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The Redeemer

Difference between stage blue and stage green relationships?

2 posts in this topic

What are the differences and key distinctions between these two stages when it comes to relationships?

To me, in the ideal stage blue relationship, both parties are happily married and are committed to one another till death due us part. They are completely loyal to one another and there isn't any third party involved.

Stage green is a little bit confusing to me as it almost seems like sex is given out freely. Is this where group sex comes in? I am not sure if this is necessarily more evolved, as it seems kind of toxic to me. Maybe stage green people enjoy sex, but aren't attached to the person involved, like in blue. 



Edited by The Redeemer

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4 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

i don't think so. not necessarily.


generally the difference might be that at stage green, couples tend to have better communication? and ideally they'll be more aware of each other's needs.

That is what I am discovering. Stage green adapts to the others persons boundaries. What these boundaries include is relative to the two people involved.

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