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Has anyone experienced healing himself with light? And if so, what quality dis the light have?

I used to bathe myself in white-ish shining love-light, was great. Today I spontaneously upgraded to violet light. Feels so much more intense, as if my whole being is upgrading. 


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I've heard about violet ray healing and what not but never came across it. Sunlight on the other hand paired with intention and imagination and give you some wonderful results.


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5 minutes ago, pluto said:

I've heard about violet ray healing and what not but never came across it. Sunlight on the other hand paired with intention and imagination and give you some wonderful results.

Sunlight is Gold, light contains all colours. That's why I love spending time at the park, where it's bright.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Every so often last summer I'd forget that the sun was that bright ball in the sky that I'm used to ignoring and remember that it was a frikin' star, 93 million miles away, and then I'd feel it's light warm on my face and arms and be absolutely in awe.

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