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Hero in progress

Peace & Love My Friend's

2 posts in this topic

Hello Everyone :)

I feel that a lot of us are making some serious progress now. Everyone is getting on board and taking this stuff seriously. In leos last video all of the stuff he talked about really resonated. I think we can all tell he is growing at a profound rate, like a lot of us. 

I know the nature of this work can be tough at times and sometimes we all feel a little bit isolated because this stuff we are all doing is quite rare in the human kingdom, and you might be the only one who is doing this stuff around you personally.

I am grateful for each & everyone of you, and Leo as well for creating this place were we can come together and support each other on this journey.

If anyone ever feels like they would like to talk over anything please feel free to message me.

Keep going, marinate in the beingness of your true nature. The mind is not your enemy, be compationate to the mind. Its not some vicious entity trying to pull you back into unconsciousness and keep you feeling divided. It just needs to be retrained with compassion and it will be a great servant. The mind has been indoctrinated with cultural assumptions & beliefs and works through its own logic. Its sole purpose being to keep your body & self safe. So the infinite can experience Itself in this world.

So all the best wishes in your inquiries, contemplations, and discoverys.

Peace & love ;)


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