By Juan Cruz Giusto
in Personal Development -- [Main],
Self-Actualization Components
1. It all starts with a deep need for growth. You could just intuit that there is something more than how the common person lives their life. Also, you could have just come to self-actualization because of suffering.
2. Taking 100% Responsibility: You cannot play the victim role anymore. Suffering was created by you and that your life is a reflection of how you act, the desires you have and internal world. You can take these stuffs if you take ownership.
3. Discriminate reality from appearance: Finding truth and Truth. You need massive self-education and theory. You need to figure out how to develop the life that you want. You need to discover how emotion, reality, business, relationships, reality and your mind actually work. Most of these stuff is counterintuitive, that is why you need to study a LOT!
4. Epistemic and Metaphysical Questioning: You need to get existential and ask some deep questions. You will need to discover what is reality, life, love and so on. Moreover, you will need to study how you know and many of the traps of the mind.
5. A Glimpse of the Absolute: It is going to be the most mind-blowing and rewarding thing you’ve ever done.
6. Getting the Truth to Penetrate Trough your Everyday Experience: How you talk. Walk, work, and relate to people have to permeated with the absolute.
7. Growth: This is about rising the quality of your consciousness, because the absolute is consciousness.
8. Unconditional Love: The ability to have unconditional love with all people and in all situations, especially when they go against your personal agenda.
9. Self-Acceptance: This is unconditional love applied to yourself. You accept yourself without needing to create external circumstances. You will feel complete! You can only end this with being.
10. Detachment: You will be detaching yourself from all experience, all thoughts, all emotions and all actions. Many people misunderstand detachment as a no-feeling statement. But really, detachment is about feeling more fully and deeper than you currently feel. It means lots of empathy and lots of compassion, but in a detached way. The reason you cannot feel fully is because you are attached to stuff and experiences.
11. Being: The capacity to be vs having and doing. Currently, you are doing and acquiring stuff just to have certain emotions and experiences. If you let that go, you will be able to be. If you can just be, you will derive satisfaction and pleasure for just being at the present moment. This is the most beautiful and rewarding thing that there is. You want steady and consistent satisfaction derived from the being level.
12. Developing the capacity for observation: The way that you learn and understand is by objective and careful observation. You very carefully observe yourself too, how your mind and emotions work. You will watch out for all your deceptive mental tendencies and biases. You need to develop mindfulness, contemplation and self-inquiry. These are capacities that need to be developed for decades.
13. Undermining selfish impulses: Once you observe and become aware of selfish impulses, you will need to get rid of all your selfish desires.
14. Honesty: You will need massive self-honesty.
15. Surrendering Control and Giving up Manipulation: If you are really growing, you will realize that there is no one in control and this neurotic behavior is causing you stress and suffering.
16. Facing harsh truths: You will need to face your death, boredom, emptiness and not getting depressed about them.
17. Identify fear barriers that you have and characteristic defense mechanisms: This is the way we keep ourselves stuck in where we are. We also have fears about everything. You need to identify them and drop them.
18. Rising the Quality of your Motivations and Desires: Most of the things you are motivated by and desire are low-consciousness stuff that you’ve been programed by culture. You are currently motivated by money, sex, success, fame, popularity, approval, security and so on. Moreover, you are motivated to pursue this in a negative way.
19. Life Purpose and Becoming a Creator: Find your LP, discover what impact you want to have in this world with your career. If you don’t do this, you will just get a boring 9 to 5 job.
20. Reconcile evil, suffering and ignorance: A lot of people misunderstand these components. You need to understand where these things come from. Once you see these components in yourself, you will not criticize anyone, anymore.
21. Pursuing Big Picture Understanding: You need to understand reality in a holistic way.
22. Transition from your left brain to your right brain: Right brain is more holistic, integrated, spiritual and so on. You will not use logic to run your life, intuition will.
23. Create a Sober Lifestyle: We are currently living in an intoxicated and distracted lifestyle. It is very easy to lose yourself into movies, food, drugs, stimulants and so on. You will need to let go from all that stuff. You will:
a. Become addiction-free
b. Become distraction-free
c. Become toxicity-free (food, water, information, people, etc)
24. Physical and Energy body: Eliminate all your body blockages.
25. Undoing Social Conditioning: Question and eliminate dogmas, paradigms and programming that society teaches you.
26. Non-Manipulative Relating: You will need to realize how much you are manipulating other people. Your relationships can only flourish when you stop manipulating.
27. You will become very Strategic, Proactive and Visionary: This growth will need serious work and won’t happen by accident. You will need to build your infrastructure!