
Enlightenment or something.

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There are an infinite number of feelings you can feel, so why would you attain nirvana? You would just keep feeling new types of good and bad feelings also feelings that are not good or bad or things similar to good or bad or that you so far can't even imagine.

I'm not being funny, but, like, the majority of what we think about is something to do with what's best, so, God must have some sort of plan... Wait, no, it's probably just something I'm never going to understand... Then again, typically, if I say I'll never do something, I do it even more than most people, in the future.

I'm enlightened or just some other nonsense. I feel feelings that are kind of like good and bad but like, there's no suffering and I remembered someone predicting a vision I just had (I'm not going to tell you the contents, it's quite simple but I'd rather not tell.) Also, when I had one of my brief psychotic episodes that had a general experience like one that would make me feel literally like I'm in hell (basically feels like I took a dodgey pill/tab or something, except, worse, like, way worse), I didn't quite suffer, like, I stayed in the pub, even though I was feeling... Badish...? And I don't know if this is just a flavour of enlightenment or what? I guess an infinite number of things could happen next.

Edited by jdc7733

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Enlightenment doesn't end these feelings and emotions....it's fully inclusive and anything can happen although typically they do tend to slow down pretty drastically.

The key difference is they are no longer personal feelings. The sticky "illusion of self" is no longer taking ownership and perpetuating the whole dramatic story.

So these feelings can seem to arise but there isn't a "you" left feeding them energy.

So they can seem to arise and fall away as quickly as they came!

There can also seem to be an innocence & or unconditional love for apparent reality


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake if anything can happen in enlightenment then surely there can be no enlightenment, apparently there is no enlightenment, I do think you can be enlightenment, but, not permanent, as nothing is permanent.

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1 hour ago, jdc7733 said:

if anything can happen in enlightenment then surely there can be no enlightenment

That's not what enlightenment means.  It doesn't mean you become emotionally numb or a comic superhero or anything else your imagination wants to conjure up.  It means you no longer believe in the false idea of self that creates an alienation from your true nature.

Edited by SeaMonster

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4 hours ago, jdc7733 said:

@VeganAwake if anything can happen in enlightenment then surely there can be no enlightenment, apparently there is no enlightenment, I do think you can be enlightenment, but, not permanent, as nothing is permanent.

Yeah It's confusing because Enlightenment isn't a Physical object or a state of mind to be gotten or attained.

The word enlightenment refers to the lack of the "illusion of self" 

So it's neither permanent nor impermanent because the "illusion of self" was never real from the start. ? That's why it's often said that everyone is already awakened.

Basically, the "You" seeking enlightenment goes bye bye and the energy once used to uphold the sticky "illusion of self"(You) relaxes and dissipates back into everything.

Then reality is just what it is without the judgments of being good bad right wrong this way or that way.

Its freedom but for nobody!






“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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3 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

That's not what enlightenment means.  It doesn't mean you become emotionally numb or a comic superhero or anything else your imagination wants to conjure up.  It means you no longer believe in the false idea of self that creates an alienation from your true nature.

It's simultaneously recognized that the idea of a "someone" having or being their true nature was also just a conditioned imaginary belief stemming from this "self illusion" 

Make no mistake, the "illusion" wants to be there to reap the benefits of enlightenment. But the problem is it's not real lol.

Like a mirage of a tall glass of water in the desert blocking the view of the entire ocean.

When the "self illusion" gets out of the way, infinite reality is recognized to be totally unknowable

Its freedom in the sense that there's no one left trying to desperately understand infinity. 

Seeking ends because it's recognized nothing was ever missing or needs to be found or understood in the first place.


Here the knower has left the building!





“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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