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Your true nature is peaceful awareness

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Its Prefable to be alone where nothing can disturb when you are doing this .just sit comfortably in silence. Close your eyes . If you need to listen to soothing music before you start or smoke a joint then so be it..just get yourself relaxed and comfy . 

Now I want you to look deep into yourself. Turn your awareness inside so to speak ..usually your awareness is directed at the external world..but try to focus your awareness on awareness itself. On your own true nature .that's it. Nothing  complicated about it.your true nature is pure awareness. Pure being . Notice the longer you sit in meditation the more blissful and peaceful you become . Your essence or true nature is NOT your personality ..that's all society's conditioning. You have been taught to be serious and regrious. But I tell you the truth is a game ..a play. Nothing is serious. There is nothing to be afraid from .all is well .everything is exactly as it should be. .

So you are not your are not even your body or your thoughts or your gender or sexuality or political stances.. this is all bullshit that you've Been brainwashed with  by society . 

If you look deeper inside will immediately notice the following: peace..relaxation..serenity etc.  There is no need to know anything or to figure anything out or to discover new multiverses etc ..just sit and be aware. Abide in awareness as awareness. Notice the simplicity of your true nature .


If you have any questions please goo ahead  ? .

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3 hours ago, Growly said:

Meditation only works for mentally well people.

False.  Meditation is simply sitting in silence and focusing on your breath ..what does mentally "well" people have to do with it? 

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Good stuff, my man. You're getting there! B|

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Meditation is simply sitting in silence and focusing on your breath

That are concentration practices not meditation but anyway.

Classic meditation is about becoming conscious of sensation as they arise in your consciousness, being it the world, your thoughts or body. In such meditation thought or thoughtlessness are just mere vibrations of the same empty field or groundless ground, as they like to say it. 

Concentration practices can get you into extraordinary states as that is their purpose. Meditation is an excercise in infinite trascendence of all phenomena and state, flowing with beingness and shapeshifting with it. Don't confuse them, they are indeed extremely different and both necessary.

Concentration and Meditation are such a gigantic practices with so many ramifications that I'm lately being humbled of how little I understood them. 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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7 hours ago, Growly said:

Meditation only works for mentally well people.

big false: OCD motivated me to understand metacognition (you are not your thoughts) in a powerful way and that started the entire journey to enlightenment. 

Suffering period is the biggest motivator for Truth. 

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1 hour ago, Ry4n said:

big false: OCD motivated me to understand metacognition (you are not your thoughts) in a powerful way and that started the entire journey to enlightenment. 

Suffering period is the biggest motivator for Truth. 

OCD doesn't exist,you just think it does.

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5 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Good stuff, my man. You're getting there! B|

Thanks .there is no "there " though ;)

4 hours ago, Davino said:

That are concentration practices not meditation but anyway.

Classic meditation is about becoming conscious of sensation as they arise in your consciousness, being it the world, your thoughts or body. In such meditation thought or thoughtlessness are just mere vibrations of the same empty field or groundless ground, as they like to say it. 

Concentration practices can get you into extraordinary states as that is their purpose. Meditation is an excercise in infinite trascendence of all phenomena and state, flowing with beingness and shapeshifting with it. Don't confuse them, they are indeed extremely different and both necessary.

Concentration and Meditation are such a gigantic practices with so many ramifications that I'm lately being humbled of how little I understood them. 

I think your disagreement is purely semantic . There are many different techniques for meditation : mindfulness ..focusing on a single nothing..watching the breath..watching the thoughts.. watching the blank space between thoughts ...etc 

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

Your essence or true nature is NOT your personality ..that's all society's conditioning. You have been taught to be serious and regrious. But I tell you the truth is a game ..a play. Nothing is serious. There is nothing to be afraid from .all is well .everything is exactly as it should be. .

Thanks for posting… In your perspective can you contrast “your essence/ true nature” vs “personality” a bit.

I’m currently feeling conflicted because my teacher recently shifted into this similar stance like Osho (she always quotes Mooji) and it seems like NOT playing the game at all. ? I honestly think there’s a more evolved aspect, which is allowing your true nature FULLY.

For me it seems people who are spiritually advanced have WAY MORE personality because they are free to play the game. How do we know who’s playing the game and who’s getting played or just stuck at a realization?

I was about to post a question, then I saw your post he he. I want to open my mind about it.

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2 hours ago, Karla said:

Thanks for posting… In your perspective can you contrast “your essence/ true nature” vs “personality” a bit.

I’m currently feeling conflicted because my teacher recently shifted into this similar stance like Osho (she always quotes Mooji) and it seems like NOT playing the game at all. ? I honestly think there’s a more evolved aspect, which is allowing your true nature FULLY.

For me it seems people who are spiritually advanced have WAY MORE personality because they are free to play the game. How do we know who’s playing the game and who’s getting played or just stuck at a realization?

I was about to post a question, then I saw your post he he. I want to open my mind about it.

Thanks for the question. 

Like i said your personal traits are not who you are because they are added into you ..."installed " if you will

We are basically programming souls (our true most essential nature) into socially survival-oriented robots (ego) without telling these souls that we did it.

all of your beliefs..age's all conditioning. And you didn't code it yourself (most of it not at least). 

Age? Who gives a fuck about age.

Career? Who gives a fuck about your career.

Beliefs? Who gives a fuck about what you believe in. your outward fake appearance?  Who gives a damn

 I don't..cos I'm not sleeping in ego anymor.. but most people actually seem to take all these stories seriously.. and they seem to be happy with it (being robots..being asleep). 

But when it dawns on you one day.. that the whole of your life has been nothing but code/programming..well that fucking hurts. That fucking hurts. Ignorance is Bliss as they say.

But when you have that are basically beginning to wake up.

And when you are completely tired of fake games and being  inauthentic then then you're gonna wake up.

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

Thanks .there is no "there " though ;)

Of course there isn't. I was just testing you, hehehe. :P

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your true nature is peaceful awareness but your current nature is violent distractibility

when you sit in silence you will see your current nature

meditation is going from the one to the other

here are some good affirmations for when thoughts constantly besiege you during meditation courtesy of chat-gpt:



"I see you, thought, arising and dissolving in the space of awareness." - This affirmation acknowledges the thought's presence without judgment and reinforces the understanding that thoughts naturally come and go.

"I am not this thought; I am the clear awareness that witnesses it." - This affirmation helps you detach from the identification with thoughts and recognize your true nature as the observing awareness.

"Thoughts are like passing clouds; they do not define me." - This affirmation encourages you to view thoughts as transient phenomena, like clouds in the sky, rather than fixed aspects of your identity.

"I rest in the stillness of pure awareness, untouched by the comings and goings of thoughts." - This affirmation reminds you to rest in the unchanging and pristine awareness that underlies all thoughts.

"In the silence between thoughts, I find the boundless clarity of mind." - This affirmation directs your attention to the gaps between thoughts, which can reveal the inherent clarity and spaciousness of your true nature.

These affirmations can be silently repeated as thoughts arise during your meditation practice. They serve to gently guide your awareness back to the essence of pure awareness and non-grasping presence.




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53 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Of course there isn't. I was just testing you, hehehe. :P

Test me more if you can:D

43 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

your true nature is peaceful awareness but your current nature is violent distractibility

Projection. I know the truth. I know that I safe no matter what the fuck is happening even the worst nightmare doesn't scare me . I'm eternal and immortal. 

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23 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Projection. I know the truth. I know that I safe no matter what the fuck is happening even the worst nightmare doesn't scare me . I'm eternal and immortal. 

yes you sit on the mat and it is all peace and calm lol

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9 hours ago, Karla said:

Thanks for posting… In your perspective can you contrast “your essence/ true nature” vs “personality” a bit.

I’m currently feeling conflicted because my teacher recently shifted into this similar stance like Osho (she always quotes Mooji) and it seems like NOT playing the game at all. ? I honestly think there’s a more evolved aspect, which is allowing your true nature FULLY.

For me it seems people who are spiritually advanced have WAY MORE personality because they are free to play the game. How do we know who’s playing the game and who’s getting played or just stuck at a realization?

I was about to post a question, then I saw your post he he. I want to open my mind about it.

Don't get too hung up on seemingly opposing viewpoints of spiritual teachers. Just think of them as different ways to point at the exact same thing. In fact, a lot of these teachings are confusing and contradictory on purpose because they are geared towards making you stop to try understanding them intelectually and instead realize truth directly.

See, the freedom to stop playing the game is the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the game. If that sounds like a paradox to you, don't worry... once you truly start to realize that which is being pointed at, a lot of stuff that might have sounded incredibly paradoxical before will all of a sudden make perfect sense to you.

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14 hours ago, De Sade said:

OCD doesn't exist,you just think it does.

Haha, in the absolute sense yes. In the absolute sense there's no you and no thinking, so even in the absolute sense you didn't get that quite right, and on the relative level OCD in human animals absolutely exists. 

The "gotcha" comment to try and one-up which enlightened monkey is more enlightened than the other monkey is a fat swing and a miss dude. Not useful for anyone. 

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1 hour ago, Ry4n said:

Haha, in the absolute sense yes. In the absolute sense there's no you and no thinking, so even in the absolute sense you didn't get that quite right, and on the relative level OCD in human animals absolutely exists. 

The "gotcha" comment to try and one-up which enlightened monkey is more enlightened than the other monkey is a fat swing and a miss dude. Not useful for anyone. 

Makes sense.

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6 hours ago, De Sade said:

Makes sense.

Sorry that did come off rude, it's just that the forum is still full of competitive enlightenment. But the only thing that could compete is ego's of course.

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