
Leo Is Wrong About Andrew Tate : Deep Inner Workings

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This is not clickbait : The Unseen Side Of Andrew Tate a deep introspection and dive This will show you A new side to him


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I think it shows that there is hope for him... He's a good guy deep down but too many defense mechanisms and lack of self-awareness. 

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24 minutes ago, Bryanbrax said:

This is not clickbait : The Unseen Side Of Andrew Tate a deep introspection and dive This will show you A new side to him


   Could you list some of the points you think Leo is wrong and mistaken about Andrew Tate?

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There was a rule made that we dont talk about Andrew Tate on here, if someone think from mods or Leo that its productive or good idea based on a video(that i wont watch) can unlock the thread...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

There was a rule made that we dont talk about Andrew Tate on here

I am not aware of such a rule.

People are allowed to talk about him.

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@Leo Gura I remember you saying we are not going to talk about andrew tate anymore on this forum, it was when he was on a rise in popularity, if its okay then my bad...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Andrew Tate doesn’t really have much of a philosophy. He is neither the masculine philosopher king his fans think nor is he the right wing extremist his critics in the media think. Most of his stuff is just rehashed basic business, PUA, and motivational advice, while putting on an act and saying controversial things / insulting everyone / bragging for clicks and views. He actually rarely talked about politics until liberals started going after him.

Edited by Raze

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26 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Leo Gura I remember you saying we are not going to talk about andrew tate anymore on this forum, it was when he was on a rise in popularity, if its okay then my bad...

Maybe I said that in frustration at some point but we've had a lot of discussion about him in the meantime.

In this case we should err on the side of free speech.

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Fascinating video. I'm glad to see my suspicions about his psychology were spot on.

Look, there's no denying that the guy is exceedingly smart, sharp, and articulate—like top 1%. It's unfortunate that he used these gifts to build such a rational macho armor around his soul. Had he not become so famous (and thus had so much to lose) due to this hyper ego beast persona, I would have guessed that he might have eventually grown out of this late-capitalism poster child phase and experienced genuine love. Who knows.

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The issue is that Tate spreads toxic masculinity and criminal behavior. This never meant that everything he says is bad. You can find a good side to every toxic or criminal person. That does not excuse their criminality.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

The issue is that Tate spreads toxic masculinity and criminal behavior. This never meant that everything he says is bad.

Look at this really moronic post this girl made on twitter about Tate and Trump:


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@Leo Gura overall he's too immature, unspiritual, unwise, a fool. 

there's no intellectualism behind his philosophy, it's like a philosophy for illiterate people, from an illiterate philosopher. he's not even a philosopher. i mean just the balls the guy have to come up and teach millions of people, tells you everything you need to know about how foolish he is. 

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Tate is an opportunist, like Trump. That's his philosophy: exploit whatever system you can, whoever you can, as much as you can. And when people complain or catch you, act like a victim and martyr.

Edited by Leo Gura

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15 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Look at this really moronic post this girl made on twitter about Tate and Trump:

That girl is consistent with her brain rot posts.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Tate is an opportunist, like Trump. That's his philosophy: exploit whatever system you can, whoever you can, as much as you can. And when people complain or catch you, act like a victim and martyr.

Eventually it will come back to get you.  Trump went decades unscathed...but now he has to face the music.  And the music is coming.  

Tate will also face this, at some point.  If he beats this through his intelligence, it will happen again.  Ultimately, this way of life is untenable.  Its just that it takes some much longer than others to realize it.

Trump will probably never realize it - even if he is sitting in a jail cell or prevented from running.  He will take his ego to the grave with him.  That's probably the saddest part about it.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Leo Gura 100% there's not an inch of nobility, in his philosophy. like i can respect a christian, let's say who really believes in jesus christ more than andrew tate who have zero interest in truth. 

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15 minutes ago, zurew said:

That girl is consistent with her brain rot posts.

Yeah, she is. 

Not only has she been promoting cryptocurrency scams. She is also another attractive looking young girl who is a far right-winger like Tomi Lahren.

It's a shame that Layah happens to be Jewish. 

Edited by Hardkill

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Tate is an interesting case study none the less. If I had to choose a live between wage slaving for barely minimum wage (without prospects) and the life of Andrew fucking Tate I would choose the life of Andrew Tate hands down. The thing with Andrew that is that he got too cocky. He should have known his boundaries. But that is the whole thing with success, it makes you cocky. He isn't alone in committing this sin. Especially on this forum.

Edited by StarStruck

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2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Look at this really moronic post this girl made on twitter about Tate and Trump:


   This is why I stopped using Tic Tok Twitter and other social media websites. These days the algorithms and A.I are so optimised to hook your attention, hyper cater to your biases, and create ideological echo chambers that it's not worth the brain rot. Even the auto beauty for profile pics increases false self image issues and narcissism, influencing your relationship with yourself and influencing your behaviours both in the external and internal world.

   We're going from the age of information to the age of knowledge,  yet Gen Z and the future is in the deepest dark ages ever, perverse increases and incentives for predation upon consumers minds, even if long term damages include wide spread ADD, ADHD and other mental fitness problems. Except not in the medieval sense of the word, but of stuffing our minds more with this scientific/materialism and atheism concepts of the world,just far too much for a human mind to consciously hold in a sober state.

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