
Leo Is Wrong About Andrew Tate : Deep Inner Workings

99 posts in this topic

11 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

I benefited from his content and I am happy. If you benefit from watching his content, you are free to do it. If you don't find it valueable, then don't watch it. 

I get it.  There is a reason that his messages are resonating but I respect that you can see through the BS.  It's like studying a lot of other dark figures in history, there was a reason that they rose to power but I personally wouldn't want to use any of the same harmful techniques that these people used if I can help myself.

I'm concerned about the net damage that he's doing to western culture.  Culture has self correcting forces in it, like nature, but if things get too far off track there can be a lot of unnecessary harm and suffering.

I think he should have stuck to being a personal trainer for young men because even his business knowledge is so narrow in scope that it doesn't transfer much beyond shady industries.  It sounds like you were able to transfer it a bit more generally though.

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54 minutes ago, Topspin715 said:

I'm not good at reading body language, I guess it's a skill that you can develop, but this was actually the first video where I started to notice it intensely.

Tucker Carlson is truly giddy in this video.  He is probably one of the least truthful high profile interviewers out there but I think he believes what he's saying and is just largely delusional.

I initially thought the same thing about Tate, that he didn't realize how much harm he had been doing, but it's clear with the new reporting that he was intentionally lying.

I've been struggling and trying to develop the ability to tell when somebody is mistaken themselves versus consciously lying.  Focusing on just the truth of their statement is not enough because it's hard to discern intent.

   Sure, I partly agree. There's a field of analysis called Statement analysis that also looks into what was stated and analyze from just that. I do partly that too, plus discourse, verbal and body language analysis largely because in the past I was mostly misunderstood in social contexts, and had some miscommunications and had my own share of those mistaken takes, which made me take those fields a bit seriously. It just feels right and confirms some of my intuitions about certain people, who they are and their biases accurately. Yes, people reading and body language is a skill that can develop.

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3 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

It just feels right and confirms some of my intuitions about certain people, who they are and their biases accurately. Yes, people reading and body language is a skill that can develop.

I'm looking to get involved in politics, not for the pursuit of raw power, but to work on the growing civic problems that we're facing today.  And these political actors are so incredibly hypocritical, it is not hard to spot the inconsistencies, but what I find difficult it to discern whether they are not even aware of their own hypocrisies or they are just straight up lying and manipulating.

If somebody is being hypocritical without realizing what they are doing, you can much more easily hold them accountable to their own personal standards but if they're psychopathic liars like Andrew Tate then different measures must be taken, which in this case is likely legal action.

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38 minutes ago, Topspin715 said:

I'm looking to get involved in politics, not for the pursuit of raw power, but to work on the growing civic problems that we're facing today.  And these political actors are so incredibly hypocritical, it is not hard to spot the inconsistencies, but what I find difficult it to discern whether they are not even aware of their own hypocrisies or they are just straight up lying and manipulating.

If somebody is being hypocritical without realizing what they are doing, you can much more easily hold them accountable to their own personal standards but if they're psychopathic liars like Andrew Tate then different measures must be taken, which in this case is likely legal action.

   Sure, I'd say most are so sociopathic in development that even some may lie to themselves that much they start believing in their own lies. Of course, with pathological liars you'd have to take legal action, or even tax them, or some other action to show you have clear boundaries that are enforced by you or some other. People with ego development at impulsive or opportunist (9 stages of ego development by Jane Loevinger) they learn the hard way, that's that. Any soft ball methods they'll just take advantage of and use that empathy care bear attitude against you. That among many other developmental factors. Think people like Charles Manson or even Donald Trump, if you don't stand up for yourself, these types will manipulate and exploit you.

   Maybe we differ from this, but I'm just explaining that why I do this reading of people is because it's for understanding them. If I know who you are, your fears, your values, how you think, your moral system, your personality, even your ideological biases and beliefs, I'll know how to deal with you and handle myself. I'll even convince your pet cat that I'm the owner actually, and convince it you're a stranger.

Edited by Danioover9000

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On 2.9.2023 at 4:24 PM, Bryanbrax said:

This is not clickbait : The Unseen Side Of Andrew Tate a deep introspection and dive This will show you A new side to him


This video provides zero evidence for his inner workings.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no point in reasoning with such people because they are both sociopaths and criminals. The solution is simply lawsuits and eventually prison. Both of them are in serious legal trouble now.

Stay civil.

Wrong, you have no proof that they're sociopaths and they don't strike me as sociopaths at all, we could just as easily claim that you're a sociopath instead, but that wouldn't be fare either. 

There is no definite proof that they did victimize anyone and you certainly don't have the proof. Right now they should be freed, his captivity is is a crime now and they are net positive regardless of flaws. I don't agree with him completely nor find him that valuable or relevant consistently but he should remain a free man nonetheless

Another biased topic that Leo and no one on here should spew their uninformed unwarranted opinions on, I try to avoid talking about tate or feeding this forums predictable circlejirking but this is not fair at all, free tate, there is no proof, end of. 

Edited by Optimized Life

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5 minutes ago, Optimized Life said:

no one on here should spew their uninformed unwarranted opinions on

Your ignorance and the irony of your sentence is fascinating.


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7 minutes ago, Optimized Life said:

Wrong, you have no proof that they're sociopaths and they don't strike me as sociopaths at all, we could just as easily claim that you're a sociopath instead, but that wouldn't be fare either. 

There is no definite proof that they did victimize anyone and you certainly don't have the proof. Right now they should be freed, his captivity is is a crime now and they are net positive regardless of flaws. I don't agree with him completely nor find him that valuable or relevant consistently but he should remain a free man nonetheless

Another biased topic that Leo and no one on here should spew their uninformed unwarranted opinions on, I try to avoid talking about tate or feeding this forums predictable circlejirking but this is not fair at all, free tate, there is no proof, end of. 

Proof read this

Know thyself....

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@Optimized Life

1 hour ago, Optimized Life said:

Wrong, you have no proof that they're sociopaths and they don't strike me as sociopaths at all, we could just as easily claim that you're a sociopath instead, but that wouldn't be fare either. 

There is no definite proof that they did victimize anyone and you certainly don't have the proof. Right now they should be freed, his captivity is is a crime now and they are net positive regardless of flaws. I don't agree with him completely nor find him that valuable or relevant consistently but he should remain a free man nonetheless

Another biased topic that Leo and no one on here should spew their uninformed unwarranted opinions on, I try to avoid talking about tate or feeding this forums predictable circlejirking but this is not fair at all, free tate, there is no proof, end of. 

*fair, unless you're okay paying the fare for me to take you on a journey, to explain to you why you're so wrong about the Tate brothers not being sociopaths that you seem right.

No definitive proof, even if when Andrew Tate confessed in a clip how he pimped young girls into his webcam business, and made allusions to tax evasions, also let me passively write off a 'I don't agree with completely BBBUUUUUTTT!!!' I still look right and you're just wrong attitude. This is close mindedness and dogma. This is not productive at all. Stop talking about red pill and making these simplistic views.

So much for an optimized life, optimized for lies, Optimus Prime likes. You make the Decepticons smile, so deep in the river Niles, full of denial and death yet you feel so alive...WILD.?

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2 hours ago, Optimized Life said:

Wrong, you have no proof that they're sociopaths and they don't strike me as sociopaths at all, we could just as easily claim that you're a sociopath instead, but that wouldn't be fare either. 

There is no definite proof that they did victimize anyone and you certainly don't have the proof. Right now they should be freed, his captivity is is a crime now and they are net positive regardless of flaws. I don't agree with him completely nor find him that valuable or relevant consistently but he should remain a free man nonetheless

Another biased topic that Leo and no one on here should spew their uninformed unwarranted opinions on, I try to avoid talking about tate or feeding this forums predictable circlejirking but this is not fair at all, free tate, there is no proof, end of. 

Maybe you are arguing a really aggressive epistemic point that we can't definitively prove anything, but if you do research into the subject, you'll see that there is extremely strong evidence and a lot of credible personal testimony showing that they did some really awful and illegal things

This is my opinion though because how you decide to weigh evidence is subjective and how you morally judge something is subjective too

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2 hours ago, Optimized Life said:

you have no proof that they're sociopaths and they don't strike me as sociopaths at all

very scary how one could be presented with very clear evidence of their idol committing atrocities and still claim theres no proof. May God help you see the light and hopefully one day you will look back on your younger self and see how much of a blind fool you were. If you can watch that whole documentary leo posted along with the tons of other evidence that has been provided in prior threads, and still say these are baseless accusations and a "attack from the matrix", you are beyond helping

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On 02/09/2023 at 10:51 PM, StarStruck said:

Tate is an interesting case study none the less. If I had to choose a live between wage slaving for barely minimum wage (without prospects) and the life of Andrew fucking Tate I would choose the life of Andrew Tate hands down.

I’d rather work for minimum wage than be in a Romanian prison for 20 years

Edited by something_else

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who cares about a new side of him

hitler also had good sides

not saying tate is hitler i don't know much about him and don't care

but obviously everybody has good/bad and some deeper sides to them

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

who cares about a new side of him

hitler also had good sides

not saying tate is hitler i don't know much about him and don't care

but obviously everybody has good/bad and some deeper sides to them

   Because he's clearly a pimp and tax evading and a manipulator and exploiter of young naive women, yet most are in deep denial.

   Of course you didn't intentionally compare Adolf Hitler to Andrew Tate to utilize the thought terminating cliche effect.

   But that's not so obvious, because if it was, and awareness alone is curative, and they allowed their awareness to cure what's the obvious problem, most wouldn't be in this deep denial wouldn't they?

   However, I give partial credit to Andrew Tate and his trolling skills, asking Matt to bring him a box of chocolates to the interview was funny.? 

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5 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

i don't know much about him and don't care

We're all entangled. We're all one. There is no separation. What affects one, affects all, directly and/or indirectly. Not saying you have to give him any attention but you can still care because caring is Universal. 

Know thyself....

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23 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

We're all entangled. We're all one. There is no separation. What affects one, affects all, directly and/or indirectly. Not saying you have to give him any attention but you can still care because caring is Universal. 

Ok but i don’t ? 

i have a younger buddy who likes him though

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On 9/4/2023 at 7:30 AM, Socrates said:

Since abuse and exploitation ARE violence, how would you react to violence in real-time? 

People who are chronically abused and exploited aren’t even aware that they’re being abused, sadly. At best they have a vague idea that something is off. They deal with it by using coping mechanisms that they’ve been ingrained with, which further keeps them stuck in the cycle of abuse. Abusers are then able to take advantage of these victims, and it makes the abusers even stronger.

It can take decades to even realize one is in such a situation. And getting out of it won’t magically fix the damage that’s already been done. It’ll still take additional decades of inner work to heal all that trauma. 

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On 9/4/2023 at 0:30 PM, Bobby_2021 said:

@Topspin715 This is not a question I can answer and it feels incomplete no matter however I put it. Let me try. 

The Tate you are seeing now, speaking red pill talking points is not the actual Tate. What you saw in the viral tik tok clips is the result of a planned marketing campaign for him to break into the mainstream. So you wouldn't find anything much valuable in what he says, if that's your only source of Tate. 

He used to a lot more candid an open in his twitter interactions pre fame. He came up in anon accounts which only a few of us knew about. Once he gets to around 60k followers, twitter would close it down and he would pop up again after a while. He would post wild threads and videos. Some of them involved getting in street fight with gangs. That's not anything valuable by itself. What's enticing was his life philosophy surrounding it. He embodied freedom and existing as a force of nature. He emphasised meticulous obsession towards getting to the top, although it's unfortunate the methods he used to realize it. 

Despite being associated with the mafia he still used to post chess puzzles and used his intellect. 

The biggest difference is that Tate lived what he spoke. He had a powerful vision which is why he was able to convince huge swaths of population to follow him. 

He did convince me out of passive income bullshit. The idea that work is something to dread is not true. Your whole life can be nothing but work. Do what you are good at and outsource the rest. He actually did and took action on all of these. His sheer competitiveness was something else. He taught me to take life by what you are given at. He would walk up straight into a bar without a penny in his pocket and the only was he can get a place to stay is if he can convince a girl to get him to her house. He made a lot of intellectually original content on Twitter back in 2021. It was really wild. I mean the things that he actually did. He embodied the actual hyper masculine character he is playing. It's no wonder that military age men find him appealing. He also taught me to be aware and alert at all times and br disciplined enough to not misplace things and forget about stuff. The whole idea is to do things like professionals. If you put something somewhere remember it. Searching for stuff that you forgot comes across as unprofessional. Also to train your body and be in peak physical shape at all times and fight when necessary. Those are some of the things I directly benefited from. I really wish I had the screenshots of those threads. I would post them somewhere when I find them. It was really something you have never seen. And then comes all the hours of podcast he did with his brother and that had many impressive stuff in it. 


A few notes:

1. Him being a sex trafficker doesn't invalidate his value or the Truth he speaks. Even if Jeffery Epstein says 2+2=4, that would still be Truth.

2. I don't understand why guys go around making threads speaking of how much andrew has helped them as if someone else is also supposed to find him appealing. If you found him helpful, then you should be happy and not feel the need to shove him down the throats others.

3. What Tate says counts as value depends on you. He can give you value only when he offers you something that you fall short of.

I became even more disciplined and increased my ruthlessness.

There are deeper reasons of why Tate is appealing that which I am unable to put to words and I don't bother to.

I benefited from his content and I am happy. If you benefit from watching his content, you are free to do it. If you don't find it valueable, then don't watch it. 

That part is going to come back to bite you. There is a time and place for ruthlessness in extreme circumstances...but in this modern age...ruthlessness is in general unnecessary. If you are taking advice from Tate on being more ruthless you are asking for a life of blind ignorance as you ruthlessly manipulate others and then deny that you did so.

Your choice...but something to think about. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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On 9/2/2023 at 4:51 PM, StarStruck said:

Tate is an interesting case study none the less. If I had to choose a live between wage slaving for barely minimum wage (without prospects) and the life of Andrew fucking Tate I would choose the life of Andrew Tate hands down. The thing with Andrew that is that he got too cocky. He should have known his boundaries. But that is the whole thing with success, it makes you cocky. He isn't alone in committing this sin. Especially on this forum.

that kind of thinking makes you more similar to him than you think. slippery slope fallacy, maybe...

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