
Is this sensed or imagined?

3 posts in this topic

Are you sensing this post or imagining it or both or neither?

By sensing I mean experiencing it with a sense organ. By imagining it I mean experiencing it without a sense organ.

What evidence do you have to support your perspective?

Edited by davecraw

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Have you heard about the concept of top-down and bottom-up processing? It shows how your experience of the world is neither fully explained by discrete sensory inputs nor by a fully dissociated imagination. So your question might involve a false dichotomy (the example I brought up is not the only way to make that case).

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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You'd first have to grasp what "this" is before asking any further questions about it.

So clarify "this" first. In other words: What is experience? And perhaps: What is perception?

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