
Jubilee has Destiny.

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   Jubilee episode about Black conservatives versus White Liberals. Personally, big mistake to invite Destiny the friendly sociopath on, but nevertheless interesting video observe and see the asymmetrical comparisons here:


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Yeah, I just saw that vid!

He's a really skilled debater. 

It's very sad that all of these black conservatives bought into the falsehood of the right-wing talking points on big government.

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16 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Yeah, I just saw that vid!

He's a really skilled debater. 

It's very sad that all of these black conservatives bought into the falsehood of the right-wing talking points on big government.

   I agree that Destiny is a skilled debater, but due to various developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits(Big five personality traits and Myers Briggs personality types modal), ego development(by Jane Loevinger),life experiences and other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences I feel that Destiny is dangerous and should not be trusted or blindly believed. Success, charisma, persuasion /=/ personal growth or moral character.

   Also did a body language analysis of him and Mr. Girl here:

   What do you mean it's sad that all black conservatives bought into the 'falsehood' of right wing talking points on big government? What talkiing points are they?

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On 9/10/2023 at 7:14 AM, Danioover9000 said:


   I agree that Destiny is a skilled debater, but due to various developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits(Big five personality traits and Myers Briggs personality types modal), ego development(by Jane Loevinger),life experiences and other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences I feel that Destiny is dangerous and should not be trusted or blindly believed. Success, charisma, persuasion /=/ personal growth or moral character.

   Also did a body language analysis of him and Mr. Girl here:

   What do you mean it's sad that all black conservatives bought into the 'falsehood' of right wing talking points on big government? What talkiing points are they?

I don't see how Destiny is a sociopath. He's morally for all of the right things as a true, but sensible progressive.

The falsehood right wing talking points have included "the welfare has enabled black people to be lazy, do drugs, and commit crime" and that "non-white just as much as opportunity as white people." There's been no real evidence to prove that a robust welfare system enables black people, brown, or poor people to be lazy, do drugs, and commit crime. Also, the percent of black people in America who are welfare recipients is the same as that of the percent of white people in America who are welfare recipients. Plus, the main reason why there have a larger percentage of black people than white people who commit crime in the US is due to the fact that most black people in the country are struggling to survive. They are angry over the unjust income inequality between black and white people in America and because they don't make enough of a fair living they a lot of times feel like they have no choice but to steal from others with money in order to survive.

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

I don't see how Destiny is a sociopath. He's morally for all of the right things as a true, but sensible progressive.

The falsehood right wing talking points have included "the welfare has enabled black people to be lazy, do drugs, and commit crime" and that "non-white just as much as opportunity as white people." There's been no real evidence to prove that a robust welfare system enables black people, brown, or poor people to be lazy, do drugs, and commit crime. Also, the percent of black people in America who are welfare recipients is the same as that of the percent of white people in America who are welfare recipients. Plus, the main reason why there have a larger percentage of black people than white people who commit crime in the US is due to the fact that most black people in the country are struggling to survive. They are angry over the unjust income inequality between black and white people in America and because they don't make enough of a fair living they a lot of times feel like they have no choice but to steal from others with money in order to survive.

   You can find out why I came to that conclusion of Destiny being a sociopath via body language analysis, verbal analysis, and some discourse and statement analysis. I catch everything that snake hisses, and in that drama between Destiny and Mr. Girl I'd say both exposed each other a bit. Find out more here:

   As to the Jubilee and the political stuff I can't give a deep reply to, but I think this source is worth checking out, a more balanced and economic perspective on the whole thing:




   And while I'm talking about Destiny, supposedly the best debater that'll talk to anyone, what's his response to a more intellectually grounded and reasonable view of a person that views the Ukraine/Russia conflict?


who know does podcasts like this.


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"I agree that Destiny is a skilled debater, but due to various developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits(Big five personality traits and Myers Briggs personality types modal), ego development(by Jane Loevinger),life experiences and other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences I feel that Destiny is dangerous and should not be trusted or blindly believed. Success, charisma, persuasion /=/ personal growth or moral character."

Damn, i got so tired in the middle of this i almos gave up on reading, you literally cited every single psychology related thing you of in order to character assassinate an youtube streamer, and of of the few that does a good work for society.

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On 9/12/2023 at 4:38 PM, Hardkill said:

I don't see how Destiny is a sociopath. He's morally for all of the right things as a true, but sensible progressive.

He's a self-admitted sociopath. Do you know how many hours of streams he has?

On one stream he basically said something to the effect that he doesn't have feelings like normal people and that his relationships are purely transactional.  

Besides, anyone who shills for Biden and H. Clinton specifically (the most corrupt politicians in US history) cannot in any way be considered anything but amoral.

His fandom is another one of these "not a cult" cults.

Edited by SeaMonster

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@Lews Therin

16 hours ago, Lews Therin said:

"I agree that Destiny is a skilled debater, but due to various developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits(Big five personality traits and Myers Briggs personality types modal), ego development(by Jane Loevinger),life experiences and other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences I feel that Destiny is dangerous and should not be trusted or blindly believed. Success, charisma, persuasion /=/ personal growth or moral character."

Damn, i got so tired in the middle of this i almos gave up on reading, you literally cited every single psychology related thing you of in order to character assassinate an youtube streamer, and of of the few that does a good work for society.

   At least have to curtesy to tag my name and quote the post I made before critiquing or hating me. No, I didn't cite every single psychological factor as I'll be 100s of years typing in here, I cited the most relevant factors to me that shows Destiny is a sociopathic liar, albeit a skilled debater, still a sociopathic autistic liar. That's the truth, otherwise how can a morally grounded and integral character use open ended relationships to conveniently farm drama? Is it merely coincidence that he 'accidentally' had a fall out with Hasan, Vaush, and others in his circle? If you look at the body language thread I made and covered the Mr. Girl and Destiny drama, on Destiny's video titled 'Destiny Addresses Lav Allegations and Exposes Mr. Girl.', I analyzed his body language and concluded he's mostly stressed, and is being deceptive. I did that because for others here I want to show an unbiased frame of Destiny, a more accurate frame, that he is a sociopath, so if you still follow and watch him, just know you're following a sociopath, not some fantastic normal debater, that's all. I want the general public and users here to make more informed choices whether to follow or boycott Destiny because he's an actual sociopath with little regards for human beings, whether you follow him or not, just know he's a sociopath. I wanted to do this in good faith and to communicate my analysis to all, to really show his true nature publically.

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15 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

He's a self-admitted sociopath. Do you know how many hours of streams he has?

On one stream he basically said something to the effect that he doesn't have feelings like normal people and that his relationships are purely transactional.  

Besides, anyone who shills for Biden and H. Clinton specifically (the most corrupt politicians in US history) cannot in any way be considered anything but amoral.

His fandom is another one of these "not a cult" cults.

   While I disagree with the bad faith framing, I partly agree that Destiny and his fanbase are questionable. It's unavoidable, which is partly why I started that body language thread cuz there's personal development potential there, plus people like Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Andrew Tate, these types know how to be charismatic and manipulative, just like Destiny, which is why I felt some moral obligation to expose him here a little, to show he's not as trustworthy as some mods here thinking.

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20 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Lews Therin

   At least have to curtesy to tag my name and quote the post I made before critiquing or hating me. No, I didn't cite every single psychological factor as I'll be 100s of years typing in here, I cited the most relevant factors to me that shows Destiny is a sociopathic liar, albeit a skilled debater, still a sociopathic autistic liar. That's the truth, otherwise how can a morally grounded and integral character use open ended relationships to conveniently farm drama? Is it merely coincidence that he 'accidentally' had a fall out with Hasan, Vaush, and others in his circle? If you look at the body language thread I made and covered the Mr. Girl and Destiny drama, on Destiny's video titled 'Destiny Addresses Lav Allegations and Exposes Mr. Girl.', I analyzed his body language and concluded he's mostly stressed, and is being deceptive. I did that because for others here I want to show an unbiased frame of Destiny, a more accurate frame, that he is a sociopath, so if you still follow and watch him, just know you're following a sociopath, not some fantastic normal debater, that's all. I want the general public and users here to make more informed choices whether to follow or boycott Destiny because he's an actual sociopath with little regards for human beings, whether you follow him or not, just know he's a sociopath. I wanted to do this in good faith and to communicate my analysis to all, to really show his true nature publically.

I didn't know tagging was common courtesy, sorry about that. But you did write almost a full paragraph of different psychological models with essentially no elaboration other than a link to a 5 page long body language mega thread. And no, i can't count that as language because i don't know your credentials on body-laguage reading nor do i understand body language well enough to judge if what you are saying makes sense or not. Also, i don't consider bodily cues to be informative enough to deduce as much information as you seem to have.

Yeah, maybe the body can tell you if the person is nervous, but is it because they are lying or is it because they of a miriad of other possible reasons?

So, what about stages of cognitive development makes you think he is untrustworthy?
What about ego development (by Jane's model) makes you think he is untrustworthy?

What about Myers Brigs personality types makes you think he is untrustworthy?

What about life experiences (his or yours?) makes you think negatively of him?

What about "other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated" gives you that opinion about him?

Or any of the other stuff you mentioned? You can't just come in here, drop the name of a dozen different models and not elaborate on any. Also, a body-language thread is not "elaboration" since i doubt anyone in this world can tell someone's stage at different developmental lines just from looking at how they move and how they sit.

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6 hours ago, Lews Therin said:

So, what about stages of cognitive development makes you think he is untrustworthy?
What about ego development (by Jane's model) makes you think he is untrustworthy?

All of that is projection/speculation. Let's say he is an INTP; so what? There are honest and dishonest INTPs, that doesn't tell you anything.

What matters is the combined weight of all the things he has said.  If you look at everything he has said in total, he is bad faith; will say contradictory things on different occasions/sometimes even on one occasion, then will use ad hoc reasoning to justify it if called on it.  In essence, that is weasely scumbaggery.  A lot of his statements are EASILY picked apart, either on a logical or factual basis.

He is impressive if you don't have a lot of specific knowledge and don't think too deeply about things, but otherwise he is kind of a hack tbh.  

Edited by SeaMonster

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On 16/09/2023 at 5:19 AM, SeaMonster said:

All of that is projection/speculation. Let's say he is an INTP; so what? There are honest and dishonest INTPs, that doesn't tell you anything.

What matters is the combined weight of all the things he has said.  If you look at everything he has said in total, he is bad faith; will say contradictory things on different occasions/sometimes even on one occasion, then will use ad hoc reasoning to justify it if called on it.  In essence, that is weasely scumbaggery.  A lot of his statements are EASILY picked apart, either on a logical or factual basis.

He is impressive if you don't have a lot of specific knowledge and don't think too deeply about things, but otherwise he is kind of a hack tbh.  

I still don't see it, i've watched him for many hours through the years, and he seems to be pretty consistent. Can you show me examples of him being inconsistent?

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@Lews Therin

1 hour ago, Lews Therin said:

I still don't see it, i've watched him for many hours through the years, and he seems to be pretty consistent. Can you show me examples of him being inconsistent?

   I've been a Destiny fan for 7 years, and had the privilege of watching and consuming his content, and his mannerisms and views, and know when he's lying or not. It's mostly intuitional. That video, titled 'Destiny Addresses Lav Allegations and Exposes Mr.Girl.', is one example when he's being both defensive and deceptive, I have a thread on body language in the personal development forum covering this.

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@Lews Therin

On 2023-09-16 at 2:25 AM, Lews Therin said:

I didn't know tagging was common courtesy, sorry about that. But you did write almost a full paragraph of different psychological models with essentially no elaboration other than a link to a 5 page long body language mega thread. And no, i can't count that as language because i don't know your credentials on body-laguage reading nor do i understand body language well enough to judge if what you are saying makes sense or not. Also, i don't consider bodily cues to be informative enough to deduce as much information as you seem to have.

Yeah, maybe the body can tell you if the person is nervous, but is it because they are lying or is it because they of a miriad of other possible reasons?

So, what about stages of cognitive development makes you think he is untrustworthy?
What about ego development (by Jane's model) makes you think he is untrustworthy?

What about Myers Brigs personality types makes you think he is untrustworthy?

What about life experiences (his or yours?) makes you think negatively of him?

What about "other lines of development from life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated" gives you that opinion about him?

Or any of the other stuff you mentioned? You can't just come in here, drop the name of a dozen different models and not elaborate on any. Also, a body-language thread is not "elaboration" since i doubt anyone in this world can tell someone's stage at different developmental lines just from looking at how they move and how they sit.

   Sorry, tagging a user name is what I consider courteous as it let's me know someone is talking to me here. Sometimes writing medium to large paragraphs citing multiple modals is part of my writing style in this forum, I go meta levels and think in tier 2 to tier 3 cognition, so I think very broadly and sometimes deeply beyond normal binary levels, which can get complicated and convoluted, but that's me, and how I extrapolate multiple contexts into one.

   While body language analysis is not as rigorous as physics or chemistry science, it's a soft science, where 70-80 percent of analysis is likely correct and true. It's party fundamental to human beings being hardwired for being social, which is why sometimes with little body language analysis knowledge most people have a 'gut feeling', or an intuition that someone is stressed, or defensive, or lying, based on their baseline, their tonality, their expressions and mannerisms, and the congruent to incongruent signs, verbally to non-verbally. I don't know why you assumed that I think that I'm always true in my analysis, no it's just very likely to likely true.

1. In terms of stages of development, I think he's at hard stage orange with some stage green/blue, and tiny percentages of stage yellow in his thinking and views of situations.

2. His cognitive development is that he's got a neurotypical brain, and falls under the Asperger's or the autism spectrum, given also he's extensive categorical thinking, and hyper rational and transactional takes between men and women. This is also due to him being identified with determinism, science, rationality, logic, capitalism, and also valuing these as such. Since he also values debating and arguing political topics while multi tasking with video games and joking on the fly, I get a strong impression he's these things. Also gained this from some footages of him live interacting with people on location.

3. I think his moral development suffered a regression, in order to think very rationally and transactional. He's even risk looking questionable for the sake of a consistent logical argument and debate in his view. 

4. personality types and traits, is similar to number 2, in that he's mostly introverted, close minded, disagreeable, orderly, and due to his career path, highly neurotic, this may also be from his childhood trauma of seeing his pets dogs getting euthanized by his grandparents in front of him, plus many complicated human relationships stemming from his first wife to many of his open relationships, I feel like he's got a very deep masculine shadow and doesn't quite know how to connect, but he's mostly THINKING his way into those relationships. The sociopathic traits stem from these areas.

   I don't mean to be bad faith and uncharitable, I do try to be good faith in viewing Destiny. IMO though, he's a sociopath and seeing him getting popular despite this fact does make me feel a bit concerned. Nevertheless, this is my view.

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