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Health Anxiety

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Hi! I've had this severe anxiety since january this year, where im constantly worried that i have some chronic ilness that has no cure for it. It started with MS, and i was so sure i had it that i had panic attack and got lots of physical symptoms after it. This of course lead in to a viscious circle where the symptoms coming from stress reaction fed my fearful mind with more and more scary thoughts. Right now im dealing with eyefloaters and blaming that i have increased the number of them because of some descisions i've made earlier in my life. Someone wrote that fishoil causes eye floaters so now im convinced its because of that i've eaten sumplements like vitamin d and fishoil. I've been to doctors and they havent found anything.

So all in all, what i've found is that the pattern goes like this: i want to find a chronic disease and blame myself for my previous choises in my life causing it to happen. This pattern seems to go on with everything relating to my anxiety. Blaming myself for something i've done/not done in the past.

Ah felt so good to write this down. If you have similiar fears or guidance for me those will be deeply apprecited.

Thank you

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Yes. What is happening is that you are giving a lot of focus and attention and energy on something you dont want. Please change your focus in something you want. The end. Thats it. Theres nothing for you to be afraid.


All we want is relief.

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