
Ralston Gives A Clear Answer To Metaphysical Love Question

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6 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Truth and clarity does not exist out of your current POV right now either. Let's use the solipsism logic. Are you experiencing "infinite experiences" right now? Are you experiencing "degrees of consciousness" right now? They're beliefs, no?

Are you experiencing the infinity now? Do you think that your actual level of consciousness is everything what is possible? I assure you that no. Your pov is limited, you could see much more deeper, until infinite deep, that's mysticism. 

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Agree, I would call this the first step in spirituality, not enlightenment, because enlightenment sounds like an end. What you are saying is that you have been able to get rid of the conceptual mind. that you are open to experience now, constantly. I am too. But I still continue meditating and doing psychedelics, for a reason. The point you are at, where you realize what you are, is the beginning of a much deeper vision. The only motivation to go deeper is beauty. It's not necessary, but it's beautiful. What we are is magical, immeasurable. I am not talking about interpretation, but about direct realization.

there is one step, know who you are then do as you enjoy, we established the site owner does not

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5 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

there is one step, know who you are then do as you enjoy, we established the site owner does not

I wouldn't say to know , just get free of the need of mental grips. What you are is obvious because you are. 

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

I wouldn't say to know , just get free of the need of mental grips. What you are is obvious because you are. 

blindingly obvious but which of us have the eyes the intention the time

you know more becomes you no more

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31 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Are you experiencing "infinite experiences" right now? 

Exactly, the answer is no! This 5sense experience, although no other than the infinite itself, is the only experience accessible.

So @Osaid how do you hold/view other POVs/experience packages? Where are they, if they are not accessible to you (as Awarness) right here/now? 

Are you, as the Infinite, playing a multi-player game or are you playing a single player game?

Edited by Bufo Alvarius

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35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The point you are at, where you realize what you are, is the beginning of a much deeper vision. The only motivation to go deeper is beauty. It's not necessary, but it's beautiful. What we are is magical, immeasurable. I am not talking about interpretation, but about direct realization.

I am not saying that this ends. It's just not Truth or enlightenment. This is life. Which can be lived afterwards. "Going deeper" is an exploration of reality and God. It is not a permanent clarity of all experience, which is enlightenment. 

35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

enlightenment sounds like an end

It is definitely the end of seeking Truth and figuring out what you are. 

Edited by Osaid

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33 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Are you experiencing the infinity now?


33 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Do you think that your actual level of consciousness is everything what is possible?

You're talking relatively here. Relatively, no. Absolutely, yes.

"Everything that is possible" is an abstraction of experience you just created. It's a future event which can only exist as extrapolation from the present moment.

35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Your pov is limited

It's infinite, but I get what you mean. The qualia is a certain way. But you are speaking relatively, because you are comparing it to some experience which has different qualia.

You cannot point to anything in your experience which is actually limited. 

38 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

you could see much more deeper, until infinite deep, that's mysticism. 

That's really just life. It all goes infinitely deep. The only question is can you perceive life as it is, or not? 

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42 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

there is one step, know who you are then do as you enjoy


Edited by Osaid

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One time I got so enlightened that I got fucking bored of it. True story, folks!


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57 minutes ago, Bufo Alvarius said:

So @Osaid how do you hold/view other POVs/experience packages? Where are they, if they are not accessible to you (as Awarness) right here/now? 

Are you, as the Infinite, playing a multi-player game or are you playing a single player game?

Your POV is inside of everyone else's POV. You are viewing everyone's POV right now. You ARE everyone's POV. Otherwise you wouldn't be talking about "other POVs" in the first place.

Hypothetically, if you DID experience everyone's "POV", their POVs would literally stop existing, because it would just become your POV.

The POV of other people exists EXACTLY BECAUSE you cannot directly view them. It is a relative dualistic dance.

Sometimes "other people" is visual perception. Sometimes it is a physical presence. Sometimes it is sound. Sometimes it is imagination. It changes. It is ephemeral. It's not some fixed idea of "Everyone is imaginary!" 

Is the flower in front of you "other"? It happens in your own experience, yes. But it absolutely has its own unique qualities, despite being in your POV. It has its own intelligence. Its own flair. Which cannot be imagined by any kind of ego "you", only experienced.

There is an input from you, where you imagine things about people. You imagine things about yourself as well. This is being mistaken as "you" being "alone." No.

Is realizing that the tree outside your house is being imagined making you lonely too? Do you want the physical tree to exist in your experience forever? Do you want a physical human to exist in your experience forever? No! It's a beautifully intelligent dualistic dance. Love it. The tree becomes concept. The tree becomes physical. The tree becomes an idea for a drawing. The tree becomes a creating of oxygen. You are putting a big limit on the tree when you say "It only exists when it is physical!" Same goes for other people. It is an anthropomorphic and materialistic interpretation of reality when you think otherwise.

Really, any notions of "you" and "other" are equally real, because they are dualities which depend on eachother. Yin and yang.

Edited by Osaid

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56 minutes ago, Bufo Alvarius said:

I'm talking about the manifestation part (another beings life experience), being held 'somewhere else' in Your Absolute Awarness. This is nothing that can be directly accessed/realized, and still you say because you can realize that all manifestation is made of the same essence, that this proves that you, as Absolute Awarness, are having these experiences of other beings 'outside' of this very experience, that's taking place here/now. 

There is nothing than the Absolute, only the Absolute, containting its manifestation.

56 minutes ago, Bufo Alvarius said:

The only thing realized here/now, is the ground of all existence, as unbounded Awareness. Indiras net, and there being experiences of other beings held, in some non-euclidian way in your very own Awarness, is a belief structure held in mind.

The other beings/perspectives can also only be this One Reality. And that there is Awareness in them as their essence, and that this is the One Pure Impersonal Awareness, is a direct realization available in certain awakened nondual states. That is enough! The "other" human beings are not non-player-characters. The feel the same as you. There essence IS you. And the other way round.

This non-euclidian space vision Leavitt had is the way Reality can communicate this insight. A teaching tool communicated by Reality itself. Way better than Solipsism + all others are non-player-characters. That is just not the case. They are all the ONE Player, appearing as many.

  • Leavitts vision is not the defining factor necessary to verify that other beings/perspectives ARE the same Impersonal Pure Awareness. The defining factor is Enlightenment, as described above. That is no belief-system, but a direct realization.
  • As I wrote, take the Leavitt Picture of the non-euclidian space of perspectives/Indras Net as useful working model. It as a useful pointer to calm the mind on the question of others (the Solipsism belief-system), and practice nonceptual empty impersonal awakened states to get to nondual states and then realize what you are. That will answer the questions. Sure you can turn anything into an belief system. But then one better uses useful pointers or belief system that actually point at the moon to realize the moon. Not pointers pointing to the street-light and realizing then the street-light and thinking its the moon.

One doesn't need to understand the workings of a steam machine in order to know its essence: steel. And one will never figure out the workings of Reality in its manifested details. Its infinity. God is busy exploring all of that, forever.

If the fascination for figuring out all details of the steam machine fascinates so much that one doesn't realize its essence of Pure Impersonal Awareness (but thinks one has done it, but didn't, and hasn't got nondual awakened states sobre this way) and the essence of each and every possible differently designed steam engine, and suffers in a grasping way for experiencing ever more steam machines because one is bored or suffers  because one hasn't realized ones essence.... Very actualized, indeed.



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6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

^^^ It can only destroy you if you forget what you are. Many of you still think like humans on this path. How radical is your understanding of what you are. To really test the limits in Spirituality you will have to do some Insane stuff eventually. It's why this path is so dangerous. It's akin to fighting a dragon, many of you are too afraid to fight the dragon. 

If someone is two years into this work and you don't expect them to behave like a human I don't know who is more confused about the workings of reality, that person or yourself. I respect your high level posts but you don't seem to be aware of where is everyone here and usually just talk from the absolutist awakening you've ever had. That's your style and I respect it but just read again your post and think if it would really help anyone in the begginings or the mid part of their path. The answer is clear, no.

If you want to have skillfull communications with other individuals in this forum you must take into consideration very seriously what I'm telling you. Otherwise, you might get into territory of those which understand already understand and those which not, will never have a ladder in you communication to do so. This is very well explained in the core teachings of the buddha from Daniel Ingram, in the chapter of teachers. It is explained that spirituality is like a funnel, a part which is wide in the beggining appeling to many people and then gets tight as more advanced the work gets. Different masters teach at different levels. Once may be better at the wider and other at the narrow, some teachers cannot teach the narrow because they haven't even gone there. It's like a university professor vs a kindergarden math teacher. Different strategies work at different moments of the evolutionary process. I'm just saying you that advanced calculus will most likely disgust a child although being more accurate than kindergarden maths. You cannot be teaching advanced calculus to everyone and just expect people to understand it and rise to your level and go on with your speech of how human people are when approaching truth, I mean well yes what do you expect a child to be at? Be more efficient in your communications and talk to each person in a way you will connect and make the message cross his own metal maze. Each mind is like a decoding machine that distorts reality. Sometimes a more inaccurate message will be decoded by a mind into a more congruent message than a more accurate one which will just be distorted in inconprehensible ways for the listener. Just telling you this because I have been there, the approach you are taking will lead you to many frustration and misunderstanding with other people in the forum.

7 hours ago, Razard86 said:

You actually think you are human.....LOL

I'm as human as I am God. The whole and the part makes perfection. Get this infinite iterative paradox and you will live peacefully.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Ralston Gives A Precise Explanation To Oversized T-Shirt Question

Edited by Yimpa


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44 minutes ago, Osaid said:

But you are speaking relatively, because you are comparing it to some experience which has different qualia

I don't mean that. I would say that the opening you speak of can be called awakening, but not enlightenment. awakening is that you were asleep in the conceptual dream and you have woken up. Me too, permanently, there is no doubt about this. For example, I have spent my entire adult life with ruminative thought loops and since about 4 months ago, when I began to leave the conceptual capsule for longer and longer periods, they have been decreasing until they disappear completely. There is none of that, zero. It was seemingly impossible. but I would not say: im enlightenet, but, now I begin to see. I begin to open to existence. I'm out of jail, awaken. but, this, now, is more than it seems. many orders of magnitude more of perception. This, now, is reality, it is the cosmos, the infinite flow. I'm not talking about qualia, I'm talking about openness to what you are, to immerse yourself in the infinite without any mental reference. You can call that relative, but really, nothing is relative, reality is absolute, and the openness to what you are can be total, mystical ecstasy, deep understanding, being one with God. true enlightenment

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@Inliytened1 @Leo GuraGura After watching hundreds of hours of leos content i can confidently say he thinks about all possible angles. All possible scenarios and situations. If you don't consider him to be smart enough to have already figured this stuff out then you shouldn't be here. He has actually pioneered this stuff. And when he says what he says it's not ego boasting it's just stating stuff as it is for him. He has done years of work in here and it gets frustrating making people understand. You gotta trust him. 

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5 minutes ago, Tech36363 said:

You gotta trust him. 

Trusting yourself is actually the solution here, but ohhhh nooo, I shouldn’t say that since every nondualist ever will say that you don’t exist and that the ego is a corruption of the mind ¬¬


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2 hours ago, Osaid said:

Your POV is inside of everyone else's POV. You are viewing everyone's POV right now. You ARE everyone's POV. Otherwise you wouldn't be talking about "other POVs" in the first place.

Hypothetically, if you DID experience everyone's "POV", their POVs would literally stop existing, because it would just become your POV.

The POV of other people exists EXACTLY BECAUSE you cannot directly view them. It is a relative dualistic dance.

Sometimes "other people" is visual perception. Sometimes it is a physical presence. Sometimes it is sound. Sometimes it is imagination. It changes. It is ephemeral. It's not some fixed idea of "Everyone is imaginary!" 

Is the flower in front of you "other"? It happens in your own experience, yes. But it absolutely has its own unique qualities, despite being in your POV. It has its own intelligence. Its own flair. Which cannot be imagined by any kind of ego "you", only experienced.

There is an input from you, where you imagine things about people. You imagine things about yourself as well. This is being mistaken as "you" being "alone." No.

Is realizing that the tree outside your house is being imagined making you lonely too? Do you want the physical tree to exist in your experience forever? Do you want a physical human to exist in your experience forever? No! It's a beautifully intelligent dualistic dance. Love it. The tree becomes concept. The tree becomes physical. The tree becomes an idea for a drawing. The tree becomes a creating of oxygen. You are putting a big limit on the tree when you say "It only exists when it is physical!" Same goes for other people. It is an anthropomorphic and materialistic interpretation of reality when you think otherwise.

Really, any notions of "you" and "other" are equally real, because they are dualities which depend on eachother. Yin and yang.

Dude... you're on a fucking roll, if I may say so.


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2 hours ago, Davino said:

If someone is two years into this work and you don't expect them to behave like a human I don't know who is more confused about the workings of reality, that person or yourself. I respect your high level posts but you don't seem to be aware of where is everyone here and usually just talk from the absolutist awakening you've ever had. That's your style and I respect it but just read again your post and think if it would really help anyone in the begginings or the mid part of their path. The answer is clear, no.

If you want to have skillfull communications with other individuals in this forum you must take into consideration very seriously what I'm telling you. Otherwise, you might get into territory of those which understand already understand and those which not, will never have a ladder in you communication to do so. This is very well explained in the core teachings of the buddha from Daniel Ingram, in the chapter of teachers. It is explained that spirituality is like a funnel, a part which is wide in the beggining appeling to many people and then gets tight as more advanced the work gets. Different masters teach at different levels. Once may be better at the wider and other at the narrow, some teachers cannot teach the narrow because they haven't even gone there. It's like a university professor vs a kindergarden math teacher. Different strategies work at different moments of the evolutionary process. I'm just saying you that advanced calculus will most likely disgust a child although being more accurate than kindergarden maths. You cannot be teaching advanced calculus to everyone and just expect people to understand it and rise to your level and go on with your speech of how human people are when approaching truth, I mean well yes what do you expect a child to be at? Be more efficient in your communications and talk to each person in a way you will connect and make the message cross his own metal maze. Each mind is like a decoding machine that distorts reality. Sometimes a more inaccurate message will be decoded by a mind into a more congruent message than a more accurate one which will just be distorted in inconprehensible ways for the listener. Just telling you this because I have been there, the approach you are taking will lead you to many frustration and misunderstanding with other people in the forum.

I'm as human as I am God. The whole and the part makes perfection. Get this infinite iterative paradox and you will live peacefully.

You are too close-minded to even understand what I am saying....the human bit I wrote is to challenge the concept of what is a human. You don't even know what a human is....only what everyone is doing around you. 

Have you questioned if Science even understands what a human is? Does Science even understand fully how the body works. Right now Science thinks it needs to fuse machines with the human body to upgrade it....what if there are ancient practices...that upgrade the human body so it can flow smoothly with reality itself?

Would Science call that a human....or something else? In some traditions they call that an AVATAR. So are you a human or an AVATAR? Who tell me....

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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33 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Dude... you're on a fucking roll, if I may say so.


You were waiting to post that gif for the last 2yrs and you finally got the chance. Yippee.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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