Universal orgasm on weed and 5-MeO-DMT

manuel bon
By manuel bon in Psychedelics,
Yesterday, after the whole summer I spent with my family, I came back to my home in the Netherlands, and in the evening I decided to smoke some weed. I smoked an amount that made me feel kind of high, but not so much. After some hours I decided to add to the weed just a few grains of 5-MeO-DMT, in the bong. I had never tried this compound before, and I was curious about what could happen. I felt ready in case a deep trip would happen, even though I didn’t think it would, since the amount I put in was really small. I play Crossing the Rubicon by Anoushka Shankar (never heard it before), lay down, and let myself go. After I closed my eyes, the first thing that I felt was my physical body expanding, and soon I became almost the whole room I was in. It was weird, not uncomfortable, just a feeling of heaviness, stability, and expansion. In the past it already happened to me that on weed I would experience an expansion of my body, but not as much as this time. Then something I would never expect happened: as I was listening to the music, I understood I had never heard a piece like this one, that would make me feel that way. I was getting sexually attracted to the song, it was really some kind of energetical connection between me and the music, and at that moment I started to masturbate. What I felt was the deepest connection I've ever had in my life, it was physical, energetical, spiritual, and even almost intellectual; I was intertwined with the music, having sex with it, and almost becoming one with it. I almost didn’t feel I was masturbating myself, as if everything was just happening by itself. And then I had the most intense orgasm ever, an explosion of energy, leaving from all the pores of my body (was it Kundalini energy?). I don’t know if this happened also thanks to the 5-MeO-DMT, but it really felt like I accessed a higher sexual dimension, it was a transcendental experience (and I have never felt anything so intense on weed).
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