
Consequences from combining MDMA and 5-MeO-DMT

59 posts in this topic

@OBEler @PurpleTree

I have no excuses. It was my mistake due to my foolishness and lack of patience to study more about this substance. Only yesterday, I realized what I had done. In the YouTube video I watched, it said 150mg, and I understood 1.5g. Effectively, I confused the measurement. 

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Just now, deamordeamar said:

@OBEler @PurpleTree

I have no excuses. It was my mistake due to my foolishness and lack of patience to study more about this substance. Only yesterday, I realized what I had done. In the YouTube video I watched, it said 150mg, and I understood 1.5g. Effectively, I confused the measurement. 

Noooooo ?

well good luck you got this

maybe take some 5htp ( not for a long time though) and vitamins to replenish your system

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I’m just reading this and had my first experience with MDMA Monday, it was awesome. I will share some notes but I didn’t know it was bad for the body.  Based on my experience, I’d definitely do it again (and will lol) and I’d recommend it.

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22 minutes ago, Karla said:

I’m just reading this and had my first experience with MDMA Monday, it was awesome. I will share some notes but I didn’t know it was bad for the body.  Based on my experience, I’d definitely do it again (and will lol) and I’d recommend it.

MDMA drains serotonin from your brain, so for two to three days afterward your brain will have a shortage of serotonin. the more conscious you are, the more you will notice this, and it is extremely unpleasant. It is also cardio toxic if used very often, and seems that can cause permanent damage in the cells that produce serotonin, but this is not sure and I guess It could happen only with chronic use. 

but not only this, on a psychological level I find it false. it makes you loving and open in an artificial way. Like a sugar overload in your mind. that is why it is so successful at night party.  It helps interaction and openness to others, but it is not you who opens up, it is a sweet and cloying faker, who the next day will give you a double hangover, that of serotonin and that of the faker

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 minute ago, OBEler said:

could be that women experience that different

Its possible. Women really like MDMA, I would say that it fits their energy more than that of men.

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6 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Its possible. Women really like MDMA, I would say that it fits their energy more than that of men.

No i know many men who love mdma

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Mdma is a really transformative experience that can bring lots of positive changes when taken responsibly.

Here is a literal gold mine for a safe consumption of mdma :

If done correctly, you're not supposed to have jaw clenching or even a bad hangover on next days, you just need to prepare the body before and during the event.

Edited by Lynx

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11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

MDMA drains serotonin from your brain, so for two to three days afterward your brain will have a shortage of serotonin. the more conscious you are, the more you will notice this, and it is extremely unpleasant. It is also cardio toxic if used very often, and seems that can cause permanent damage in the cells that produce serotonin, but this is not sure and I guess It could happen only with chronic use. 

but not only this, on a psychological level I find it false. it makes you loving and open in an artificial way. Like a sugar overload in your mind. that is why it is so successful at night party.  It helps interaction and openness to others, but it is not you who opens up, it is a sweet and cloying faker, who the next day will give you a double hangover, that of serotonin and that of the faker

Interesting… I haven’t noticed anything big, after every trip I worry I will have ego backlash or that I’ll completely lose the experience. 

Outside of that- no side effects yet.

I recently read in this microdosing newsletter that MDMA was a good add on for people who typically have bad trips and more likely to experience self compassion.

I feel like it may be good for anyone with a lot of baggage or trauma to take alone or with another medicine.


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On 9/4/2023 at 11:54 AM, Verg0 said:


Today I tried a long meditation,  breathwork,  going to the gym,  a long cold shower,  and all these things seem to help but only in the moment. 



This tells me you're most likely just experiencing anxiety. Give it time and your body+mind will recover. Stop any use of substances in the mean time 

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Thanks for all the responses! They helped me a lot! 

Okey, a little update: 

@Breakingthewall Wow, LSD + 5-MeO-DMT sounds very intense! 


@Leo Gura  Now it has been 1 week since that experience. The intensity of the aftereffects has not decreased at all. Maybe even increased in intensity at times (it comes in waves). 

But I am less afraid of it. 

There is still very intense vibrations in the body. I wake up at 3 AM completely electrified. Feels like I am charged with so much energy. Even at daytime I am shaking a lot. Feeling it all the time. 

My guess is it´s coming from the 5-MeO-DMT, as I feel like I am on a modereate dose of 5-MeO 24/7. 

I feel a little spaced out. Extremely aware. Similar visual distortions. 


I spoke to a friend and he reminded me of the concept of "Kundalini -Energy- Awakening". It does sound very similar to what I am experiencing. But I don´t know too much about it.  Anybody here who has some advice on how to move that energy? Work throgh it? Release it? Ground myself in that experience? 


@Razard86  Thanks for sharing these words. Intellecutually I knew that permanent changes should be expected from this work. Experiencing such intense, radical changes in perception without psychedelics for the first time just caught me a little bit off-guard.  (Wow, now I just start to begin to apprechiate the work some of you guys do here, of tripping for a month straight, back-to-back, for a month.) 

I asked myself:-

-What is there to be afraid of?  --- Nothing! 

-What am I not willing to face? 

-Could I manage to live in this state permanetely? -- Yeah, I could manage. Maybe focus on a lot of practices to calm the nervous system (Yin Yoga, Slow Breathing, etc.) to find my way back to grounding and peace. 

Through that I am now able to allow that which wants to unfold to unfold. In it´s own time. Letting go. Trusting. Surrendering into it. 

It is still very intense. I can´t really work or focus. Cause all my attention is drawn into this process, when I am not distracting myself. 

There is also and underlying sense of suffering and very challenging emotional labor that I notice. 


@Jowblob Yeah, I notice that I was kind of attached to my baseline state of conciousness. I really liked it. And I really apprechiate that, grounded, peaceful state that is able to enjoy the little casual things in life. It is good to let go of that attachment tho, as this work requires letting go of the attachment to any state. Not prefering any state over another. 


@OBEler Could you share the interviews you refered to? 

It was not my first "Breakthrough" or God-Realization. I had a few before on different substances and also on -MeO-DMT. All had different flavours to them. The experiences I had here were not too shocking in the moment. Just intese and very beautiful. I was not in shock, but in absolute awe. 


@BlurryBoi Both was not the case.


@Carlos MK What made this worry so interesting is that I usually never expereince any worry. I am one of the most centered and clam persons I know. This is why I was so suprised by the senssation of worry, fear and anxiety, as I am not familiar with these sensations and expereinces. 

Thanks for sharing these reassuring words of support! 


@PurpleTree It was an incredible trip! So beautiful. So insightful. So healing.  I´ll post a more extensive trip report on YouTube oneday.


@Aaron p Yeah, I was not aware of the intense release of any inhibitions in the MDMA expererience. I don´t plan to do MDMA more than 

2x per year. Maybe even less. 


@deamordeamar Glad this thread is resonating so much! All the best on your path! You´ll get through this!


That´s also a good saying I remebered: "The only way out is through". 


There is much more detail in my perception and other interesting stuff is going on (like eating 5 grams of mushrooms in my dream and actually feeling it coming on strong pretty strong, waking up and still seeing all the visuals in the room). 

In the last days I was conciously distracting myself a lot, spending time with family, being in nature, eating, mundane stuff. It helped me process a lot but still there seems to be something that wants to come to the surface. 

I actually signed up for my first 10 day Vipassana retreat next week (independed from this experience) and wonder if it is a good idea to actually go. First my tendency was leaning towards "no", because of fear, but now I lean more towards  "yes" out of curiousity and excitement. I want to look at whatever is coming up. I think it could be the perfect time for integrating this experience, no matter how difficult it might get. 


Blessings, Blessings, Blessings One and All. 

Om Shanti. 







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I read somewhere that Taking SSRIs after the peak reduces the toxicity of MDMA but don't take it before, it will kill the effects.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@LSD-Rumi  I took a  good amount of Vitamin C and 5-HTP supplements  for a few days after the experience. 

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@Verg0 The Idea is that SSRIs are able eliminate the effects of MDMA, so after finishing the peak, you kill the trip by taking a pill, and prevent any further unnecessary serotonin release.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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22 hours ago, Karla said:

I’m just reading this and had my first experience with MDMA Monday, it was awesome. I will share some notes but I didn’t know it was bad for the body.  Based on my experience, I’d definitely do it again (and will lol) and I’d recommend it.

What everyone says when they are first trying it.

After some time you will arrive at the some conclusions as everyone else here.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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5 hours ago, Verg0 said:

I spoke to a friend and he reminded me of the concept of "Kundalini -Energy- Awakening". It does sound very similar to what I am experiencing. But I don´t know too much about it.  Anybody here who has some advice on how to move that energy? Work throgh it? Release it? Ground myself in that experience? 

That's what I thought when I read your post. There are many different ways to work with this energy. Another way to put it could be it's emotions stuck in the body. So you could do things like yoga, tai chi, etc. or even some forms of psychotherapy like Reichian or IfS therapy. These are just examples. In my opinion, the most important thing is to find what works best for you individually. Do your research, test different methods and see what works.

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6 hours ago, Davino said:

What everyone says when they are first trying it.

After some time you will arrive at the some conclusions as everyone else here.

Exactly. MDMA is a narcissistic lover. At first seems perfect, but after a while you start to see it's game. 

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13 hours ago, Verg0 said:

Now it has been 1 week since that experience. The intensity of the aftereffects has not decreased at all. Maybe even increased in intensity at times (it comes in waves). 

But I am less afraid of it. 

There is still very intense vibrations in the body. I wake up at 3 AM completely electrified. Feels like I am charged with so much energy. Even at daytime I am shaking a lot. Feeling it all the time. 

My guess is it´s coming from the 5-MeO-DMT, as I feel like I am on a modereate dose of 5-MeO 24/7. 

I feel a little spaced out. Extremely aware. Similar visual distortions. 


I spoke to a friend and he reminded me of the concept of "Kundalini -Energy- Awakening". It does sound very similar to what I am experiencing. But I don´t know too much about it.  Anybody here who has some advice on how to move that energy? Work throgh it? Release it? Ground myself in that experience? 

Looks like you activated some energy in your system. Don't worry about it. It's okay and it will pass.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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