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Women and toxic relationships.

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I have alot of friends that are girls while also not having a girlfriend of my own. I do have some romantic relationships from time to time but nothing ever serious lately.

I'm just writing this because I had 3 seperate conversations today with 3 different girls that were all similar and I like I dont want to be an asshole or rude but Idk why they all do and say the same shit.

The first girl is my ex whos been with her new boyfriend for like over a year now and their whole relationship is a mess. Today she comes into my room and starts telling me about how she found text messages between him and some girl about how he wanted to give her a massage and then she contfronted him about it and then he broke his ipad over leg and had to go to the hospital for it because he cut his arm.

This type of shit happens like weekly and then she just tells me how she talks to other dudes and even asked me if I wanted to hook up with her soon and I just said no. She then started talking about how she felt powerful because she was talking to her boyfriends cousin (while saying this shes getting ready to go hang out with her BF because he threw a fit and wanted to come pick her up). I'm just like how do you feel powerful if you just do whatever he says all the time?

She kept going on and im like dude I really dont want to talk about this. She knows I hate hearing about toxic relationship shit so she was like "alright I'll shut up." Not in an angry way but she just knows that im not interested in that stuff.

The second girl is my friend who like without my consent basically just starts telling me about this dude shes dating and how like he wont let her break up with him, and I'm just like  what the fuck does that even mean? like how does someone not let you break up with them. and then she goes on about how he just shows up to her house and like demands she sees him and then she does it and then like last time she cornered her in her room and was yelling at her. and the whole time I'm like trying to be her friend because it sounds like its abusive but I just dont understand like how it even gets to that point if you dont want to be with him to begin with. 

Dont get me wrong I got my own problems for sure which is probably why I'm single but when I hear shit like this I'm like wtf. I get being in love and shit but like I really dont understand how you just continuously chose to just do things like that knowing the outcome and then like complaining about it constantly. 

And then I'm not going to lie it almost makes me feel like I'm in the wrong for like not being insecure or something, but maybe I'm just around the wrong type of people? I really hope everyone is not like this but this is all I see most of the time. Like these dudes get all insecure because they're dating hot girls and then it becomes abusive and the girls act like its such a huge problem but continue to stay thinking they can fix them or something and its just like why even waste your time doing that.

truthfully I really dont care if my SO gets attention from men as long as shes like not being blatently disrespectful then I wouldnt give a shit at all, and even if something was to occur where she did do something behind my back I would just leave. I wouldnt like hate her or disrespect her or be petty back, like I understand we're human she doesnt owe me anything and I'm really just usually appreciateive of any time spent but like I dont have to deal with that.


It just seems like everybody has an attraction to being in toxic relationships and its just kind of annoying in all honesty. Everyone talks about how they wanna be with someone who is fine with or without them but they continuously chose people who are willing to crash out if they dont get what they want.

I'm really not trying to act like i'm the most secure person on the planet either, I have insecurities for sure but I'd really rather do anything then just be in a toxic realtionship where I'm like doing all this stuff that isn't me just for someone to love me. 

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They probably like some of the drama

maybe it’s some early pattern that they always repeat

if they don’t want to end the relationships then you don’t need to care about it either

buddha said life is suffering, maybe that’s how they’ll get on a path to wake up

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11 hours ago, digitalkaine said:

I have alot of friends that are girls while also not having a girlfriend of my own. I do have some romantic relationships from time to time but nothing ever serious lately.

I'm just writing this because I had 3 seperate conversations today with 3 different girls that were all similar and I like I dont want to be an asshole or rude but Idk why they all do and say the same shit.

The first girl is my ex whos been with her new boyfriend for like over a year now and their whole relationship is a mess. Today she comes into my room and starts telling me about how she found text messages between him and some girl about how he wanted to give her a massage and then she contfronted him about it and then he broke his ipad over leg and had to go to the hospital for it because he cut his arm.

This type of shit happens like weekly and then she just tells me how she talks to other dudes and even asked me if I wanted to hook up with her soon and I just said no. She then started talking about how she felt powerful because she was talking to her boyfriends cousin (while saying this shes getting ready to go hang out with her BF because he threw a fit and wanted to come pick her up). I'm just like how do you feel powerful if you just do whatever he says all the time?

She kept going on and im like dude I really dont want to talk about this. She knows I hate hearing about toxic relationship shit so she was like "alright I'll shut up." Not in an angry way but she just knows that im not interested in that stuff.

The second girl is my friend who like without my consent basically just starts telling me about this dude shes dating and how like he wont let her break up with him, and I'm just like  what the fuck does that even mean? like how does someone not let you break up with them. and then she goes on about how he just shows up to her house and like demands she sees him and then she does it and then like last time she cornered her in her room and was yelling at her. and the whole time I'm like trying to be her friend because it sounds like its abusive but I just dont understand like how it even gets to that point if you dont want to be with him to begin with. 

Dont get me wrong I got my own problems for sure which is probably why I'm single but when I hear shit like this I'm like wtf. I get being in love and shit but like I really dont understand how you just continuously chose to just do things like that knowing the outcome and then like complaining about it constantly. 

And then I'm not going to lie it almost makes me feel like I'm in the wrong for like not being insecure or something, but maybe I'm just around the wrong type of people? I really hope everyone is not like this but this is all I see most of the time. Like these dudes get all insecure because they're dating hot girls and then it becomes abusive and the girls act like its such a huge problem but continue to stay thinking they can fix them or something and its just like why even waste your time doing that.

truthfully I really dont care if my SO gets attention from men as long as shes like not being blatently disrespectful then I wouldnt give a shit at all, and even if something was to occur where she did do something behind my back I would just leave. I wouldnt like hate her or disrespect her or be petty back, like I understand we're human she doesnt owe me anything and I'm really just usually appreciateive of any time spent but like I dont have to deal with that.


It just seems like everybody has an attraction to being in toxic relationships and its just kind of annoying in all honesty. Everyone talks about how they wanna be with someone who is fine with or without them but they continuously chose people who are willing to crash out if they dont get what they want.

I'm really not trying to act like i'm the most secure person on the planet either, I have insecurities for sure but I'd really rather do anything then just be in a toxic realtionship where I'm like doing all this stuff that isn't me just for someone to love me. 

They need the drama. My ex got bored because there wasn't enough of it in our relationship. If I would have introduced another girl into the picture I am pretty sure it would have kept the excitement going. It is a very sad thing about relationships nowadays.

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