Phil King

Phil Kings Life Purpose Journal

111 posts in this topic

Finally watched The Godfather. It was free on YT. 8.5+/10, i get the hype. Still, in terms of mafia movies, I think GoodFellas is the best. 

Ive been reading a lot of marketing books. Expert Secrets and No BS Series by Russel Brunson and Dan Kennedy. Very valuable insights

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I've been enjoying reading your journal these past few weeks, you're doing awesome man!

I've got two questions, do you read multiple books at once and how often are you reading a day? That's something I'm struggling with at the moment and something I intend to proactively change, but got no clue how. I'm trying to find a way to read more whilst also taking notes which will be helpful in me understanding the material.


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12 hours ago, lost_polymath said:

do you read multiple books at once and how often are you reading a day?

Yeah I usually am reading 3-5 books at a time. In terms of time per day, it fluxuates a lot. Ill have some weeks where I dont read at all, but this past week Ive been reading like 4+ hours a day. Ive also been working on speed reading

13 hours ago, lost_polymath said:

That's something I'm struggling with at the moment and something I intend to proactively change, but got no clue how

A good way Ive found to get out of reading slumps is to read some really short books under like 100 pages just to get momentum. I also like to read books revolving around the same topic so it helps stick in my mind better. I recently read 4 books on developmental/evolutionary psychology and the books get signifigantly easier to read as your mental model of the information gets better.

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15 hours ago, Phil King said:

Yeah I usually am reading 3-5 books at a time. In terms of time per day, it fluxuates a lot. Ill have some weeks where I dont read at all, but this past week Ive been reading like 4+ hours a day. Ive also been working on speed reading

I see, that is something I'll try experiment with more of as well. 

15 hours ago, Phil King said:

A good way Ive found to get out of reading slumps is to read some really short books under like 100 pages just to get momentum. I also like to read books revolving around the same topic so it helps stick in my mind better. I recently read 4 books on developmental/evolutionary psychology and the books get signifigantly easier to read as your mental model of the information gets better.

Ooh that's actually a very good idea, and I've actually got some books in mind that I intend to read and will use to build up some momentum. Thank you for the insights!

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This movie was pretty crazy. Its about social class and capitalism 8.5+/10. This movie won oscar for best picture in 2019

^^^I also watched this one. Had some profound moments but ending spoiled it. 7ish/10. This movie won the oscar for best picture in 1957. I want to watch the best films and art ever made so I have grist for the inspiration mill when I embark on my career. I have a list of over 2000 books that I eventually want to read as well. Ive thought of setting aside one whole day every week and doing nothing but watch movies, not sure how practical it will be.

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I like this guys youtube channel.

Im back in New York for the weekend for a job. Should make solid money. I also have the rough draft for my final essay due on sunday. Im probably gonna have to ask for an extension cause im too busy this weekend. 

Finished Expert Secrets and read more of Dan Kennedy. I feel like I say every book I read is a 8+/10, but its true. After I read these, every piece of content that I consumed from alex hormozi, owen cook, hamza, and other youtube entrepreneurs got recontextualized and i could see the tactics and semi manipulative sales methods that they use in literally every video. 

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^^ Watched this documentary about life of Ingmar Bergman today. He was a prolific creator, wrote and directed over 50 movies + also directed stageplays. His films were always super personal and authentic because he used his real life as inspiration. All his films are about him in one way or another. 

I flew back to florida yesterday. Solid work this weekend, made about $500. 

Edited by Phil King

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Started reading DotCom Secrets today. Also recorded a video

I hate when I come back to florida and my body has to readjust to the heat. I literally got heat hives last night and am constantly itching whenever Im in the sun. 


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I had this plan to be super productive today but then I woke up to myself pissing the bed. Like literally waking up whilst I was in the middle of pissing my sheets. Definitely the worst way to wake up and soured my whole morning. I dont know why but this happens like once or twice a year. I think it happens when I dont pee after jerking off. 

Anyways. Tomorrow will be better

Edited by Phil King

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Really good day today. Read more of Dotcom Secrets, started reading Carlos Castaneda's "Teachings of Don Juan" and did some writing. I also recorded a really good video. I was doing a guided meditation last night and received a message to actually post a video on youtube, instead of just keeping them on my computer. I was really happy with the way this last video I recorded came out, so I am gonna post that one either tomorrow or sunday. 

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I watched the Godfather 2 yesterday, dam it was long af but good. Also uploaded another vid, solid but the camera is shaky because im holding it with my hands. Need to get rid of the filler words too. I say "like" "um" "you know" "so to speak" way too much.

Read more of Dotcom Secrets and Carlos Casteneda. 

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I did a lot of work on the BluePrint reloaded course today. Im about halfway through and its really good so far. Ive been implementing some of the exercises but I need to try to carry it over to my videos. Just slow down more. In this video, I just explained why Im making YT videos. Even if nobody watches them, it will still be a success because of the growth that it gives.

I want to talk about more niche philosophical stuff to stand out more. Will probably talk about panpsychism tomorrow


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Another solid video today. I kind of trailed off near the end. I think Im going to dedicate 1-2 hours a day to just recording as many videos as I can and then only post the best ones. I also just realized that Im shooting all the vids in super low resolution. Tomorrows vid will be higher quality.

Did more work on Blueprint course. 

Edited by Phil King

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Awesome day today. One of my videos got like 200+ views and a ton of positive comments. I ALSO GOT MY FIRST HATE COMMENT! :) Someone actually took time out of their precious life to spread hate to me. Thats a big step in this work. Also got like 12 subscribers. On the road to greatness

Almost finished with the Blueprint Reloaded course. Lots of gold

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^^^ Another upload. I was pretty happy with this one. I try to make an intent to take longer pauses because when I talk too fast, my lisp comes out, but when I get into the flow of the video I completely forget. Also need to make a habit of just looking into the lens. I tend to look to the right and see myself in the cam display to check how long ive been speaking and then it kinda throws me off and looks unnatural. Maybe tomorrow, ill try it so I cant see myself. Just make 1% improvements everyday. 


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Quick vid today. I think Im going to do more free associative stuff and talk about topics that only I could talk about. These vids are too basic and dont stand out. 

I also got a job interview on May 1 for RSD/SMC. I applied last week and just got the email today. Im excited but also nervous cause this is my first real job interview ever, my previous jobs I was just hired on the spot.

^^^ I watched this yesterday. Surreal and dream like. The director, Andrei Tarkovsky, said that if you try to logically understand this movie, youll miss everything. Its meant to be felt and intuited rather than broken down logically.

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