
Is there worth in triggering feelings on purpose and then try to accept them?

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or is it more “worth” to just try to accept what comes up naturally?

for example watching a sad video, let sadness come up and try to feel through it

put yourself in situations which might scare you and stay with the feelings

could also be something like caffeine which might cause anxiety and then try to just feel it


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Both have their place. 

but .

watch out if it becomes a belief that you NEED to “accept” or an attachment to this habit of trying to “trigger “ (happened to me a little while ). Because then that can become like this limiting belief  that acts as a mental filter 



Edited by Sugarcoat

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What arises, arises. You don't let sadness come up. Sadness comes up on its own. It's how we cope or respond to these feelings that determines our state of being which can cause anxiety. E.g. fear or worry

Know thyself....

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The more you look and observe the better. Often dealing with traumatic issues put you in your head or in past experiences. So when you are watching, you are not fully there and present. Therefore, it is much easier to practice being there in front of something and not have to do anything but be there. So if you are doing it and still reacting, you are limiting the workability.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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