
Ralston Gives A Clear Answer To Metaphysical Love Question

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

So why do you use the word love?

Because I am conscious of what love is. When you become conscious of what you are...then you will know love. I'm surprised you are still stuck in your current paradigm when you took 5 MEO DMT if that couldn't wake you up to what Love is...then that means you are too stuck, too in love, with your limited framework. 

Attachment is love. That alone should tell you what love is. Notice you cannot FORCE yourself to stop doing what you love. You have to negotiate with yourself and convince yourself something is better for you. Which is love. Whenever you use force, it only works temporarily whereas on a daily basis you always surrender to what you love. 

Without love nothing is alive, Love is the miracle that turns nothing into something. The reason why many of you cannot live from a Non-Dual State is because you judge nothing as not real, and run back to your 3D materialist paradigm because you love that conception of Life over the empty Non-Dual state. 

That right there proves the power of love. You block your own permanent awakening because you don't love it. And you can't force yourself to love it. It's why unless you grow your self-love you will NEVER permanently change your state to a Non-Dual lived state. That is why I use the word love. I speak from direct experience.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 hours ago, Francis777 said:

I think the point should be made that what many consider to be a complete breakthrough "enlightenment experience" which is a NON DUAL experience. (refrain from thinking about god for a minute I'm not talking about a breakthrough to becoming THE SELF as infinity, but NO self, the traditional Buddhist samadhi state) IS achievable and a definite experience you can have, HOWEVER once you come down out of the non dual state and the ego start to mould back into place, the idea that you are now "enlightened" and "living an enlightened life" is utter horseshit. Its no different from identifying with a culture, or identifying as a Nazi, a scientist, or a hippie. Its all bullshit that your self concocting and projecting, its not grounded in anything and saying that you are now "enlightened" and live an enlightened is no difference from saying that you live the life of a poor beggar, or a school kid or a gangster. THE ONLY ENLIGHTENED LIFE THERE IS, IS THE ONE YOUR DREAMING UP.

You haven't broken out the the illusion of "normal life" or regular day to day living and am now liberated, YOU'VE JUST CHANGED THE CONTENTS OF THE ILLUSION.

This paragraph shows me without any doubt that you write just to appear smart, without any content. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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26 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

Because I am conscious of what love is. When you become conscious of what you are...then you will know love. I'm surprised you are still stuck in your current paradigm when you took 5 MEO DMT if that couldn't wake you up to what Love is...then that means you are too stuck, too in love, with your limited framework. 

Man, love is just a word. Any word is a concept, any concept has a meaning just because it has an opposite. Reality is absolute, so non conceptual because has not an opposite, no word can define it

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Francis777 said:

You have never had a non-dual experience, you do not realise the LITERALNESS of a non dual state, your completely wrapped up in the concept of it. THERE IS NO DISTINCT REALITY IN A NON DUAL STATE. There is nothing to observe! Nothing to admire!

My friend a word of advice if I may, you are so far deluded and misguided in your own concepts that its hard to even make sense of the messages that you post on here. It is very clear that you have no little to no comprehension of what direct consciousness is. My suggestion is that you take some psychedelics, solely with the direct intention to experience one of these states, COMPLETELY FREE of any ASSUMPTION that you have of it, what you think it is, what is might be and so on. Not even to have the complete breakthrough state, just even to have a little taste of TRUE direct consciousness would be enough for you to start questioning the structure of this conceptual mountain of bullshit your currently working off of, it would save you a tonne of time and hopefully stop you wrapping yourself up even further in the giant conceptual web that your currently in. Provided that you have a genuine desire to become more consciousness.

I'll just say it again mate, I didn't write this with any intention to condescend or demean, or to make you feel bad about yourself. I can just see that getting massively stuck up on this, solely because I don't believe you've had a genuine realisation into the nature of direct consciousness, and your not going progress any further down this path without it. 

of course your free to do what you like, but I really think this is what you need to be focusing on. Hope you receive this in the positive light I sent it in.

If you believe it or not, there are actually some who have free sobre access to these nondual awakened state (any time) that you get on psychedelics due to longterm meditation practice. In my case that was over 15 years and 1000s of hours practice.

And that is exactly the problem of the psychedelic path: One gets the nondual states, but not the hundreds of hours in them necessary to get the separate-self fully transcended. Not to even talk about the 1000 of hours emptying and transcending the separate-self/ego-mindstream to get to nondual awakened states going in the first place.

Ever wondered why you don't have that these awakened nondual states in daily life? And why you return from the nondual state when your trip wears off? Untranscended separate self elements.

I believe you when you write that its hard for you to make sense of my messages. I can't write easier about these complex topics. 

You can find in my archive many posts argueing against making conceptual castles in the sky of the Absolute. At some point concepts have to stop. But not before.

Meditation Practice is actually cutting off each and any conceptual arising.

For a really good show of trying to think ones way to the Absolute in a conceptual style, I guess there are plenty of examples of that here also.

Edited by Water by the River

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Just now, Breakingthewall said:

This paragraph shows me without any doubt that you write just to appear smart, without any content. Just a clown

you don't have the capacity to understand it because your not conscious enough. I don't give a shit if you think I'm arrogant, I know that the truth that I do know, is accurate.


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1 minute ago, Francis777 said:

you don't have the capacity to understand it because your not conscious enough. I don't give a shit if you think I'm arrogant, I know that the truth that I do know, is accurate.


You are a joke. Just a troll. I hope that you don't really believe that you are "enlightened" or anything, because your mental health could be on risk. If you are just a troll, it's ok, if not, be careful

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 minute ago, Francis777 said:

you don't have the capacity to understand it because your not conscious enough. I don't give a shit if you think I'm arrogant, I know that the truth that I do know, is accurate.

hey, lets not loose the humor, lightness, and manner/style, and lets admit that the only AWAKE is Bazooka:


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4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

You are a joke. Just a troll. 

none of my prior comments have been to insult or troll anyone, quote me exactly where I'm trolling, you cant because your just whining like a child

Edited by Francis777

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3 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Isn't awakening and enlightenment the same thing?

No, big misconception spawned from a misinterpretation of enlightenment.

Awakenings happen many times. They hint at or give insight into truth, God, reality, etc. You can have an infinite amount of awakenings. Every single time you take a psychedelic you will instantly have an awakening.

Enlightenment is just truth and what is always the case, and being conscious of that. It is one thing experienced forever. You don't learn more insights about yourself afterwards, and you don't gain more clarity afterwards, because all of these imply "more truth." You don't have multiple enlightenments, because that means you are becoming conscious of multiple truths, which is not possible.

Enlightenment happens once. Awakenings can happen basically until the day you die.

Describe a thought.

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8 minutes ago, Francis777 said:

none of my prior comments have been to insult or troll anyone, quote me exactly where I'm trolling, you cant because your just whining like a little bitch


Dude, you are a pathetic guy who is only here to show superiority. It is normal, since many have this attitude in this forum , so it is logical that people with weak personalities come here to express the same attitudes and thus reinforce their ego in a pathetic way, but it is frustrating for those of us who try to make serious contributions.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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nice little reddit piece that fits here too


The first thing I “knew” was that I was my own god. There is no higher being; only existence. We ARE our own existence. My own higher self IS the universe and IS existence itself. The utter simplicity of this concept is what makes it hard to describe I think, but in that transcendent state, I instantly understood it.

At this point I felt no attachment to my body, my life, or my “reality”, I believe I was fully separated from my ego.

I “felt” and saw the true ‘nature of reality’ or ‘reality of nature’, which was total bliss. It was calm, clear, beautiful love and joy. And I “knew” with absolute certainty that love was all that mattered, as corny as that may sound if you haven’t felt it. I knew that there was never anything to worry about, nothing mattered, even suffering, because everything I ever experience is constructed in my own mind. While I was “realising” these things, I was seeing and feeling the brightest, purest light I could ever imagine… the light itself was pure love.

Coming back to “reality” where I was aware of my body and myself again was almost as profound as that transcendent moment I spent with or at the Source. This is because in coming back, I understood with absolute clarity that what I experience as my “waking” reality, or my “life” was an illusion. This reality I’m living right now is an illusion constructed by my own ordinary mind.

The overarching feeling I had and still have from this experience is a feeling of “winning”. That this “knowledge” of how things actually are is all I will ever need. It is a gift and all I have to do is keep it with me.

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25 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

You are a joke. Just a troll. I hope that you don't really believe that you are "enlightened" or anything, because your mental health could be on risk. If you are just a troll, it's ok, if not, be careful

I have no idea how you can read my original post regarding enlightenment being illusory, and then proceed to think that I’m calling myself/think of myself as enlightened, your idiocy is beyond me. Your comment makes NO sense your clearly not even reading my posts, as such why even bother replying to them.

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4 minutes ago, Francis777 said:

I have no idea how you can read my original post regarding enlightenment being illusory, and then proceed to think that I’m calling myself/think of myself as enlightened, your idiocy is beyond me. Your comment makes NO sense your clearly not even reading my posts, as such why even bother replying to them.

30 minutes ago, Francis777 said:


Yes, I already read that Leo says that enlightenment is illusory. Then you did a clumsy and basic argumentation to show that you reached the same conclusion by yourself. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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52 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

You don't know what love is....that is why you say that, Love is undefinable...therefore...everything is love. Love is ONENESS therefore it cannot be broken. Love cannot be contrasted, because Consciousness, Imagination, Nothing IS LOVE.


34 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Man, love is just a word. Any word is a concept, any concept has a meaning just because it has an opposite. Reality is absolute, so non conceptual, no word can define it


That style of "reasoning" in the first quote is really fun.

You don't know what Raspberry is....that is why you say that, Raspberry is undefinable...therefore...everything is Raspberry. Raspberry is ONENESS therefore it cannot be broken. Raspberry cannot be contrasted, because Consciousness, Imagination, Nothing IS RASPBERRY

Hm, ok. Raspberry is a bad idea.

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Love is just what you put there.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Yes, I already read that Leo says that enlightenment is illusory. Then you did a clumsy and basic argumentation to show that you reached the same conclusion by yourself. 

I reached this conclusion on my own, but since you brought it up let’s do that, let Leo ratify my understanding of the conclusion, and see if he thinks I’m merely parroting him.

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The whole irony of this thread is that it was started by a lion, the lion who just wanted to sleep tonight:

^ that post happened to also be made on my birthday. 

Wtf is Love!!

I AM reborn

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

That style of "reasoning" in the first quote is really fun.

Yes, you need to twist logic to explain that reality is love, because first you have to define what love means, and then affirm that absolute reality is specifically that, but of course, it is not normal love, but mystical love, so what is it? mystical love? wake up and find out for yourself , etc

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I think some of you are letting your conditioned minds run you around like chickens with their heads cut off!

I mean, I get it & yes it's super entertaining and all, but at some point, it should become obvious that a very creative imagination superimposing its concepts and beliefs overtop of reality does not make it true.

Reality doesn't care what you think about it. It doesn't need a label given to it. It doesn't need a human story of how or why placed onto it!

Enlightenment is not spinning endless conceptual stories off the top of the head about reality in an effort to make the self illusion feel more comfortable or grounded!

It's the end of the conceptualizer or spiritual materialist.

It's the disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as " ME " 

It's literally the end of the individual trying to attain it or rather the revelation that it was never real to begin with. And so in that sense, enlightenment isn't real because it's the end of something that never started. 

Which is exactly where the saying comes from that "everyone is already enlightened"

Believing that there's more to reality than meets the eye is the bus ticket...... Clearly seeing that there's not is the ride home or the end of seeking!

When it comes to reality, there's only what Seems to be happening.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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