
Ralston Gives A Clear Answer To Metaphysical Love Question

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I am in a new, higher reality which renders all human spiritual ideas as pure childish nonsense unworthy of thinking about. It's not just a different reality, it's a higher reality, more real than human reality.

Reality has no feature where it can become more real. You are confusing things.

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There absolutely are higher ones.

Are the lower states forsaken from God and Truth, then?

Edited by Osaid

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Just one question, @Leo Gura 

I was right now watching your episode with Curt in his channel TOE, and you just literally said you have one rule for you and everyone that gets into this work: "dont hurt your body, not even just dont hurt your body but take care of it, recognizing its innate beauty"

Do you have changed your thoughts on this matter since you said you stopped brushing your teeth? 

Thanks for your time and all that you have done for humanity

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29 minutes ago, nhoktinvt said:

this is relatively irrelevant but man i miss the time where people are more of a bro than of an enemy

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Thoreau

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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42 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Truth doesn't come in degrees because that implies duality.

@Osaid Sincere question, not trying to bait you here: What is Unconditional Love?

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3 hours ago, Water by the River said:

I agree on all you write here.

Why I emphasize the way I do? Because to realize the Absolute (which is always here) you have to understand and realize what is permanent. And all manifestation can be switched off, and the Absolute is still here. All of the stuff Leo talks about can be switched off, and the Absolute is still perfectly fine, like nothing ever happpened.

Manifestation/form is also Truth, and has the Absolute as its essence, is contained in it. The ring made of gold. But also for most beings also contains ignorance-arising of a mistaken identity, a separate-self. It is easier to identify these illusion-arisings (which are of the manifested side) when it becomes clear what is the permanent/timeless/always here Absolute.

Saying the Absolute is the manifest is true, but it contains the manifest, expresses itself through the manifest. But normally with that also all ignorance/illusion and all the stuff that prevents Enlightenment, because its very subtle false identity. And that is the dangerous thing with equating the manifest side with the Absolute, because there is also the permanent always here core of it. That easily gets overlooked then, but is the essence of it.

Technically and philosophically, the Absolute is that which is always the case, omnipresent, the only Reality there is without a second. And unchanging. And funnily its the core of every being, including you. And that doesn't change. Your "cloths" change (realms you manifest, including your current separate-self/body/mind), but you not.

there is the manifest the unmanifest the beyond ... the first two are the third's toys

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5 hours ago, OBEler said:

can you somehow give us a hint ot taste or any idea that your  alien consciousness is worth it for a let’s say normal human being with a good human life? 

Clearly it’s not worth it for a human; it doesn’t matter if you live a “good” or “bad” human life. It’s all still human games, ideas, and survival. 

Human Love and Alien Love are not the same.


If you enjoy being human, then by all means own it and live as one fully. However, claiming that a human achievement of enlightenment is the definitive and final insight to be had about Consciousness is just pure ignorance. This behavior is thoroughly predictable just by having a deep and intuitive understanding of basic human psychology.

It’s also worth mentioning that even religious teachings give legitimate warnings to humanity. For example, the first three commandments:

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

Anyone who’s claiming to be enlightened and understand Reality completely are literally breaking those three rules out of pride and ignorance.

I’m also not excluding Leo Gura from this. He, too, is guilty of the same crime. Yet his teachings are a far cry from the shenanigans that nondual teachers perpetuate. 

How could this be? Simply because not a single human in the entire cosmos is ready to stop playing the role of human, and never will be ;)


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31 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Reality has no feature where it can become more real. You are confusing things.

There are degrees of clarity. in fact normal human perception is a miserable degree compared to what is possible. Here everyone has drunk from Leo's teachings and now everyone thinks he is totally deceived. Sure there is a lot of value to be discovered in what is being cooked

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

No!  It's more imagination!  If you aren't conscious right now that I am imaginary,  and you are talking to yourself- then you aren't awake.   You have no material existence and you explore nothing but what I imagine you are exploring!  You have no material existence whatsoever- you're simply a character in my dream.   Ralston is another character, and so on.  That's the highest Truth there is - but you can go on fooling yourself forever with all of this entertaining imagination that keeps you running away from the highest Truth that you are alone.  You don't want to be alone, so you keep searching for something to tell you that you aren't.  But you always will be.  When you come to grips with that- that will be infinite Love ❤️ 

some want to fly high like god some want to fly high as god

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Just now, Someone here said:

Hi guys ..can I join the chat ? Wtf y'all talking about? :D

Metaphysical Bullshit


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4 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Metaphysical Bullshit

I love it ?.  Let's talk a lil bit about it . Heres my definition of enlightenment:


Soul searching. Feeling lost. New Age. Identification. Religion. Disconnection. Space. Time.


Stop slicing the identification.

Dice the religion.

Boil the New Age for five years.

Mix in the other ingredients.

Slow cook in the pot of non-duality for an infinite time.

You can substitute other things for Space and Time if ingredients are not available in your country.

If you're feeling adventurous add a dash of Solipsism (taste preferences may vary).

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Okay, you guys have fun. I have lost my desire to share my pearls here.

Ya'll are enlightened kings and love does not exist.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Water by the River What do you make out of teachings like 'The Course in Miracles', 'The Law of One' or 'Bashars Channelings', that state that Unconditional Love is the frequency of existence itself and that love is the essence and the fundamental force in All That Is, encompassing all aspects of existence itself? 

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48 minutes ago, Bufo Alvarius said:

What is Unconditional Love?

Truth. Enlightenment. I will try to describe "it."

"Unconditional Love" is a form of intelligence that exists outside of reason or logic, and it creates the universe and it is the universe. Your logic and reason cannot touch the existence of the color red, although it might try very hard to describe it, red is never a description. In a similar light, your logic and reason cannot touch Unconditional Love. It is the same intelligence that dreams up physics. It is the same intelligence that creates your entire experience. This intelligence is just exactly what exists, which is you. Anything that exists has no self-love problems. The sky has no self-love problems. A table has no self-love problems. The universe has no feature where it is capable of hating itself. Anything that actually exists has no problems with love or hate.

Reason and logic are human forms of intelligence/love, therefore they are limited. Reason and logic exists in thoughts. Thoughts are a limited medium. Therefore, reason and thoughts are a limiter on love, so to speak. The human mind's capability of partitioning experience creates the perception of something that can lack love or be hated. Hate, or lack of love, comes from inferring that your experience lacks something, but reality has no feature where it can lack itself. Also notice that reason and imagination do not always exist. An absence can appear. And furthermore, reason and imagination doesn't have much to do with experience anyways. So there is a "distancing" from hate which is possible, and this distancing is supported by the very fabric of existence.

When you truly become what you are experiencing right now, which is Truth, it negates the human capacity for disconnecting itself from Unconditional Love, and it just instantly dissolves any hate you have towards yourself, because all hate is realized to never have really existed. The human mind experiences envy, jealousy, fear, anger, out of love towards the partitioned experience it is imagining inside of it's head, it is constantly trying to accomodate for the lack of love it has created inside of its imagination.

Unconditional Love is an intelligence higher than reason. It is the intelligence which is imbued into existence itself, rather than the intelligence created by simply a part of existence, which would be human imagination and reason. Lack of love can be seen as a lack of intelligence. Think about what hate leads to, and what love leads to. It's just the most intelligent thing to be. Lack of intelligence makes you chase thoughts, which are limited forms of love. Intelligence realizes the futility of thoughts, and this allows you love and coexist indiscriminately.

The most intelligent action, and the goal of all humans and any creature in existence, is to experience degrees of love, and to coexist within Unconditional Love, and then play around with that experience FROM a place of Unconditional Love, like a child would play with lego bricks. No human is seeking an experience which isn't loving. And the universe does not allow for lack of love to truly be perceived. You are trapped in Unconditional Love, in a sense.

I want it to be clear that this Unconditional Love is not a discounting of the human behaviours such as hate, envy, jealousy, etc. Please do not imagine such things. It is not something which forces you to accept or accomodate for any negative behaviours or toxicity. It is not that. All of these things are perfectly accounted for in a way you could not imagine. And you are not wrong or unloving for experiencing anything you perceive as "not love."

Everything I described above is exactly realized during a single Enlightenment experience.

Edited by Osaid

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31 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There are degrees of clarity

Again, this is a misconception spawned from enlightenment-inducing states being put on a pedestal.

You had a specific state which was not the baseline human state, and you perceive this as a "degree." That state allowed you to perceive experience more clearly. When you came back to baseline, that clarity vanished, and so you assume it was inherent to that state. I am saying that that exact same clarity is accessible from baseline and any experience in existence, and thus the phenomenon of "degrees" is a fallacious misinterpretation of reality and Truth. This entire notion of degrees is just very clearly dualism, and thus cannot be the case.

Describe a thought.

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11 minutes ago, Bufo Alvarius said:

@Water by the River What do you make out of teachings like 'The Course in Miracles', 'The Law of One' or 'Bashars Channelings', that state that Unconditional Love is the frequency of existence itself and that love is the essence and the fundamental force in All That Is, encompassing all aspects of existence itself? 

The statements mentioned are all correct. It refers to the Manifested Side of Infinite Consciousness/Absolute, or appearance/arising/form. And that can be called existence. 

From my perspective, no contradiction anywhere. These views can all be integrated.  

Edited by Water by the River

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@Leo Gura x D hagagagag


i feel love does exist, just do shrooms, and watch the video on self love when tripping. Easy

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