
Why can a person only control it's own body?

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At least apparently people have some control over their own body. By control I mean being able to do what one wants with the thing being controlled. Why does a person have that control over its own body but not another person's body? If you have no control over the body I type this with then aren't you not me?

Edited by davecraw

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29 minutes ago, davecraw said:

At least apparently people have some control over their own body. By control I mean being able to do what one wants with the thing being controlled. Why does a person have that control over it's own body but not another person's body? If you have no control over the body I type this with then aren't you not me?

You're not controlling the body, the mind is, and you're not even controlling the mind. Thoughts are just happening. So, I guess that just means you have no control. You're a puppet. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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I believe the 'me' you're referring to means the lower self or the ego.

There is relative self (finite, human, limited) and the absolute self (consciousness, god). There is indeed differences between relative selves because without separation, relation isn't possible. Without that, experience won't happen. However, the separation is imagined. Hence, if I'm not wrong, the infinite has divided itself into infinite numbers of finite elements to experience itself.

Therefore, when we say 'I am God', we are not talking about the limited self. Here, we understand that the concept of 'I' is imagined and then we start to identify as everything. 

Intellectually understanding this is one thing, experiencing unity is a whole different matter (I don't have much awakening experiences). Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Alright, so to directly answer your question, the 'me' which is absolute is literally everything that is and that isn't. So this question becomes irrelevant.

The imagined 'me' is separated from other, but this is an illusion. We, as imagined selves, live in the imagined world with imagined laws. Thus, we can't control other beings.

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17 minutes ago, El Duderino said:

Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.

I see you're playing it safe like I am. Don't want to mislead anyone as I'm still learning as I go. Somethings I have direct experience in, some intuitive knowing, some intellectual, some from videos, some audio books, some I put the pieces together, some channeling, some automatic writing, some guessing, some from higher Self, some Ego, some from the ocean, some the sea, the birds, but one thing I do know for sure is that I'm breathing. Put all that together that's enough to know that I AM THAT I AM.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Same as in dreams.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@El Duderino @Princess Arabia You have control of your life right? So you can have control of your thoughts and body, why not? 

  Of course I cannot control every thought tho, but I can choose to do words of affirmation and listen to positive vibes music so it can influence my thoughts and life. You can make decisions, and every decision starts with a thought, it could start with a emotion too, so some degree we have control then. 

Edited by Juan

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I am struggling with this also.

But maybe there is no free will. We are part of the Big Bang like a grenade and we are still only a few seconds into the grenade exploding. We are part of the Big Bang and we are part of the unfolding explosion. There is no free will. We tapped into consciousness but we fell prey to an illusion we are associated with this body and we are an individual consciousness. Our thoughts are also part of materialism and the Big Bang. We are the thoughtless mindless observer. We may be a very low level form of consciousness that has a very tiny chance at reaching the next level inside this lifetime.

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Because that's what a person is. You just defined it. You are encountering things which are NOT "person controlling a body", but you distinguish this as "not me" and "not a person."

Describe a thought.

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9 hours ago, Juan said:

@El Duderino @Princess Arabia You have control of your life right? So you can have control of your thoughts and body, why not? 

  Of course I cannot control every thought tho, but I can choose to do words of affirmation and listen to positive vibes music so it can influence my thoughts and life. You can make decisions, and every decision starts with a thought, it could start with a emotion too, so some degree we have control then. 

Words of affirmations are making you vibrate on a certain frequency which then attracts certain thoughts to you. You are not consciously thinking those thoughts, you don't know what your next thought will be, thoughts are just arising. You are attracting thoughts and depending on your awareness level and state of consciousness those thoughts will follow a pattern. The body is being led by the mind. I dare you do something without thought first and I dare you to know your next thought. Your organs are being controlled by the subconscious mind. You cannot beat your own heart nor are you making yourself pee. It's all just happening. 

Our true nature is Awareness anyway, so we're just aware of what's happening. The Ego mind likes to think it's in control but it's not and can never be because it's all stories and illusory.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Same as in dreams.

In dreams upon waking apparently no one had control over those dream bodies (except in lucid dreams). They were apparently being created unintentionally. However, now, apparently people are intentionally controlling their bodies (at least some).

Edited by davecraw

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Waking up from a dream is not the same as Awakening. 

If you’re doubting any of this, you most certainly are not Awake.

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i feel pain when i prick myself and not when i prick you since god wants to keep this hulk of flesh around a bit longer so it can wake me up

after waking up i feel your pain the same as mine

since i am you

i no longer control my body nor your body since all a body does is respond to causes and conditions and is running its allotted course


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I dare you do something without thought first

Well, intuition goes beyond mind so, sometimes it’s just a feeling that made you do a certain decision. Another example would be put yourself in a fight or flight scenario, there is no time to think, just react. 

2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Our true nature is Awareness anyway, so we're just aware of what's happening. The Ego mind likes to think it's in control but it's not and can never be because it's all stories and illusory.

Of course, I think the answer is gonna depend on the state of consciousness, materialistically speaking sure we have control and responsibility over our life, metaphysically speaking, there is something beyond “control” that we can’t even explain it, everything it’s just happening, so my answer is a Strange Loop, it’s a paradox. 

2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Your organs are being controlled by the subconscious mind. You cannot beat your own heart nor are you making yourself pee. It's all just happening. 

When I said having control of your body, I’m talking about use it to take action/movement, I’m not talking about controlling your organs hehe. 

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7 minutes ago, Juan said:

Well, intuition goes beyond mind so, sometimes it’s just a feeling that made you do a certain decision. Another example would be put yourself in a fight or flight scenario, there is no time to think, just react. 

Of course, I think the answer is gonna depend on the state of consciousness, materialistically speaking sure we have control and responsibility over our life, metaphysically speaking, there is something beyond “control” that we can’t even explain it, everything it’s just happening, so my answer is a Strange Loop, it’s a paradox. 

When I said having control of your body, I’m talking about use it to take action/movement, I’m not talking about controlling your organs hehe. 

You are separating the material/physical from the metaphysical/unseen, when one is dependent on the other. Matter comes from mind. Materialistically speaking, sure it APPEARS and seems as if we're in control and metaphysically speaking is where all the appearances are appearing from. Using the body to take action and for movement to occur also requires bodily organs which are cognitively used such as the hands and feet which are being controlled by the brain which demonstrates the interconnectedness between the manual and the mental. So there's no escaping the unity of it all. So in order to come to any analysis we would have to break it all down, and in this case realize the connection of it all, that one thing depends on another, and it can be broken down all the way where every distinction collapses. 

Know thyself....

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25 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You are separating the material/physical from the metaphysical/unseen, when one is dependent on the other. Matter comes from mind.

I haven’t said the opposite, of course they are interconnected. I’m just trying to answer your question about “Do “I” have control of my body and mind?”, so I organized two answers depending the level of someone’s consciousness. This is why I said it’s a Strange Loop, Leo did a video about the subject.

If you believe you don’t have control of your body then fine, I think some nondual answers people will take it the wrong way, it’s not helpful for the people who are depressed or suicidal, I cannot tell them they have no control or ownership over their life, it will make it worse. 

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40 minutes ago, Juan said:

If you believe you don’t have control of your body then fine, I think some nondual answers people will take it the wrong way, it’s not helpful for the people who are depressed or suicidal, I cannot tell them they have no control or ownership over their life, it will make it worse. 

I understand this. We can't just go around telling people with severe mental issues that it's all in their head. They would need some serious CONSCIOUS counseling for this; but also, as a person on the Spiritual path, it can be very useful in our own lives to try to understand and embody some of these metaphysical teachings and to recognize that we sometimes don't have to go around advising or telling people about these teachings as such, because embodying the teachings has it's own effect Universally. Our internal change can affect the people around us and theirs the people around them and can cause a chain reaction, and then maybe resulting in the decline of mental instability or having other significant effects. 

All that is required, sometimes to impact many, is one person to make the switch. So I find it very important to me to try and understand the implications of what these teachings represent or the underlying message or the direction it is steering me towards to reduce the amount of self-deception the mind is so capable of.

Know thyself....

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