
Stage Red Movies

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I just watched Troy, 2004 yesterday. It has many accurate depictions of stage Red behaviours, if you have noticed.

Like walls, babies getting thrown from walls, slitting throats, rape war etc.

It's also remarkable to think that our society is only two stages ahead of it, and that too barely ahead of it, given that we are orange. Even though it took thousands of years of evolution.

Any other stage red movies?

I want to integrate my inner conquer red. 

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I know one, monty python, life of brian Red at it's finest.


Edited by Sucuk Ekmek

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Not sure if these fully count since theyre more modern examples of stage red but

"The Wolf of Wall Street" Unhealthy stage orange and red

"Raging Bull" mostly true story about boxer Jake Lamotta and his disfunctional life

"Lord of War" about international arms dealer who deals weapons to african warlords

"Trainspotting" Life of heroin addicts in UK

"There Will be Blood" Story of oil barron. Also an unhealthy stage orange/red

"Snow on Tha Bluff" really cool movie filmed like its a self made documentary about a gangster/ drug dealer


Edited by Phil King

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The move "Apocalypto" depicts spiral dynamics more clearly than any other movie I can think of.  It focuses on the coming of stage red to a stage purple environment. It also features another stage in spiral dynamics that I won't spoil.  I'm not sure if Mel Gibson thinks or cares about spiral dynamics, but he seems to get it in his own way.

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Here are some recommendations from me, re films I see as being red:

- Come and See  (1985)

- Irreversible (2002) 

- Salo

- Lilya 4-ever

- The House That Jack Built

- A Serbian Film

- Scum (1977)

- Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

- Nil by Mouth

- Funny Games (2007)

- Ghostland (2018)

- Threads (1984)

- Nitram

I did a film watch project on stage red movies a while back myself, and watched most of these in that.

Edited by Ulax

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Oh ya and while we're on Mel Gibson all of the Mad Max movies are great movies and all about stage red stuff.

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On 9/9/2023 at 1:14 PM, Mulky said:

The move "Apocalypto" depicts spiral dynamics more clearly than any other movie I can think of.  It focuses on the coming of stage red to a stage purple environment. It also features another stage in spiral dynamics that I won't spoil.  I'm not sure if Mel Gibson thinks or cares about spiral dynamics, but he seems to get it in his own way.

Yeah I watched it. It was too purple O guess. The surprise at the end was worth it.

The fact that the director do not know about SD only makes it even more profound. 

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Thinking of Troy, Achellis was proper stage orange in that movie. He did casual sex, didn't believe in fighting for nation didn't believe in God had superb skills. Imagine being stage orange 3000 years ago. Incredible stuff. That king of sparta was blue and other soldiers were red.

Beautiful stuff. 

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