physically. You are, in essence, punishing yourself."

But according to his solipsism explained in Beginning also this thelomere shortening should not happrn because it's not in your direct consciousness. 



Edited by OBEler

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I haven't read much yet what has been said in the article, but most of it makes sense and i have experienced it on LSD. That's why i'm not doing 5 meo dmt, maybe at the old age only. As i believe it's the true ego death pill and you leave this dream forever. I've experienced semi eternal time on lsd in the ego, can't imagine what's gonna be like on 5 meo dmt.


Funny fact: I tried to do 5 meo dmt with a very close friend, and i've noticed that he said he wanted to do it really bad. But always when the day came, he would make up the most redicilous excuses like:  I'm saying for example: I'm coming over to your house after i take shower, then after shower he suddenly says : My mom told me to drive her to a city cuz her friend died. Then another day he says: Yeah we can do it on saturday i'm free that day. Then suddenly he says: I have people coming over on saturday to work on my kitchen. And it kept going like that, that i eventually blocked him.

It was pretty obvious that he was a reflection of me as God, and that i wasn't truly ready to go and so on.  I have many more examples of this


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28 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@De Sade I read jamiiforum. I somehow feel like he watched leo's Videos and grasped it intellectualy but not deeply and is parroting him.

Also he is not consistent with his solipsistoc bubble: He explained at the beginning how nothing exist if you dont observe it and then talks about if you eat meat, you kill indirectly because somebody killed the animal and this will be an imprint your DNA and make you fall apart. He believes in eastern Karma. But no animal is killed,  if you speak of his  solipsism Version before. If you dont observe it doesnt exist


"I do currently own and use an iPhone. I am aware that factory workers who make iPhones have killed themselves due to the work conditions. Will this make me grow old and die? I hope not" How can he say this when he writes at the beginning that nothing exist outside your bubble and there is no one really suffering only if it is in Front of you? 


"Realize what is really happening, your DNA doesn't actually exist right at this moment. There is no way that you can directly observe or sense your DNA. It only comes into existence if DNA sequencing is performed on you. Since your DNA doesn't exist, it's not your DNA that is making you grow old; YOU are making you grow old. The telomere shortening in your DNA is simply how making yourself grow old expresses itself physically. You are, in essence, punishing yourself."

But according to his solipsism explained in Beginning also this thelomere shortening should not happrn because it's not in your direct consciousness. 



YOU are making you grow old. All is me, there is only me, I do everthing/nothing and so on...


Youre assuming that. How could i possibly manifest dna, or the universe or people in a real way, in a illusionary way, in any sort of existance or thr illusion of existance without any knowledge or awareenes of how Im doing it...


So Im concluding that im not doung it...


If I as a humas paint a picture, i Know how and why Im doing it what techique im using and so on... there is no way that im manifesting humans and the universe without having any clue how im I doing it and without having evan a clue that Im doing it...


Non duality is the most assuming dogmatic movement that there is...

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He did a good job but at a certain point I can tell he is just b.sing. For example he demonizes eating meat and says that it probably leads to you aging. So one instance he makes the argument that nothing happens if you don't observe it but then says you are responsible if you eat the meat. Okay we can take that argument...but plants are living things. You would have to swear off eating right using that argument.

But then...what about the bacteria your body naturally kills, that is life truthfully to transcend death using his argument you would have to leave the physical body because as long as you have a physical body you will always kill something. Hell when you walk you step on bugs all the time without knowing. 

What he doesn't that whole logical argument he presented....was b.s. lol. He did a good job of explaining a lot of stuff for people who are having trouble conceptualizing in their head certain things. But I can tell he has not actually done it. He is soberly trying to imagine it which is fine...but he needs to do the work.

The most important parts of his essay though is overcoming self-judgment but he doesn't understand what that actually means. It means removing ALL BIAS. A creator has no bias. For example the people who create the Marvel Avengers have no bias against all the murder and violence they create in their stories. Why? Because it doesn't happen to them. As a result they can write story after story of galaxies and large swaths of people being destroyed and notice...they don't judge themselves for doing it. Only the creations in the story will judge God and say...what kind of evil God would make all these Galactic Threats keep attacking Earth?

Be glad that humans aren't wielding God-like power over your life...otherwise life would be much harder than you think LOL.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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44 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@De Sade I read jamiiforum. I somehow feel like he watched leo's Videos and grasped it intellectualy but not deeply and is parroting him.

Also he is not consistent with his solipsistoc bubble: He explained at the beginning how nothing exist if you dont observe it and then talks about if you eat meat, you kill indirectly because somebody killed the animal and this will be an imprint your DNA and make you fall apart. He believes in eastern Karma. But no animal is killed,  if you speak of his  solipsism Version before. If you dont observe it doesnt exist


"I do currently own and use an iPhone. I am aware that factory workers who make iPhones have killed themselves due to the work conditions. Will this make me grow old and die? I hope not" How can he say this when he writes at the beginning that nothing exist outside your bubble and there is no one really suffering only if it is in Front of you? 


"Realize what is really happening, your DNA doesn't actually exist right at this moment. There is no way that you can directly observe or sense your DNA. It only comes into existence if DNA sequencing is performed on you. Since your DNA doesn't exist, it's not your DNA that is making you grow old; YOU are making you grow old. The telomere shortening in your DNA is simply how making yourself grow old expresses itself physically. You are, in essence, punishing yourself."

But according to his solipsism explained in Beginning also this thelomere shortening should not happrn because it's not in your direct consciousness.

In case you haven't noticed (or maybe you have now): Solipsism is inherently self-contradictory.

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4 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

In case you haven't noticed (or maybe you have now): Solipsism is inherently self-contradictory.

How so?

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@De Sade I read jamiiforum. I somehow feel like he watched leo's Videos and grasped it intellectualy but not deeply and is parroting him.

Also he is not consistent with his solipsistoc bubble: He explained at the beginning how nothing exist if you dont observe it and then talks about if you eat meat, you kill indirectly because somebody killed the animal and this will be an imprint your DNA and make you fall apart. He believes in eastern Karma. But no animal is killed,  if you speak of his  solipsism Version before. If you dont observe it doesnt exist


"I do currently own and use an iPhone. I am aware that factory workers who make iPhones have killed themselves due to the work conditions. Will this make me grow old and die? I hope not" How can he say this when he writes at the beginning that nothing exist outside your bubble and there is no one really suffering only if it is in Front of you? 


"Realize what is really happening, your DNA doesn't actually exist right at this moment. There is no way that you can directly observe or sense your DNA. It only comes into existence if DNA sequencing is performed on you. Since your DNA doesn't exist, it's not your DNA that is making you grow old; YOU are making you grow old. The telomere shortening in your DNA is simply how making yourself grow old expresses itself physically. You are, in essence, punishing yourself."

But according to his solipsism explained in Beginning also this thelomere shortening should not happrn because it's not in your direct consciousness. 



I am just speculating because in all honesty didn't read the article, but just because there is no animal suffering happening in our POV doesn't necesarrily mean that there is no karma.

I personaly have no stance on this issue, and ever since glimpsing Solipsism I actually started eating more meat, BUT just as Leo emphasized that there are still consequences within the dream, maybe he is pointing to the same relative issue.

Just like being mean to people can have consequences on your reality, even though they do not really suffer, so can eating meat.



37 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

Okay we can take that argument...but plants are living things. You would have to swear off eating right using that argument.

Vegans usually do not equate suffering of intelligent animals such as cows (which clearly show emotion) to suffering of plants and bacteria, which seems reasonable to me.

And even if we wanted to minimize exploitation of plants, we should stop eating meat, because most of plants are used as food for animals to later kill, which is inneficient conversion rate.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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@Arthogaan no he said animals suffer because of you eating their meat and their suffering is imprinted into the dna and  so on. Also he said it's not good. 


This whole article is a collection of different copy pasted sources, you can see that on topic change with no link to previous. First solipsism, then converting you into a vegan. Then explaining reality again but total different than at beginning (copy paste from leo's infinity of gods?) . he realized nothing really. This article is unstructured, It's all a big contradiction with sometimes good examples (copy pasted of course) . 

Edited by OBEler

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The only thing i don't really understand (and don't really care tbh) is the "physical immortality". I mean,the physical doesn't even exist,and there's nothing special about this specific body (aprt from being perfect).

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@De Sade I read jamiiforum. I somehow feel like he watched leo's Videos and grasped it intellectualy but not deeply and is parroting him.

Also he is not consistent with his solipsistoc bubble: He explained at the beginning how nothing exist if you dont observe it and then talks about if you eat meat, you kill indirectly because somebody killed the animal and this will be an imprint your DNA and make you fall apart. He believes in eastern Karma. But no animal is killed,  if you speak of his  solipsism Version before. If you dont observe it doesnt exist


"I do currently own and use an iPhone. I am aware that factory workers who make iPhones have killed themselves due to the work conditions. Will this make me grow old and die? I hope not" How can he say this when he writes at the beginning that nothing exist outside your bubble and there is no one really suffering only if it is in Front of you? 


"Realize what is really happening, your DNA doesn't actually exist right at this moment. There is no way that you can directly observe or sense your DNA. It only comes into existence if DNA sequencing is performed on you. Since your DNA doesn't exist, it's not your DNA that is making you grow old; YOU are making you grow old. The telomere shortening in your DNA is simply how making yourself grow old expresses itself physically. You are, in essence, punishing yourself."

But according to his solipsism explained in Beginning also this thelomere shortening should not happrn because it's not in your direct consciousness. 



I think that not even your visual field is real. Even something that happens in your solipstic bubble is not real.Because if it die,that would imply that something "happened",or that something is "real",as if just SOME little things here and there are but most don't,and i think none are.

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@De Sade then think so, but if you are honest it's just mental masturbation and you know nothing. You create your own theory about reality with your limited brain and reading your comments is funny because I can see through your comment that you just  intellectualize and conceputalize about some other who intellectualize and conceputalize who have it from someon who really awakened. 

How about really experience for yourself whats  true? And then based on that you can intellectualize? 

Edited by OBEler

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52 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Arthogaan no he said animals suffer because of you eating their meat and their suffering is imprinted into the dna and  so on. Also he said it's not good. 


This whole article is a collection of different copy pasted sources, you can see that on topic change with no link to previous. First solipsism, then converting you into a vegan. Then explaining reality again but total different. he realized nothing really. This article is unstructured, It's all a big contradiction with sometimes good examples, but he is total lost. 

Yeah when I went further down he started contradicting himself. He has some good stuff that I have pointed to before but I realize he is just intellectually theorizing.

So I am going to explain something here. UNLESS YOU RAISE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS you are just playing around. INTELLECT is imaginary!!! What does this mean? It means your intellect is LIMITED by your imagination. The purpose of removing bias, is it makes you SMARTER. I have said this before and you all are not listening. If you do not remove bias, you will be caught in self-delusion. Intellect cannot save you from delusions. The only thing that can save you from delusion is the truth!!!

Focus on authenticity at all times!! ALL TIMES!!! The whole point of Spiritual Work is SHADOW WORK and removing ALL BIAS!! If you do not remove bias you cannot SEE CLEARLY, thus your reality gets distorted. Remember the picture of everyone looking at an Elephant. 

See the example here:

Bias makes you BLIND, it puts you in the dark....Dark Night of the Soul Anyone? Enlightenment is illuminating the darkness of your bias!!! What is hell? Hell is BIAS!!! What is heaven? The removal of ALL BIAS!!! Bias is SELF-HATRED!!! I have a very discerning eye, I see bullshit from a mile away because I am honest to the best of my ability at all times.

How do you raise your level of honesty? Contemplation, Self-Reflection. If you ONLY meditate, you won't have discernment. And if you don't meditate you cannot raise your awareness level. All knowledge comes from experience, raising awareness gives you EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of a thing. For example, if you raise your awareness high enough you can experience rape metaphysically. You might say why would I want to experience that? So you can understand rape victims and have AUTHENTIC COMPASSION for them. It gives you SELF-UNDERSTANDING. 

The whole point is to gain SELF-UNDERSTANDING. Anyone who is not doing either is just running around in circles. The smartest wisest people on the planet are the most conscious, not the people with the highest IQ which is sad really because if you could raise the awareness of all the highest IQ would be astonished at what they could accomplish. 

The difference between a mystic and a scientist is this. A scientist would study an apple and create diagrams, study the weight, width, the cellular structure, the tree it came from etc. The mystic? The mystic would BECOME THE GOT DAMN APPLE!!! He would be aware he is the apple and experience being the got damn apple. Then if the mystic wanted the theoretical knowledge he could just listen to the scientist by becoming the scientist and access his consciousness. Furthermore...the Mystic after adding that theory with his own direct experience...would end up finding errors in that Scientist's interpretation because he can only study from the outside in. 

It's like someone observing your entire life and studying you your entire life. They could get a lot right about you, but if you are a mystic they would never know you better than you know yourself because they cannot access your emotions to know in depth what motivates you etc. A mystic with enough awareness...could access your memories himself if you allow him too. So raise your got damn consciousness or run around in the dark with the rest of humanity. 

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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12 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

Yeah when I went further down he started contradicting himself. He has some good stuff that I have pointed to before but I realize he is just intellectually theorizing.

So I am going to explain something here. UNLESS YOU RAISE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS you are just playing around. INTELLECT is imaginary!!! What does this mean? It means your intellect is LIMITED by your imagination. The purpose of removing bias, is it makes you SMARTER. I have said this before and you all are not listening. If you do not remove bias, you will be caught in self-delusion. Intellect cannot save you from delusions. The only thing that can save you from delusion is the truth!!!

Focus on authenticity at all times!! ALL TIMES!!! The whole point of Spiritual Work is SHADOW WORK and removing ALL BIAS!! If you do not remove bias you cannot SEE CLEARLY, thus your reality gets distorted. Remember the picture of everyone looking at an Elephant. 

See the example here:

Bias makes you BLIND, it puts you in the dark....Dark Night of the Soul Anyone? Enlightenment is illuminating the darkness of your bias!!! What is hell? Hell is BIAS!!! What is heaven? The removal of ALL BIAS!!! Bias is SELF-HATRED!!! I have a very discerning eye, I see bullshit from a mile away because I am honest to the best of my ability at all times.

How do you raise your level of honesty? Contemplation, Self-Reflection. If you ONLY meditate, you won't have discernment. And if you don't meditate you cannot raise your awareness level. All knowledge comes from experience, raising awareness gives you EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of a thing. For example, if you raise your awareness high enough you can experience rape metaphysically. You might say why would I want to experience that? So you can understand rape victims and have AUTHENTIC COMPASSION for them. It gives you SELF-UNDERSTANDING. 

The whole point is to gain SELF-UNDERSTANDING. Anyone who is not doing either is just running around in circles. The smartest wisest people on the planet are the most conscious, not the people with the highest IQ which is sad really because if you could raise the awareness of all the highest IQ would be astonished at what they could accomplish. 

The difference between a mystic and a scientist is this. A scientist would study an apple and create diagrams, study the weight, width, the cellular structure, the tree it came from etc. The mystic? The mystic would BECOME THE GOT DAMN APPLE!!! He would be aware he is the apple and experience being the got damn apple. Then if the mystic wanted the theoretical knowledge he could just listen to the scientist by becoming the scientist and access his consciousness. Furthermore...the Mystic after adding that theory with his own direct experience...would end up finding errors in that Scientist's interpretation because he can only study from the outside in. 

It's like someone observing your entire life and studying you your entire life. They could get a lot right about you, but if you are a mystic they would never know you better than you know yourself because they cannot access your emotions to know in depth what motivates you etc. A mystic with enough awareness...could access your memories himself if you allow him too. So raise your got damn consciousness or run around in the dark with the rest of humanity. 

How to have direct experience,then ? The smartass above you said for to me experience it myself but i don't know how.

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1 minute ago, De Sade said:

How to have direct experience,then ? The smartass above you said for to me experience it myself but i don't know how.

I don't understand your question. Mind clarifying for me?

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

I don't understand your question. Mind clarifying for me?

How no to intellectualize/conceptualize and instead experience it. Sometimes i imagine leo telling me stuff about Consciousness/God - Realization and it clicks for me for some time,one step at a time,then it goes back to the same thing with a slight modification).

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27 minutes ago, De Sade said:

How no to intellectualize/conceptualize and instead experience it.

Realize that conceptualizing is experience. There is no conceptualizing or experience, but rather the conceptualizing activity is within the experience. You have to understand that it is a human activity of survival, the content of the conceptualization at a metaphysical or mystical level does not mean anything. you cannot understand reality with the content of the mental stream because the mental stream is part of reality. What happens is that you are attached to it because it is your survival tool, you need it like breathing, that's why everyone is trapped in it. What you have to do is focus the mind just in the survival, and be able to get out of it at will. Psychedelics stop it temporarily, they are like a child's float, first you jump into the pool with the float, and then you can be without it.

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@De Sade dont be offened by me  showing you your delusions, I was just honest with you. You could directly ask me instead and I could give you a direct simple answer: 

Do 5 meo dmt or 5 meo malt many times. They are the most effective tools right now on this planet. There you get your experiences. 



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1 hour ago, De Sade said:

How no to intellectualize/conceptualize and instead experience it. Sometimes i imagine leo telling me stuff about Consciousness/God - Realization and it clicks for me for some time,one step at a time,then it goes back to the same thing with a slight modification).

You need to have your awareness raised. To explain what that means I will give an example. Ever fall asleep on your arm and wake up and not be able to feel it? And then when you get off it and allow the blood to surge through your arm starts to feel alive? Well that analogy is an example.

When I first started this work I never understood what was being discussed because I never did any drugs EVER. But there are substances that can change your awareness that can allow you to understand that your current perceptual understanding of things is limited and was indoctrinated into you.

So for example if you eat an edible or consume marijuana and you never did it before your perception will start to change. Same thing with psychedelics. Now traditional science will tell you that you are hallucinating to brainwash you into not realizing the true nature of reality. So once you can sit or lie down still enough long enough you will be able to realize that you aren't some physical body, you are awareness.

This is something you need to investigate. The Spiritual Teachings, Teachers/Gurus are guides. Everyone on the forum are just guides. You have to experiment and investigate for yourself. As you do you will eventually have a profound experience that will confirm the teachings. Just don't get deluded like Vlad and start going around telling everyone that you alone are God. 

The secret is EVERYTHING is GOD, only the ego tries to co-opt the identity of God for itself which is no different than Dictators telling other humans that they alone are God or the Kings of old or Catholic Pope who claim to be alone the physical embodiment of God. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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