
Manifesting $112 million dollars

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@Princess Arabia I agree. 

At the same time I want money. Actual money. 

I value all that stuff you say but the post is about attracting/ creating financial wealth. I want that! Money! Moneyyyy. 

I feel like an idiot making art and doing spiritual stuff in my youth. So stupid. Was it beautiful and meaningful? Yes. But, being broke is so dumb. Money comes first. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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17 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Princess Arabia I agree. 

At the same time I want money. Actual money. 

As I told you before and what I am currently working on myself, and that is money is energy and the lack of or abundance of it stems from our mindset about money. If you constantly are saying you want money, money will not come to you because you are saying you don't have it. You don't get what you want and sustain it, you get what you are. 

If you consistently stay in the frequency and vibrate on the same energy of lack you will consistently be lacking. Saying you want something implies you don't have it. The Universe does not operate in lack mode, it is abundant so much so, that there can also be an abundance of lack. This is why the rich gets richer and the poor stays poor because the poor are concentrating on their lack so they get more lack. This is a mindset. This is not me saying this, this is the LAW of the Universe. Ever notice when you let go of something it starts coming to you. That's because you are not seeking it anymore so the resistance isn't there and now you are in receiving mode. Let go of the idea that you don't have it and start to align with your desires and know that you are already fulfilled and lacking nothing and things will start to flow. 

This takes practice and consistency and understanding that you are Source and everything flows from you and not to you.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Let’s see what Teal Swan has to say about this :ph34r:


I AM nutz

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Playing the lotto is like scratching your ass and only finding Shit!

Butt don't get behind me on this. I'm just being a bum.

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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14 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Let’s see what Teal Swan has to say about this :ph34r:


This was interesting to watch and I get what she's saying, I guess subconsciously you are blocking the mind from seeing other ways you can make millions other than the lottery. I understand how money mindset works to a degree, but this makes so much sense the way she puts it. I know we have to align ourselves with an abundance mindset to be able to attract money but playing the lottery is like looking outside of you to be your source of abundance. I already know we are the Source of abundance and all that, but I figured what the heck, why not play from time to time as I wasn't depending on it, but I can see how it can be self-sabotaging.

This is why certain people are good at coaching and some are not, because it's not so much what is being said but how it's being said and if one says dah, isn't it obvious about a particular thing, I would say to them well, dah, it's obvious to me now that I am God and God's Divine energy flows through me, but 99% of the population are still blinded to this Truth. I would even go as far as to say I even see the obvious that I am alone as God and there is no other but that would just create a whole new mental disturbance from the already disturbed population. 

Know thyself....

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4 minutes ago, Ajax said:

Playing the lotto is like scratching your ass and only finding Shit!

Butt don't get behind me on this. I'm just being a bum.


Know thyself....

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$10 spent wisely is infinitely times better than $100,000 spent on foolishness. 

Not even winning the lottery can compete with that kind of love.

Edited by Yimpa

I AM nutz

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

$10 spent wisely is infinitely times better than $100,000 spent on foolishness. 

Not even winning the lottery can compete with that kind of love.

Wisely and foolishly are relative. 

Know thyself....

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If I had to choose to pay $1000 to do two ketamine infusion vs. buying the new iPhone, I would do the ketamine in a heartbeat.

The new iPhone won’t teach me jack shit compared to what two powerful ketamine trips would. 

I AM nutz

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8 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

If I had to choose to pay $1000 to do two ketamine infusion vs. buying the new iPhone, I would do the ketamine in a heartbeat.

The new iPhone won’t teach me jack shit compared to what two powerful ketamine trips would. 

Boooooo, don't play the psychedelic lotto you have even less chance to win the jackpot than the cash lotto!, ?,?

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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17 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

If I had to choose to pay $1000 to do two ketamine infusion vs. buying the new iPhone, I would do the ketamine in a heartbeat.

The new iPhone won’t teach me jack shit compared to what two powerful ketamine trips would. 

You could use the phone to go on Redditt and read some trip reports.?

Know thyself....

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8 minutes ago, Ajax said:

Boooooo, don't play the psychedelic lotto you have even less chance to win the jackpot than the cash lotto!, ?,?

Shhh! Don't say that on here, they will gang up on you.

Know thyself....

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Shhh! Don't say that on here, they will gang up on you.

Lol thank you for the heads up, my guardian angel ?,?

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Just now, Ajax said:

Lol thank you for the heads up, my guardian angel ?,?

Awww I just won the lotto...how sweet???

Know thyself....

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