
How do you compare taking LSD to Mushrooms?

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Curious to know how others compare taking mushrooms to LSD

From my experiences I’ve felt more ecstasy on LSD whereas with mushrooms I’m in more of a trance like state. I also believe LSD is more extrospective and mushrooms introspective.

LSD I would say is better for lower doses especially given its duration and intensity. Good for productivity and creativity on the low-moderate side. Mushrooms better for higher doses

I’ve been on the LSD over the summer months this but I’m keen to go back into mushrooms now we’re getting into autumn. Want to explore higher doses with mushrooms see where it takes me

Edited by Chadders

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I would say shrooms give more of an emotional catharsis and euphoria and ecstasy. I can get there on LSD also but LSD seems more analytical. They are both pretty random. Good trips and bad trips. High body load and zero body load. Very unpredictable. I usually take 3 grams of dried shrooms or more which is a high dose. I have intense closed eye visuals on mushrooms.

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That’s interesting. I do agree on the emotional catharsis. I remember when I last tripped on shrooms and was in a trance state I was acting out all my emotions

LSD is just raw ecstasy when it’s going well. I also get this weird sensation where it’s like all the muscles in my body are aching. Perhaps a muscular release I don’t know 

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There is also great variation in the users behavior. I tend to lay on my bed with my eyes closed in the dark with earbuds in. Other people might watch movies or hang out with friends, etc. So each experience is very different.

I also get restlessness on both shrooms and LSD. Constant movement and muscle tensing.

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Yep the setting changes so much. I usually go for a walk. I’m lucky I live near a meadow and the experience becomes like x4 more intense being outside than inside having that connectedness with nature. This was on LSD

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My main difference is on how clean the experience is.

LSD seems for me much more pure in the noise to signal ratio. I probably think it may be due to it being chemically produced without impurities. Mushrooms are good but I feel there are more things going on into my body than the raw psychoactive substance.

LSD is extremely yogic for me, while mushrooms not at all. In LSD, I manifest yogic asanas, kundalini wakes up, I heal myself in many planes of my life. However, LSD seems to have no guide behind but your own consciousness being expanded by the experience.

On the other hand, mushrooms feel more entity like. They have a body of wisdom and guidance for the trip. Something which I have both loved and hated. In the sense that you are very often "forced" to take the best path of action despite your will but you now is the higher good. This has hardly ever happened me on LSD, which is more open world.

These are a few distinctions. What I do know is that the higher the dosages the bigger the difference becomes. 20g+ of mushrooms and 1000µg reports seem very different

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Mushrooms are more organic, earthy, magical, tricksterish, wavey. Duration much shorter, about 2hrs.

LSD is more synthetic, neon, more body-load. Duration much longer 5-6hrs.

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@Leo Gura Do organic substances have a disctinct different feel in your experience?

Maybe you are able to summon some ancestral magical stuff or whatever more?

Edited by Hello from Russia

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3 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

@Leo Gura Do organic substances have a disctinct different feel in your experiences?

Maybe you are able to summon some ancestral magical stuff or whatever more?

My experience with organics is limited. Mushrooms definitely feel more "alive", more multi-dimensional than just a single chemical. Mushrooms have a certain lively, creature-like quality to them which I do not get so much on other chems. I actually miss it. 5-MeO is amazing but it doesn't have that trickster, creature quality.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura
With DMT I felt like I was enhaling some ancient powder that is very wise and you could say even "eternal"

Sort of like a psychedelic spice in Dune's desert feel


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1 minute ago, Hello from Russia said:

With DMT I felt like I was enhaling some ancient powder that is very wise and you could say even "eternal"

DMT has somewhat of the creature, otherness feel to it for me. It feels like the spice has a mind of its own. 5-MeO does not feel like that at all. DMT seems to active the "otherness" receptors in the brain. It can be quite disturbing.

Edited by Leo Gura

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

DMT has somewhat of the creature, otherness feel to it for me. It feels like the spice has a mind of its own. 5-MeO does not feel like that at all. DMT seems to active the "otherness" receptors in the brain. It can be quite disturbing.

Yeah, I had my first bad trip with DMT 

It was as though I was possessed by a dmt jester (or dmt elf or whatever, I saw the jester shapes) and he sort of played evil jokes on me, showcasing me a lot of imagery of my deepest fears. For example I was very afraid of snakes from my childhood. And the room turned into full snakey-like shapes for some moments. And other simillar things like this, it was terrifying.

Also for like 30 seconds I felt the total loss of control of my body/experience and it was very terrifying and fairly traumatic, especially with this imagery. I felt some hairs turn gray in real time during this all :D

I remember reaching out for my phone and feeling as though my hand went beneath the astral plane of a phone, I just couldn't get a firm grasp on it. I was then like "Okay, no phone then" :D

Thank God that shit lasted only for about 3-5 minutes

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Just now, Hello from Russia said:

Yeah, I had my first bad trip with DMT 

It was as though I was possessed by dmt jester (or dmt elf or whatever) and he sort of played evil jokes on me, showcasing me a lot of imagery of my deepest fears. For example I was very afraid of snakes from my childhood. And the room turned into full snakey-like shapes for some moments. And other simillar things like this

Also for like 30 seconds I felt the total loss of control of my body/experience and it was very terrifying and fairly traumatic. I felt some hairs turn gray in real time in the afterglow after the experience also

DMT accesses your subconscious mind, it knows everything about you, especially what you want to hide, it is in one best interest to bring it up, you were blessed. :D

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3 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

Yeah, I had my first bad trip with DMT 

What's interesting is that it happenned after I kinda went too cocky with a substance

I had around 2 poofs with it and nothing was really changing. Then I was like - "Wtf is that bullshit substance, not doing anything for me". And then I took a really deep poof and omg, it took me to other realm pretty much quite literally in seconds. And I felt as though I was "punished" for my cockyness. 

It taught me some humility and the neccesity to have a respect for substance

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Mushrooms remind me of being an organic machine. Biological wise monkey. Close to nature and to the joy of Existence. The joy that is there inside every particle. They remind me to just have fun, that reality is a carnival, that it is all a joke. That you should allow yourself to be cute and weird. And as Leo said they feel trickster and funny and weird. 

LSD reminds me that I am pure Consciousness, that I it is possible to feel into genius levels of intelligence because we are connected to the Genius-Force of God. It reminds my that is all one big soup, one Oneness. It is the purest experience for me. Pure Lucidity. 


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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On magic truffels I turned into Jack Sparrow on an ancient ship. It was one of my first trips. 

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1 hour ago, Hello from Russia said:

What's interesting is that it hapenned after I kinda went too cocky with a substance

I had around 2 poofs with it and nothing was really changing. Then I was like - "Wtf is that bullshit substance, not doing anything for me". And then I took a really deep poof and omg

Hehe.... That's always how that works :D

It's hard to dial in that DMT dose. It's usually too low or too high.

Yeah, I've had a tough DMT trip once. DMT is no joke. It can terrify you for life. I never wanna overdo DMT again.

Edited by Leo Gura

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28 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

@Leo Gura Can you explain what was so terrifying about that trip?

I have become conscious of LOVE to such as high degree that it was more terrifying that any horror movie that you have ever seen.

That's LOVE. No human comprehends what LOVE is. If you fully saw it you'd be so traumatized you would get mental breakdown.

This ain't some hippie Buddhist love bullshit. This is actual LOVE.

Edited by Leo Gura

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34 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

What was your agency in that experience?

It was like a nuclear bomb dropped on your head.

Edited by Leo Gura

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