
What is a 'party' in today's world?

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And what is the point of partying/going to bars/clubs? 

Is it to make friends? Is it to 'have fun'? Is it to meet women? What is the point of it? 

A 'party' in today's world, is a marketplace. Where people show off how 'cool'/'fun' they are. They will do whatever it takes to lower inhibitions and 'put their best foot forward', like taking drugs/alcohol. The goal is to be 'cool'/'social'/'charismatic' and when you do that, you gain popularity/'status'. This is why bar-fights happen. Cuz inhibitions are lowered and when your so-called 'status' is on the line, you will get aggressive to protect it. 

Another definition of a 'party' in today's world, is that it is a hub of instant-gratification activities. Where the point of going there is not to make friends (most people only leave the party with the friends they went in with), it is to indulge in the instant-gratification activities like loud music, drugs, alcohol, the sight of hot women as eye-candy and casual sex. 

Can you form connections in parties, which are the most popular so-called 'social environments' in Western-style civilizations? Absolutely fucking not. People are there to tune out the problems of their lives and drown out their internal problems, because of which there is little to no authenticity in those environments. Even though on the surface people are having fun, there is often an inexplicable tension in the environment. Because people are using substances to repress their internal issues. 

And finally, about the women. A lot of them have issues that they're tuning out too! Cuz they're there, getting drunk and putting themselves out there to be sexually objectified, to 'lower inhibitions'. We're talking about boundary-issues, codependency, indulgence in instant-gratification promiscuity showing a lack of discipline etc. And, the worst part about this is that there is no connection with someone who is inebriated. It's just not going to happen. Connection happens in the fully sober, waking state. Not when you're dancing even after the music stops. 

This is the height of life in the modern world. Which is incredibly sad. Because it weakens people. This is what today's young people are obsessing over. It is a degradation of the values that our societies have been built on, it is degeneracy and decadence. (I'm not saying that it's morally wrong for you personally to party if you find it fun, but from a macro-perspective, if this is the most popular social-environment of your culture, that's pretty fucked) Too many people don't know what they're missing out on, what life could be like without these vices, in which you actually get to connect with each other when you're sober. If today's youth considers the state of being high and intoxicated and 'getting fucked up' as the 'height of life', if they're unhappy with their lives when they're sober and they think that this is the solution, does this bode well for the future? 

Edited by mr_engineer

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Haha this was more fun to me to read than to party?some good points

i sometimes think, damn, for some people clubbing/partying is their “it” , wonder what kind of existence  that is . 

Id say that I bet for a lot of these people,  that is their authentic self , at least how it feels for them. So it might seem purely superficial for you but for many of them that is genuinely how they are. 

the women part. Sexualizing yourself/making yourself hot to yourself isn’t some invitation/want to be sexually objectified by others when you’re out and about, just a point. it’s Two different things 

I don’t see the reason to be concerned about all of this tho. You trying to save society or something?

Edited by Sugarcoat

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8 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

i sometimes think, damn, for some people clubbing/partying is their “it” , wonder what kind of existence  that is . 

Id say that I bet for a lot of these people,  that is their authentic self , at least how it feels for them. So it might seem purely superficial for you but for many of them that is genuinely how they are. 

I call BS on this argument that they would make. Because, if this really were who they are, why does it do nothing for their mental-health problems?! Mental-health in more developed parts of the world (I'm not going to name countries, it's happening in upscale areas of most countries) is tanking on the one hand and on the other hand, this is the social reality we're dealing with. 

The first indication of the fact that you're on the right path with authenticity is that your mind will be peaceful and emotionally you will be fulfilled. 

5 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

the women part. Sexualizing yourself/making yourself hot to yourself isn’t some invitation/want to be sexually objectified by others when you’re out and about, just a point. it’s Two different things 

I mean, they know that they're going and being sexy in a low-inhibition environment, where drunk guys are going to be drooling over them and some guys with little to no morality are going to be trying to spike their drinks and shit. 

7 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

I don’t see the reason to be concerned about all of this tho. You trying to save society or something?

I want to get on the same page with others about what a 'party' even is. The more of us understand the reality of parties, the more we will come up with new and innovative event-ideas to actually be able to connect with each other and resolve the internal issues instead of coping with them using instant-gratification partying. 

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It's a sad. You autistic kids don't even understand the notion of partying.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a sad. You autistic kids don't even understand the notion of partying.

Ok what is it about then ??

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11 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Ok what is it about then ??

Go party and find out.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Go party and find out.

Which part to understand , what it is about for me or for others because the others part is what I’m not understanding ? that’s why I’m asking you 

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@Sugarcoat i mean people just like to party, same way you like to sing or dance sometimes and be social 

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Yea, if all you do is party you’re fucked

Having a stick up your ass is not good either however.

As with everything balance is key xD

I think that being able to relax into your body, let loose, and have fun with others is a deeply human experience which for most people is unhealthy to be completely deprived of.

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This, is Gods party! Why do you think we call it a cosmic dance? The amazing thing is that you are at the centre of it, you are party central! And you don’t even realise it. That my friend, is what is sad

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a sad. You autistic kids don't even understand the notion of partying.

We're awtistic. Fantastic. 

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What I've noticed with people is we don't realize there are 8 billion people on earth. We all experience different things at different times and stages in our lives. We tend to think what we ourselves are feeling and experiencing, everyone or most people are experiencing the same thing. This argument is pointless in debating because everyone is different and not everyone will feel the same way or see partying in the same light. 

Travel a bit and experience more out of your own bubble and you would be amazed at how other people see the world.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 hours ago, Majed said:

@Sugarcoat i mean people just like to party, same way you like to sing or dance sometimes and be social 

Wow I didn’t know that … thank you for enlightening me ?

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a sad. You autistic kids don't even understand the notion of partying.

I'm looking at it from a biased perspective of 'Can I form connections in a party? If I can't, if we can't, why is it the most popular type of social environment? How does it benefit us as a collective to have it be the most popular type of social environment?' 

I personally can't help but feel contempt for people who get so drunk they pass out in parties, or people who overdose on drugs in them. A part of me is like 'We all know that you're better than this'. Another part of me sees that this urge to get high to the point of blacking out is a deeper issue of having the urge to self-harm, because they're using partying to cope with the meaninglessness of their lives. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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10 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

This is the height of life in the modern world.

Dude, even Jesus went to parties.

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2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

I'm looking at it from a biased perspective of 'Can I form connections in a party? If I can't, if we can't, why is it the most popular type of social environment? How does it benefit us as a collective to have it be the most popular type of social environment?' 

I personally can't help but feel contempt for people who get so drunk they pass out in parties, or people who overdose on drugs in them. A part of me is like 'We all know that you're better than this'. Another part of me sees that this urge to get high to the point of blacking out is a deeper issue of having the urge to self-harm, because they're using partying to cope with the meaninglessness of their lives. 

All of that is BS. Just go party. You are stuck in your stupid logic like a robot.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

All of that is BS. Just go party.

Are you going to give counter-examples to what I've said? 

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1 minute ago, mr_engineer said:

Are you going to give counter-examples to what I've said? 

The only counter example you need is a broomstick to your head.

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The reason I'm being logical about this is that if you're not, people come up with problematic rationalizations for partying. Seems benign at first, until you get to a point where partying becomes the only escape from the problems of your life and then those rationalizations will hold you back from quitting the vices that the party-lifestyle imposes on you. 

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm saying that we need to see the reality of it and that it's not the height of life. That we can do better, collectively. 

I don't see how the collective moves towards being enlightened if we stay stuck here. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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If you dont like It just dont go.

If you are playing the social game though, dont reject It. These are the rules of the Game. 

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