
Consequences from combining MDMA and 5-MeO-DMT

59 posts in this topic

Hey everybody, I hope you're doing fine.


4 days ago I had my first MDMA  experience. 200mg  of pure MDMA (+75mg after 4 hours). 

It was a really beautiful experience. Very healing.

After working through a lot of personal stuff I felt the desire to go deeper into the transpersonal realm.   I've crafted 5-MeO-DMT Vape Pens a few weeks before,  but I've only played  around with them in the lower doses (1:12 or 1:4 solution strength). 

But now in the MDMA experience,  I felt ready to go all the way. 

 I've heard about this combination before.  Most of the community is just not sure as there's just not enough data. There's very little information online and the perspectives vastly differ. 


I heard Rick Doblin talking about it at a psychedelic conference and he said it was a wonderful idea and a wonderful experience. And I've read in James Oroc´s “ Tryptamine Palace”  that  this combination should be avoided as it had resulted in negative experiences that appeared similar in character to an overdose of tryptamines alone. 


But in my state I was sure that this was the right choice in the moment. 


 I went in three times. 

First experience with one  long-hit of the 1:1 vape pen ( should have been around ~8mg). 

 It was a beautiful, sacred, very intense experience. 

 but I felt there was more. 

 So I went in a second time after a few minutes had passed.

 this time I went with two long hits ( so probably around ~15mg) 

 This experience was absolutely stunning.  A very clear glimpse of Enlightenment.  God realization. Satori. I felt complete and whole. 


It is very nice to start out from the loving space of the MDMA  into the 5-MeO-DMT.  There's very little fear (or no at all).  And after you come out of the 5-MeO-DMT experience you land into the loving space of the MDMA. 


Still,  remembering my first and only 5-MeO-DMT Breakthrough experience,  I felt a subtle desire  to go all the way.  from conscious god realization to  Infinite nothingness. Complete  annihilation of existence back into source. So after waiting for  around two hours (and taking the 75mg MDMA re-dose)  I went back in for the third time.

I  was taking three big hits (~20mg of 5-MeO-DMT)  and was expecting to jump into the Nothingness.  It was a very intense experience,  hard to put into words.  a little bit emotionally challenging at the end.  definitely not full annihilation  of consciousness.  There was something happening,  but I couldn't really grasp what it was. 


Coming out of the experience I was a little bit confused but still fine. 

 I was feeling like it was a successful session,  with a lot of valuable insights.


 The day after I had a really really heavy headache. ( also just getting two hours of sleep).  I was taking a lot of Vitamin C ( maybe a little bit too much) and a 5-HTP  supplement  to prevent the damage and common low known from the MDMA.  The headache went on for the whole day  and my social battery was kind of low. ( I was arriving at a mini-festival). 


 The two following days at the festival were fine.  I was able to talk,  give a workshop about psychedelics,  get enough sleep  and have a little bit of fun. ( I didn't take any other substances at this time). 


While having a long drive home,  I was feeling that something was a little bit different.  My state was not quite at baseline.  I thought: “ well maybe I just touched a little bit of acid and that  is the reason why I feel a little bit off”.

After five hours of driving I arrived home  and felt a little bit sick. I thought maybe the week was just a little bit hectic,  with all the traveling and socializing. And I went to sleep. 


Today ( 4 days after the MDMA + 5-MeO DMT  experiences)  I woke up and still felt a little bit different.  I feel healthy.  But definitely not at baseline.  Now that I'm alone I can actually notice what is going on in my perception.  And I assume that it is coming from this experience. 


 This is where I asked for your advice:  How do I integrate this experience and what steps are reasonable to take? 


I feel a little bit all over the place.

Not fully at ease. 

There are significant mood swings. 

A subtle sense of anxiety that I haven't experienced before. 

A slight visual distortion in my perception. 

Noticable vibrations in my body and heart. 


And as I have never had such long term,  persistent effects from psychedelics,  a little fear: 

-Did I  somehow  damage my brain? ( I don't know much about serotonin syndrome,  or certain cardiovascular reactions,  but these topics just jump into my mind). 

-Do I just give it some time and take it easy?  When is the right time to seek out professional help or a  doctor? 


Do you have any practices that can be very useful for grounding? 

Today I tried a long meditation,  breathwork,  going to the gym,  a long cold shower,  and all these things seem to help but only in the moment. 


Also an interesting site note:  I still fall back into the “ chewing”  of the MDMA.  Not as intense as in the journey,  but still noticeable. 

In the experience itself I  was chewing so much  that I injured the inner side of my lips and it's very hard for me to eat hard food. 


It's very interesting to observe this whole process and to write the waves of this period of integration. 

We open ourselves up to these kinds of experiences and dimensions when we explore deeper and deeper and sometimes even mix certain substances. 


 Safe journeys everybody. 

Edited by Verg0

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I wouldn't worry, I'm sure that feeling will go away in a few days. mdma is a toxic substance that is better not to use. It also has a fake touch, something very opposite to 5meo dmt. a cloying love that leaves a hangover. I will never touch it again. if you want a powerful and perfect combination, lsd + 5 meo dmt. If you also get up and allow your body to exorese itself in movement, all your energy will be released. it is something wonderful

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1) Before you start worrying, give it more time. Allow at least 1 week to pass to return to baseline.

2) Avoid MDMA, it's not a healthy chemical.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah seems MDMA is toxic and drains the brain.

I searched online and it seems that there are alternative chemicals that have a safer profile while generating a similar experience to MDMA.

Substances like: 6-APB, 5-MAPB, and 3 fea ( this one is weaker)

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Molly does you good but leaves you pieces ?

Had same, the two times I took MDMA. Very different baseline for weeks.

Then I managed to reach the same state with LSD alone. Pure orgasmic Love for 3 hours straight.

Some substances let you explore other substances experiences, if you know how to.

No need to take Molly or Heroin. LSD and 5MEO does the same without the side effects.

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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2 hours ago, Verg0 said:

Hey everybody, I hope you're doing fine.


4 days ago I had my first MDMA  experience. 200mg  of pure MDMA (+75mg after 4 hours). 

It was a really beautiful experience. Very healing.

After working through a lot of personal stuff I felt the desire to go deeper into the transpersonal realm.   I've crafted 5-MeO-DMT Vape Pens a few weeks before,  but I've only played  around with them in the lower doses (1:12 or 1:4 solution strength). 

But now in the MDMA experience,  I felt ready to go all the way. 

 I've heard about this combination before.  Most of the community is just not sure as there's just not enough data. There's very little information online and the perspectives vastly differ. 


I heard Rick Doblin talking about it at a psychedelic conference and he said it was a wonderful idea and a wonderful experience. And I've read in James Oroc´s “ Tryptamine Palace”  that  this combination should be avoided as it had resulted in negative experiences that appeared similar in character to an overdose of tryptamines alone. 


But in my state I was sure that this was the right choice in the moment. 


 I went in three times. 

First experience with one  long-hit of the 1:1 vape pen ( should have been around ~8mg). 

 It was a beautiful, sacred, very intense experience. 

 but I felt there was more. 

 So I went in a second time after a few minutes had passed.

 this time I went with two long hits ( so probably around ~15mg) 

 This experience was absolutely stunning.  A very clear glimpse of Enlightenment.  God realization. Satori. I felt complete and whole. 


It is very nice to start out from the loving space of the MDMA  into the 5-MeO-DMT.  There's very little fear (or no at all).  And after you come out of the 5-MeO-DMT experience you land into the loving space of the MDMA. 


Still,  remembering my first and only 5-MeO-DMT Breakthrough experience,  I felt a subtle desire  to go all the way.  from conscious god realization to  Infinite nothingness. Complete  annihilation of existence back into source. So after waiting for  around two hours (and taking the 75mg MDMA re-dose)  I went back in for the third time.

I  was taking three big hits (~20mg of 5-MeO-DMT)  and was expecting to jump into the Nothingness.  It was a very intense experience,  hard to put into words.  a little bit emotionally challenging at the end.  definitely not full annihilation  of consciousness.  There was something happening,  but I couldn't really grasp what it was. 


Coming out of the experience I was a little bit confused but still fine. 

 I was feeling like it was a successful session,  with a lot of valuable insights.


 The day after I had a really really heavy headache. ( also just getting two hours of sleep).  I was taking a lot of Vitamin C ( maybe a little bit too much) and a 5-HTP  supplement  to prevent the damage and common low known from the MDMA.  The headache went on for the whole day  and my social battery was kind of low. ( I was arriving at a mini-festival). 


 The two following days at the festival were fine.  I was able to talk,  give a workshop about psychedelics,  get enough sleep  and have a little bit of fun. ( I didn't take any other substances at this time). 


While having a long drive home,  I was feeling that something was a little bit different.  My state was not quite at baseline.  I thought: “ well maybe I just touched a little bit of acid and that  is the reason why I feel a little bit off”.

After five hours of driving I arrived home  and felt a little bit sick. I thought maybe the week was just a little bit hectic,  with all the traveling and socializing. And I went to sleep. 


Today ( 4 days after the MDMA + 5-MeO DMT  experiences)  I woke up and still felt a little bit different.  I feel healthy.  But definitely not at baseline.  Now that I'm alone I can actually notice what is going on in my perception.  And I assume that it is coming from this experience. 


 This is where I asked for your advice:  How do I integrate this experience and what steps are reasonable to take? 


I feel a little bit all over the place.

Not fully at ease. 

There are significant mood swings. 

A subtle sense of anxiety that I haven't experienced before. 

A slight visual distortion in my perception. 

Noticable vibrations in my body and heart. 


And as I have never had such long term,  persistent effects from psychedelics,  a little fear: 

-Did I  somehow  damage my brain? ( I don't know much about serotonin syndrome,  or certain cardiovascular reactions,  but these topics just jump into my mind). 

-Do I just give it some time and take it easy?  When is the right time to seek out professional help or a  doctor? 


Do you have any practices that can be very useful for grounding? 

Today I tried a long meditation,  breathwork,  going to the gym,  a long cold shower,  and all these things seem to help but only in the moment. 


Also an interesting site note:  I still fall back into the “ chewing”  of the MDMA.  Not as intense as in the journey,  but still noticeable. 

In the experience itself I  was chewing so much  that I injured the inner side of my lips and it's very hard for me to eat hard food. 


It's very interesting to observe this whole process and to write the waves of this period of integration. 

We open ourselves up to these kinds of experiences and dimensions when we explore deeper and deeper and sometimes even mix certain substances. 


 Safe journeys everybody. 

This is why I keep telling people to stop trying to avoid pain, and emotional discomfort. Not too be mean....but all this ego. 

1. You cannot desire to be nothing, everything, and then hope to go back to how things were before.

2. You cannot avoid emotional discomfort, when you do these substances they raise awareness and the judging part of you comes to the surface. You become MORE AWARE of your ego. Your ego is the part of you that judges, and all emotional discomfort is due to the ego being messed with since it is the part of you that tries to retain HOMEOSTASIS, its the part that allows your reality to feel STABLE. So taking these substances messes with the comfort you feel of feeling like YOU, which is just the normal experience of this baseline. 

Notice you said you are afraid of damaging your brain...your imaginary. So notice you are worried about shedding the normal perceptual reality you have...but want to experience something drastically different? You have a fear of going insane....what is insanity? Living from a perceptual reality that is DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT.

Notice everything you have shared with us....was attempts to do this work....and remain COMFORTABLE. If you seriously want to go deeper in this have to drop this. Here is a the inability to accept what is. What would happen....if you woke up and your entire perceptual experience changed drastically, and you couldn't accept it? You would freak out!!

Now the perceptual experience what is insane? Or is it the refusal to accept it and the underlying terror and the expression of that terror what we call insanity? What you don't if you keep going down this rabbit hole you CAN and WILL ABSOLUTELY CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION. What you don't even realize... is these come downs yall keep referring to....isn't the drug...its the body. Your body is capable of doing what these chemicals do as these chemicals are only catalysts. I learned this when I tripped for an ENTIRE MONTH and had to CONSCIOUSLY come down through an intention to go back to normal.

I learned through that experience....that the only thing that holds you your concept of NORMAL. Your ego has an individualized definition of what is normal, and ANY deviation from that definition which is an INTUITIVE definition, a FELT definition will conjure up FEAR. So you got to ask much do you want to FUCK UP YOUR LIFE, because you are going to do that if you continue. Why? Because prolonged use of these substances CHANGES YOUR D.N.A.

These changes WILL change permanently your experience of reality. Maybe you are able to hear better, smell better, maybe you feel emotions more intensely, maybe your depth perception changes, maybe you become permanently aware that everything is YOU. Are you prepared for this? If not? QUIT this work and go back to living as a regular human being. Because this work....ABSOLUTELY will include UPS AND DOWNS, and deep emotional pain because it is INNER WORK. I say this with deep compassion but your ego is not going to win this battle of trying to erect a wall of comfort if you continue. It WILL LOSE THIS BATTLE. Some people who do psychedelics.....go insane....and NEVER RECOVER. Why? Because they are too selfish to get their reality fucked with!!! If you are too attached to your life...then don't mess with this stuff. 

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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15 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

This is why I keep telling people to stop trying to avoid pain, and emotional discomfort. Not too be mean....but all this ego. 

1. You cannot desire to be nothing, everything, and then hope to go back to how things were before.

2. You cannot avoid emotional discomfort, when you do these substances they raise awareness and the judging part of you comes to the surface. You become MORE AWARE of your ego. Your ego is the part of you that judges, and all emotional discomfort is due to the ego being messed with since it is the part of you that tries to retain HOMEOSTASIS, its the part that allows your reality to feel STABLE. So taking these substances messes with the comfort you feel of feeling like YOU, which is just the normal experience of this baseline. 

Notice you said you are afraid of damaging your brain...your imaginary. So notice you are worried about shedding the normal perceptual reality you have...but want to experience something drastically different? You have a fear of going insane....what is insanity? Living from a perceptual reality that is DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT.

Notice everything you have shared with us....was attempts to do this work....and remain COMFORTABLE. If you seriously want to go deeper in this have to drop this. Here is a the inability to accept what is. What would happen....if you woke up and your entire perceptual experience changed drastically, and you couldn't accept it? You would freak out!!

Now the perceptual experience what is insane? Or is it the refusal to accept it and the underlying terror and the expression of that terror what we call insanity? What you don't if you keep going down this rabbit hole you CAN and WILL ABSOLUTELY CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION. What you don't even realize... is these come downs yall keep referring to....isn't the drug...its the body. Your body is capable of doing what these chemicals do as these chemicals are only catalysts. I learned this when I tripped for an ENTIRE MONTH and had to CONSCIOUSLY come down through an intention to go back to normal.

I learned through that experience....that the only thing that holds you your concept of NORMAL. Your ego has an individualized definition of what is normal, and ANY deviation from that definition which is an INTUITIVE definition, a FELT definition will conjure up FEAR. So you got to ask much do you want to FUCK UP YOUR LIFE, because you are going to do that if you continue. Why? Because prolonged use of these substances CHANGES YOUR D.N.A.

These changes WILL change permanently your experience of reality. Maybe you are able to hear better, smell better, maybe you feel emotions more intensely, maybe your depth perception changes, maybe you become permanently aware that everything is YOU. Are you prepared for this? If not? QUIT this work and go back to living as a regular human being. Because this work....ABSOLUTELY will include UPS AND DOWNS, and deep emotional pain because it is INNER WORK. I say this with deep compassion but your ego is not going to win this battle of trying to erect a wall of comfort if you continue. It WILL LOSE THIS BATTLE. Some people who do psychedelics.....go insane....and NEVER RECOVER. Why? Because they are too selfish to get their reality fucked with!!! If you are too attached to your life...then don't mess with this stuff. 

@Razard86 well said, if i was you @Verg0 i would read this couple times. What has been said here, has probably never been said by anybody.

What razard explained is the truth, and i also have experienced different state of reality and perception when the trip should've ended.  Like seeing the reality with more open eyes and more in the present moment experiencing the so called miracles that i used my mind to create , like drinking infinite milk. At the end i got anxiety and insanity ,almost wanted to go to the doctor/admit myself to psychward like razard did. Prayed a lot and swallowed pills and so on to get back to my normal ego reality because i couldn't handle it. At the end i throwed away all the psychedelics and quit this work. It's not good to do this work if you still want to enjoy life a bit as your normal self, even if you think you have nothing to lose and want to die , these experiences can still 360 you so you can appreciate everyone around you no matter what they do and your simplistic mechanical life.


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I think these effects are a result of dosing 5-MeO very high. Will pass soon enough, probably.

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5 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

@Razard86 well said, if i was you @Verg0 i would read this couple times. What has been said here, has probably never been said by anybody.

What razard explained is the truth, and i also have experienced different state of reality and perception when the trip should've ended.  Like seeing the reality with more open eyes and more in the present moment experiencing the so called miracles that i used my mind to create , like drinking infinite milk. At the end i got anxiety and insanity ,almost wanted to go to the doctor/admit myself to psychward like razard did. Prayed a lot and swallowed pills and so on to get back to my normal ego reality because i couldn't handle it. At the end i throwed away all the psychedelics and quit this work. It's not good to do this work if you still want to enjoy life a bit as your normal self, even if you think you have nothing to lose and want to die , these experiences can still 360 you so you can appreciate everyone around you no matter what they do and your simplistic mechanical life.

Yeah glad you noticed...suffering is so allows you to really appreciate life. My appreciation grew ten fold as a result of my suffering. But obviously while you go through the suffering you want it to leave. Also...everyone really try to understand this video. All psychedelics users should watch and deeply integrate the theme of this video.

^^^^This is spirituality. Be okay...with change. Even if it conjures up deep suffering...that suffering will be impermanent. It won't last...but neither will the so called good times. In secret...there is only good times...we literally have to trick ourselves into experiencing what we call bad times. You are not allowed to run from this....the smart thing is to surrender to it. 

Now with that said...I'm not saying don't take pain medication lol. What I am saying can train your ability to love pain and connect to it more. Do it as exercise, but if you don't think you can handle it at times nothing wrong with avoiding it at times as well. But you can train yourself to create a space where you can hold the pain and experience it at a lower intensity than normal. 


You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Verg0 wow thank you for your Trip report of the Mdma Plus 5 meo combo. 

Martin Ball interviewed two 5 meo facilitators who do this combination to hundrets of people in a safe way and they say it's the best combination. No serotonin syndrom report so far. And what you describe doesnt sound like that, more like a typical Mdma hangover. I would stop taking psychedelics for a while until you are baseline. 

200 is pretty high, I think 120 mg Mdma (crystals, 80‰ pure) would be fine too. Besides that, was this combo really your first time of a breakthrough and god realization? How did it changed you were you surprised /in shock? How Did it changed your relationship to other beings or  reality overall



Edited by OBEler

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@Verg0 Scientifically, MDMA can become neurotoxic if you take Caffeine 24H before&after the trip, and/or if you trip in a particularly High Heat environment without cooling your body.

Edited by BlurryBoi

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Hey there! look, I am on the "you'll do fine" team, in fact, although MDMA is said to be neurotoxic, crafted chemical and yada yada, I simply don't buy it, there are at much a handful of deaths at year from it  f, most likely less than by choking in a glass of water, the ones who got a a problem most likely have been reckless rebound what you can imagine. Hundreds of thousands take it mindlessly every weekend and they are a ok, and so will you. Aws I tell people, your body is much, much stronger and resistant than what you will give it credit for (which is a good thing)

Now, with my deepest respect and if I am wrong I am sorry; I notice in your post a tendency think and worry beyond what is helpful for you, am I right?

in hypnotherapy  there is something called the chronic pain loop, your person is overly vigilant of their physiology, and any sensation might be the first symptom of the problem they anticipate which creates tension, so the mind locks in because it must be important and there you go. if you got an overly self protective and active mind makes it loop faster.

Concussion, practice a total detachment and disregard about whether you die or not, or if it made a bubble in your brain or not, go on with your day and don't put any effort on reasoning the cause of any sensation in your body, don't bother, let go, if you where right to worry, you'll go with a smile anyway. This is the mental process I go about when I notice my mind on the mood of warring for this kind of thing.

Truth being said, who told you that the headache next day was in anyway related with your experience? Have you never simply got a randoms headache without having taken chemicals the day before? Yeah, most of them, and you dint freak out, so let go, its all in your mind as I expect you to know very well.

NOTE; I once took mdma and in the mid of the trip a hit of dmt and I kid you not that the visuals where like 3X slower motion, never experienced any trip like it. And of personal experience, although this is nothing I would reccommend anyone do, you can also do DMT on amphetamines, cocain, acid, you name it. each substance gives a drastically different tone to the experience, there is no good and evil substance nor a moment or space is more holy than any other because there is only one moment, one place and all those distinctions are your uncontrollable mind. I would really like one of those pens though ;) 

be safe and let go

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i think you can do MDMA "safely" like around once every 3 months

200 mg is quite a lot imo

sounds like a nice trip you had though

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Avoid MDMA. Once in a lifetime substance. 

Some people can get psychosis from it.


Edited by D2sage

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1 minute ago, D2sage said:

Avoid MDMA. Can cause psychosis and develop some unlucky people got schizophrenia.


i’d say lsd, shrooms, 5-meo are more likely to develop schizophrenia and psychosis. Never heard of anyone developing it from mdma and i know a lot of people who took it.

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one of martin balls 5meo ceremony facilitators recommends a substance called "diphenhydramine" for symptoms of serotonin syndrome. its an antihistamine, can get from doctor. But me and obeler actually did a bit of research together about martin balls trials with m + 5 combo, complete removal of pretty cool. but dude take it easy, massive doses of mdma arent necessary, whatever gets you just to the point of solid love and fearlessness. But also beware of mdma. its obviously still addictive and its also notoriously impure, getting rocks off the 74rkn3t would probably be safe enough with trusted rating and lots of reviews. people usually recommend only taking m once every three months max. the complete removal of fear is pretty cool...but careful you dont accidentally throw yourself deeper than you are meant to...your inhibitions would have otherwise prevented you from going too far. have to consciously exercise wisdom when under the influence of stuff like m. (btw if your still having difficuilties after like 2.5 weeks you can get quick release antipsychotics or benzos for short term from doc to...just be careful what you tell your doctor, medical reports can be accessed for certain things, maybe just say it came on naturally)

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@Razard86 @Vincent S @Breakingthewall @Verg0

This discussion has helped me enormously!

I took MDMA cristals for the first time in my life 5 days ago (1g) and 4 days ago (1.5g), and it's incredible that you @Verg0 wrote about it because I'm currently in the biggest crisis of my life.

The first time I took it was blissful. The second time was good in the beginning, but then it got pretty worse for several hours (Physically, I felt like I had no breath. I had to drink some water every 1 minute for an hour maybe. I had to keep my jaw with my hands because I felt that the lower one would go away, and my brain felt very hot. Oh, I know it was foolish what I've done. It doesn’ even matter how the trip was from other points of view. But I’m currently learning some powerful leassons as @Razard86 said.)

Now I feel my brain and heart are terribly ill. My main concern is to not damage something permanently about my physical health.

You won't believe how much this discussion means to me. It gives me a lot of hope. I didn't know that the effects could last so many days. I'm not near my baseline. Last night I experienced something very strange. Nearly 10 times I slept and then woke up and had very powerful and vivid dreams, which I could almost control pretty well. I have never dreamt that way.

Has anyone else experienced something similar and fully recovered? It's like a current goes through my brain from time to time, and I have some kind of pulsation and tension in my brain. In the dark, I still don't see clearly, and I feel the need to take deep breaths regularly. But I’m starting to feel better every day. 

Thank you! I hope you are doing well.

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27 minutes ago, deamordeamar said:

@Razard86 @Vincent S @Breakingthewall @Verg0

This discussion has helped me enormously!

I took MDMA cristals for the first time in my life 5 days ago (1g) and 4 days ago (1.5g), and it's incredible that you @Verg0 wrote about it because I'm currently in the biggest crisis of my life.

The first time I took it was blissful. The second time was good in the beginning, but then it got pretty worse for several hours (Physically, I felt like I had no breath. I had to drink some water every 1 minute for an hour maybe. I had to keep my jaw with my hands because I felt that the lower one would go away, and my brain felt very hot. Oh, I know it was foolish what I've done. It doesn’ even matter how the trip was from other points of view. But I’m currently learning some powerful leassons as @Razard86 said.)

Now I feel my brain and heart are terribly ill. My main concern is to not damage something permanently about my physical health.

You won't believe how much this discussion means to me. It gives me a lot of hope. I didn't know that the effects could last so many days. I'm not near my baseline. Last night I experienced something very strange. Nearly 10 times I slept and then woke up and had very powerful and vivid dreams, which I could almost control pretty well. I have never dreamt that way.

Has anyone else experienced something similar and fully recovered? It's like a current goes through my brain from time to time, and I have some kind of pulsation and tension in my brain. In the dark, I still don't see clearly, and I feel the need to take deep breaths regularly. But I’m starting to feel better every day. 

Thank you! I hope you are doing well.

Why did you take so much? 1 and 1.5g?

130 mg should be enough

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1 g and 1,5 g, how Did you come to the conclusion to try this extreme amount of Mdma first time? 

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On 04/09/2023 at 7:23 PM, Leo Gura said:

1) Before you start worrying, give it more time. Allow at least 1 week to pass to return to baseline.

2) Avoid MDMA, it's not a healthy chemical.

it can have a lot of therapeutic value when used in the proper setting with proper intention. however i wouldn't use it more than twice a year, 3 times at most.

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