
Been trying to quit porn/do NoFap for a long time, in these circles, they recommend..

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3 minutes ago, oldhandle said:

simply asserting what I know to be true about the dangers of porn and masturbation. 

My only real advice to you is still just my second reply on this thread. See what works for you. Good luck.

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5 minutes ago, oldhandle said:

Not fighting, simply asserting what I know to be true about the dangers of porn and masturbation. 

Drinking too much water can also be dangerous. Anything can have a negative effect on the body if improperly used. What you know to be true is true for you, there are other people who are using pornography and masturbation to improve their lives. There are people who have wrecked their lives using these tools. If something was Absolutely bad it would be bad for everybody and vice versa. 

Porn and masturbation are not dangerous in and of themselves, it is the way they are being used. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Get a girlfriend.

And then you can also install some wild beliefs like "I am not someone who looks at porn".  And/Or "Porn is cheating and I don't want to cheat on my gf".

It's not that hard to quit porn.

The question is just do you really want to?

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9 minutes ago, universe said:

Get a girlfriend.

And then you can also install some wild beliefs like "I am not someone who looks at porn".  And/Or "Porn is cheating and I don't want to cheat on my gf".

It's not that hard to quit porn.

The question is just do you really want to?

Sometimes people avoid intimacy by substituting it with porn. Then they become addicted to it. Then they try to stop the addiction by resisting it and focusing on the addiction instead of switching to something more preferred. Giving attention to something only expands it. Trying to get rid of something by rejecting it only makes it persist. You have to accept it as a part of existence without judging it for it to not have any power over you and set the intention to make another choice if the urge arises.



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Sometimes people avoid intimacy by substituting it with porn. Then they become addicted to it. Then they try to stop the addiction by resisting it and focusing on the addiction instead of switching to something more preferred. Giving attention to something only expands it. Trying to get rid of something by rejecting it only makes it persist. You have to accept it as a part of existence without judging it for it to not have any power over you and set the intention to make another choice if the urge arises.

Yes. Even better if you can love it.


But identification works on a different level.

If I turn a hetero man into a hetero woman, he would stop craving images of naked women on the internet.

If I turn you into a kangaroo you'd never crave social media one second again.

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2 hours ago, Osaid said:

Look up what a "flatline" is in regards to no-fap. I literally did no-fap and it gave me temporary ED and fucked with my libido for a while. This is a common thing that happens but no one talks about, and it's just chalked up as "oh, your brain is rebooting, bro!!"

TLDR, no-fap ironically literally gave me temporary ED and fucked with my libido.

But anyways, correlation, never proven. Never had problems getting it up ever until I did no fap, lol. It's fixed now though, it was just temporary, thankfully. I've seen stories of people being in that state for years.

This is a horrible argument, just because you flatline that is not a sign not fapping to porn is bad, that’s actually a sign fapping to porn IS bad as it’s altered your sexual wiring to the point where it’s having these effects from abstaining. This is like an alcoholic who stopped drinking thinking that not drinking must be bad because he’s facing withdrawal symptoms.

While it isn’t proven the youth ED rate is due to porn use, there really isn’t anything else that could explain such an explosion and we now have a huge number of anecdotal accounts of men saying they stopped having ED when they abstained from porn. So it’s just a coincidence the ED rate in young men exploded right along side the widespread use of digital porn? No, the obesity rate did not change that rapidly nor is there any sign of increase of sexual shame and nervousness to an extant that would explain it.

We also now have quite a few studies clearly finding damaging effects of porn use. Including not correlative ones, 




Denying this is pretty silly at this point.

Edited by Raze

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14 minutes ago, Raze said:

that’s actually a sign fapping to porn IS bad as it’s altered your sexual wiring to the point where it’s having these effects from abstaining. This is like an alcoholic who stopped drinking thinking that not drinking must be bad because he’s facing withdrawal symptoms.

You don't know that. You're just assuming this. This is all bro science which you have no evidence for.

It's not an argument, it's what happened. Erections were fine, after no-fap they weren't fine, then they went back to normal again. So the idea that no-fap increases erection quality is wrong because it is not so linear. There is nuance. The truth is that no one knows what is going on there.

Edited by Osaid

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Just now, oldhandle said:

Dismissing all peer-reviewed research on porn related topics as bro-science seems unfair, pretty sure the links here are actual science

Not dismissing any research, just interpreting it properly and showing you that it's not conclusive at all and pretty much all correlation.

All the flatline theories are definitely bro-science though. The flatline started happening, and they came up with some theory about how it could fit in to the no-fap ideology: "Hmm, must be withdrawal symptoms, you know, brain rewiring or whatever." Very convenient. It's based on absolutely nothing though, like seriously. No one knows what it is, lmao. Which is pretty crazy.

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1 minute ago, oldhandle said:

All made up. Based in nothing of substance, like I said before.

Propaganda is real: "Benefits of no-fap: less shame"

But seriously, this article is made by a hardcore no-fapper. Alternate sources would be nice.

I've been through pretty much all of these articles back when I was going through it and I just realized that all these no-fappers were making shit up lmao. I've done my research. Appreciate the resources though.

Just on a side note, my flatline in particular had no emotional element to it at all. No depression or changes in mood. Just strictly a lack of sexual desire and ED, that's it. 

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4 hours ago, Sidra khan said:

This thread has opened my eyes to a fragment of consciousness. 

What does that mean?

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15 minutes ago, oldhandle said:

What does that mean?

Probably that she found value in this topic of preserving sexual energy that she didn't know about before, at least that's what i would hope so, this forum overall including Leo is missing out on this part of spirituality, catch on with Brahmacharya people, Jesus did it, Buddha did it, what stops you? This is the most important piece of the puzzle of self-actualization, don't ignore it, this work is honestly pointless without it, this work will still get you results of course, but it's nothing without Brahmacharya.

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35 minutes ago, strika said:

Probably that she found value in this topic of preserving sexual energy that she didn't know about before, at least that's what i would hope so, this forum overall including Leo is missing out on this part of spirituality, catch on with Brahmacharya people, Jesus did it, Buddha did it, what stops you? This is the most important piece of the puzzle of self-actualization, don't ignore it, this work is honestly pointless without it, this work will still get you results of course, but it's nothing without Brahmacharya.

Had to look that up. Brahmacharya. Never heard the term. How long should men practice this for to reap the benefits, and is it necessary to do this in order to reap the same benefits. Doesn't meditation practices also achieve this goal and do women also benefit from this (not that I'm interested in doing this, but just to know for educational purposes).

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, strika said:

Probably that she found value in this topic of preserving sexual energy that she didn't know about before, at least that's what i would hope so, this forum overall including Leo is missing out on this part of spirituality, catch on with Brahmacharya people, Jesus did it, Buddha did it, what stops you? This is the most important piece of the puzzle of self-actualization, don't ignore it, this work is honestly pointless without it, this work will still get you results of course, but it's nothing without Brahmacharya.

Yea, I have to say, it's REALLY surprising. Almost every spiritual traditional that Leo has an entire video on advises against lust and has people in it that practice celibacy. Really confused but maybe his mind can change in time.

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:


2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Had to look that up. Brahmacharya. Never heard the term. How long should men practice this for to reap the benefits, and is it necessary to do this in order to reap the same benefits. Doesn't meditation practices also achieve this goal and do women also benefit from this (not that I'm interested in doing this, but just to know for educational purposes).

It's for both men and women equally, the benefits start coming in a few days (4,5 days from my experience) but at the start they will of course be very subtle but will with time gradually increase in both number of benefits one starts getting and their quality. I would say it's absolutely necessary to practice Brahmacharya if someone is trying to self-actualize and work on their spirituality, i wouldn't only say that it's necessary but that it's by far the most important part of spiritual work and actualization.


It's the foundation of living a good life both from the absolute (spirituality, God-realization) and relative (practical life, survival, purpose etc.) perspective, the reason why i'm saying this is because of my personal experience with it, i have a distinction in my life before and after i started practicing Brahmacharya and the contrast is too big for me to just say that one can practice spirituality and do actualization work without perseverance of their sexual energy, i think it's not worth it without it because even tho one will still get results it will take them so much longer and they will have to work so much harder than what they would have to work if they had Brahmacharya as their foundation for the work.


After a few months of Brahmacharya this work becomes so effortless that it's almost like you are on an autopilot and God is doing everything through you, you are absolutely aligned with God and following your destiny to the fullest with no effort, and all of this is happening in your day to day baseline state, you're basically meditating at all times in a way, but it takes time to get to that point (even i myself would consider myself a beginner at this, i found out about Brahmacharya in 2020 and really got serious about it around the beginning of 2022, until then i just did it on and off kinda because i still didn't realize the value of it until last year), and even tho one can get to a similar state that i just described without saving their sexual energy it's not going to be comparable to the one with saved sexual energy, the difference in quality of bliss and peace and all the other spiritual stuff is enormous.



I will try to be more specific now to actually name and describe the benefits of Brahmacharya: bliss (i usually notice it around day 4, it feels like an internal aura of energy inside your chest that gradually expands from the inside and even starts expanding to the outside of your body, but takes time, probably 3-4 months for it to fill your entire body and then it feels like it's going outside it as well, it feels like you are radiating with bliss, which is why other people subconsciously notice it as well and it's basically metaphysical (people start staring at you like deers in headlights, both men and women, babies and animals especially, it can be creepy at times but sometimes it's wholesome, you get used to it with time, and it's something that doesn't happen without Brahmacharya, i have tested it like 10+ times and it's always the same result, when i practice it it happens daily in any public place, when i don't it doesn't happen, it's not placebo which some people who haven't tried Brahmacharya blame it on which i always find hilarious but understandable, i know it sounds crazy)



People usually don't take this point seriously because it's woo-woo but it's one of those things that when you see it for yourself you know it, also it's the best "sensation"(idk what else to call it, maybe state of being?) that i have felt in my life, obviously it's better than any pleasure that i have ever felt, it's better than anything that the 5 senses can provide), next up is peace which comes in the package with bliss basically, with time it gradually gets better and expands in ones body and outside as well, another one in the same package is energy, same coin as bliss and peace just another side, it gradually expands and intensifies with time, now i sleep like 4 hours a day naturally because of how much energy i have, i assume i will get to 2-3 hours of sleep as the years go by, of course naturally, without trying, it's not the case that i'm inentionally ruining my sleep, it just becomes natural because of the energy one saves with time, also that energy obviously helps with practical life as well, working out, running, house work, job or life purpose, it's a massive boost of energy basically



Next up is health, i haven't gotten sick since 2021 in whatever way whatsoever(i used to get sick every few months), i used to have some pain in my knee for 2 years and it's gone, i used to have problems with my digestive system for a year, whenever i would eat i would have a stomach ache (and i eat pretty healthy) and that problem is gone, skin becomes absolutely clean and shiny and i never did any skincare and never cared about it, eyes also become obviously shiny and veins in the eyes are gone, also dark circles as well are gone, hair is thicker and more of it grows on the entire body (this is of course exclusively a male benefit, i'm sure there would be a parallel type benefit for women), much deeper voice (also male exclusive)



Overall luck in life is another metaphysical benefit, you get so much more luckier when it comes to anything, synchronicities are another one that are in a way connected to the previous benefit, i usually see 50+ of them daily in numbers alone, of course they can come in other ways to (of course this isn't a literal benefit but it's a sign that you are doing something right because the increase in synchronicities becomes too big to ignore, God/universe is telling you you are aligning yourself with your highest self, that you are following your highest potential, your destiny)



The meditation is obviously easy, it comes natural, as i said you basically meditate all the time, you feel like when you are a child and you are just wondering around pure and inoccent without a worry in the world, just in the moment enjoying the beauty of the present, also everything literally becomes so much more colorful, again just like when you were a child, the colors are much more intensified but in an elegant, pleasant way, you feel high on life 24/7, daily life aka baseline feels like a constant light psychedelic experience.



This is already a long comment so i will stop there but to nutshell it, Brahmacharya gives your baseline state bliss, peace, energy, luck, beauty, joy, physical benefits both inside and outside of your body, mental benefits like absolute clarity of mind and flow, better memory, spiritual benefits like a constant state of psychedelic, pure, childlike meditation, makes self-actualization and spiritual work easy and effortless, takes care of your absolute and relative life naturally, balances both out and boosts it's qualities, and just makes life worth living, it gives aliveness to life.



Also i would recommend these videos and articles to anyone interested as a start to the understanding of this whole practice which boils down to transcending your sexual instinct to gain heaven in your day to day life, these are quality videos, be openminded which is what this whole forum and channel is about and of course test it our for yourself if you want to see if there is truth to it, as someone who lives by this i can't recommend anything else when it comes to the pursuit for self-actualization more than Brahmacharya, this is the foundation of it all.





Edited by strika

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Could you please break that up into paragraphs? People will be more likely to not dismiss it immediately, which I already sense people doing.

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