
Is awakening something that just happens or...?

26 posts in this topic

The ego is not an illusion in one sense, and in another sense it is an illusion. What is an illusion? An illusion is an image that is created through trickery. The ego is a trick that God plays against itself so it can be a human. So in that sense the ego is an illusion. Next what is a lie? A lie is something that is a denial of the truth, God has to deny its unlimited infinite nature to be a human. So now we have two ways the ego is a lie and an illusion. But it goes deeper than this. The ego is also the truth, as the ego is the filter through which you experience Reality. The ego is memory, the ego is identity, the ego is interpretation. This ego is what currently IS. So the ego is TRUTH, and currently in the present moment it is ABSOLUTE TRUTH....until you awaken.

Once you awaken, the ego becomes a relative truth, which means it is non-persistent, it is impermanent and thus is a lie, an illusion, and only a temporary truth. So notice....the ego is both the truth and a lie at the same time. So how to resolve this boundary? Easy apply the Absolute Perspective. From the Absolute Perspective...the ego...was never true....there was never a relative truth at all, there was only ever ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

The ramifications of that last sentence....are profound. 1. Nothing ever happened. 2. Something is just an appearance, and that appearance was a lie. 3. There is only an eternal nothing. 4. That nothing is love, that love is so powerful it is perfectly fine being an eternal nothing that is infinite potentiality. 5. It is always alone/ ALL ONE 6. As such evil cannot exist as it is the only offender/victim there is so all conflict is made up imaginary drama 7. This drama....never ends it continues forever. 8. God infinitely lies to itself, and limits its love, to awaken to the value of truth and love. Thus God CREATES VALUE FROM NOTHING through limitation, through ignorance, and through a journey of self-discovery. This is magic, this is a miracle, this is why life has meaning and purpose at all. If God did not design life this way...it wouldn't have meaning and purpose. Meaning and purpose is a result of DESIGN it is NOT inherent. 

In all lives the over-arching theme is the same. Honesty, Integrity, Consistency, Discernment, Sacrifice, and Unconditional Love are the only parameters to live by. Anything else...is delusion and creates suffering. Honesty, Integrity, Consistency, are one in the same. This is Unconditional honesty/truth. The truth is what is. For something to be truth it must be what is. True honesty is honest under all conditions. True integrity is unconditionally consistent, it is FREQUENT under all conditions....another way of saying frequency. This is all equal to unconditional love, and equal to self-acceptance under all conditions. 

Then we have discernment. Discernment is in the realm of the relative, this deals with nuance, and is the ultimate test of wisdom as it deals with Absolute Relativity and Translogical decision making which comes with an understanding of systems thinking. This deals with Infinite Intelligence's ability to see the big picture and to perfectly manifest the totality of the Universe in perfect lock step towards the themes of Unconditional Truth and Love. This theme will be played out for all of Infinity in an infinite number of variations. This is the purpose of existence and why you are here. 

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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There is no end to awakening you need to understand that. What you imagine as awakening is just one state of consciousness you consider conscious enough in contrast with your current experience that makes it look like you are awake.

However, awakening is endless, absolutely infinite. There is and will never be anyone fully awakened, because not even God finds the end of itself. We don't even find the end of Pi for god's sake, let alone God or Awakening.

Just explore your infinity. Enjoy the ride and discover playfully. Become as conscious as you want, as loving as you want, as truthful as you want, get to the states of consciousness you enjoy, lock down the states you like. This is a free game. The fact of such an end AWAKENING is naive honestly. Focus on your own path and calling inside yourself, that's what is meaningful in the end of the day.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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On 4/9/2023 at 0:07 PM, SeaMonster said:

If it's not illusory, where is it beyond the thought/belief "I am my body/thoughts/feelings."?

Are all your thoughts "real"?

the self that tries to survive is ultimately illusory, but the existence that you are is real. If the self disappears and infinite existence remains, what would you call what you are? I? It is difficult to let go of the bastard who wants to survive, once done, there is life. the limitless depth, the beauty. But the self always is pushing

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7 hours ago, Razard86 said:

The ego is not an illusion in one sense, and in another sense it is an illusion. What is an illusion? An illusion is an image that is created through trickery. The ego is a trick that God plays against itself so it can be a human. So in that sense the ego is an illusion. Next what is a lie? A lie is something that is a denial of the truth, God has to deny its unlimited infinite nature to be a human. So now we have two ways the ego is a lie and an illusion. But it goes deeper than this. The ego is also the truth, as the ego is the filter through which you experience Reality. The ego is memory, the ego is identity, the ego is interpretation. This ego is what currently IS. So the ego is TRUTH, and currently in the present moment it is ABSOLUTE TRUTH....until you awaken.

Once you awaken, the ego becomes a relative truth, which means it is non-persistent, it is impermanent and thus is a lie, an illusion, and only a temporary truth. So notice....the ego is both the truth and a lie at the same time. So how to resolve this boundary? Easy apply the Absolute Perspective. From the Absolute Perspective...the ego...was never true....there was never a relative truth at all, there was only ever ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

The ramifications of that last sentence....are profound. 1. Nothing ever happened. 2. Something is just an appearance, and that appearance was a lie. 3. There is only an eternal nothing. 4. That nothing is love, that love is so powerful it is perfectly fine being an eternal nothing that is infinite potentiality. 5. It is always alone/ ALL ONE 6. As such evil cannot exist as it is the only offender/victim there is so all conflict is made up imaginary drama 7. This drama....never ends it continues forever. 8. God infinitely lies to itself, and limits its love, to awaken to the value of truth and love. Thus God CREATES VALUE FROM NOTHING through limitation, through ignorance, and through a journey of self-discovery. This is magic, this is a miracle, this is why life has meaning and purpose at all. If God did not design life this way...it wouldn't have meaning and purpose. Meaning and purpose is a result of DESIGN it is NOT inherent. 

In all lives the over-arching theme is the same. Honesty, Integrity, Consistency, Discernment, Sacrifice, and Unconditional Love are the only parameters to live by. Anything else...is delusion and creates suffering. Honesty, Integrity, Consistency, are one in the same. This is Unconditional honesty/truth. The truth is what is. For something to be truth it must be what is. True honesty is honest under all conditions. True integrity is unconditionally consistent, it is FREQUENT under all conditions....another way of saying frequency. This is all equal to unconditional love, and equal to self-acceptance under all conditions. 

Then we have discernment. Discernment is in the realm of the relative, this deals with nuance, and is the ultimate test of wisdom as it deals with Absolute Relativity and Translogical decision making which comes with an understanding of systems thinking. This deals with Infinite Intelligence's ability to see the big picture and to perfectly manifest the totality of the Universe in perfect lock step towards the themes of Unconditional Truth and Love. This theme will be played out for all of Infinity in an infinite number of variations. This is the purpose of existence and why you are here. 

This made me cry.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9 hours ago, Davino said:

There is no end to awakening you need to understand that. What you imagine as awakening is just one state of consciousness you consider conscious enough in contrast with your current experience that makes it look like you are awake.

However, awakening is endless, absolutely infinite. There is and will never be anyone fully awakened, because not even God finds the end of itself. We don't even find the end of Pi for god's sake, let alone God or Awakening.

Just explore your infinity. Enjoy the ride and discover playfully. Become as conscious as you want, as loving as you want, as truthful as you want, get to the states of consciousness you enjoy, lock down the states you like. This is a free game. The fact of such an end AWAKENING is naive honestly. Focus on your own path and calling inside yourself, that's what is meaningful in the end of the day.

Not agree, there is a final awakening, the undifferentiated immutable total infinity, your true nature. when you let the self fall into the void. Then the cosmos starts. 

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