
Why can a person only control it's own body?

27 posts in this topic

22 minutes ago, Juan said:

The guy is cute, I’ll give you that. 

Lol. You need to stop. Not my type, though, but his teachings are. 



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17 hours ago, davecraw said:

At least apparently people have some control over their own body. By control I mean being able to do what one wants with the thing being controlled. Why does a person have that control over its own body but not another person's body? If you have no control over the body I type this with then aren't you not me?

The way you think about reality by default is the following:

The world, outside reality, exists. In that world exist I and other experiencers, actors, who travers and interact in that world. The experiencers are not the world, the world is not the experiencer. The experiencer is experiencing the world through sense-organs, which create a subjective reality. Subjective reality is not consistent with the world, and unlike the subjective mind, the world remains constant. Therefore, the world is real and the mind us unreal, because the world is consistent, it is permanent, it is actual.


This is the default assumption through which you look at existence. However, these assumptions are baseless, because you are positing two substances: Mind substance and matter substance. Inner world and outer world.

Yet, when you point at the world, whatever you believe it to be, it has to be made of the inner world. As long as you are aware of it, it is the mind, and so any conception of the world you could possibly have is mind.


But it is even worse. You assume there is an experiencer, and consequently, you confuse pure existence by the concept of experience.

When you look at redness, at colors, at visual imagery, you call that perception. You believe there is someone who perceives the color. The color doesn't just exist on it's own, like an atom would. No, the color exists because you perceive it. And you the perceiver, the experiencer are fundamentally not experience.


This is all false, and illusion. You do not experience anything, experience does not exist. Rather, everything you call experience, perception, sense data, including thoughts, emotions, colors, feelings, are all made out of existence. They are reality itself. There is nobody experiencing them. What you call redness being perceived, is nothing but redness existing. You have taken existence and labelled it perception. You took ownership over existence itself, and somehow claimed that you are the source and ground of existence. But you are nothing but one object of existence. You are the ego, a substance of reality much like the color red. It can exist, and it can cease to exist.

Yet, it ceasing to exist will not make colors cease to exist. You can die, and yet, colors will continue. Feeling will continue, warmth and cold will conitnue, thoughts will continue.



You have to set aside the above described construct and adopt a new one, which is: All the exists is existence.

The universe is just existence. And the universe, is made out of infinite forms of existence. It is unified, it is one thing. Yet, within this Oneness are infinite forms, infinite parts. All of these parts relate to each other. Some of these parts relate to each other in certain ways. You can think of this as the atoms of the universe relating to each other. Now, certain atoms, parts of reality, form specific relationships. These relationships you call the brain, or brain activity. These relationships are what your human mind is. This is what would be referred to as dissociation or individuated consciousness. Within existence, relationships form, and these relationships are their own form of existence.

Now, when you ask "So, if I am everything, why can't I control another body!", it is because you still are in the old framework I described above. In the framework that is accurate to existence, this question is nonsensical, and I will demonstrate how:

If all of existence is unified, and that unified existences creates relationship between parts of itself, then all it is to say to be a human mind is to say that you are the relationship between certain parts of existence. And when you say "So how is it that I cannot control another body?", it is like to say "Why is this relationship within existence not this other relationship within existence?". It would be like asking, why is the moon not earth? Why is the flower not the rock?

Now, here comes the second confusion: Because within the relationship of existence that is this individuated consciounsess exists ego and selfhood, which is a relationship between parts of unified existence, it is not recognized that existence simply is existence. Rather, existence has a structure that says "This is my, I am the perceiver, I am the one who is the ground of all of these other parts of existence! They are mine!". The reality, however, is that existence is simply existence. Once this relationship between different parts of existence dissolves, that's it. It dissolves. But existence continues. The "I" will be dead, but existence cannot die, existence is eternal, it is absolute.


And that's all there is to it. All that exists is existence, and all in existence is existence. It could not possibly be more simple. Yet you are confused because, what you are, what the selfhood is, is a form of existence that is by definition confusion, illusion.


So, to ask why you cannot control another ones body, is akin to asking why red is not the blue.


Edited by Scholar

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1 hour ago, Juan said:

Stop with what?

It's a figure of speech. You know when you say, "stop the madness" at a joke or say "get out", in response to someone's shocking statement. I didn't mean it literally; that's why I put the "lol" to make you realize I wasn't being literal, just an expression.



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@Scholarthank you for that detailed explanation. It is what is needed to clear up a lot of confusion. If we can begin to understand this and see it for what it is, suffering would cease to exist, apparently.



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44 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

It's a figure of speech. You know when you say, "stop the madness" at a joke or say "get out", in response to someone's shocking statement. I didn't mean it literally; that's why I put the "lol" to make you realize I wasn't being literal, just an expression.

Oh ok got it! Well in that case, no you stop it! xD

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because everything isn’t one,

everything YOU experience is YOUR dream but there are infinite dreams.

nonduality is a gross oversimplification. 

Edited by Oppositionless

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