
can consciousness subtly increase (maybe .001%) while living in line with life purpos

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I feel more tranquil and somehow more aware of the present moment while im doing something small like studying life coaching. watching the video i got the sudden realization im not watching the video. its just there.. i guess, hard to describe. i wonder what your guys opinions on this is.

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20 minutes ago, funkychunkymonkey said:

i got the sudden realization im not watching the video. its just there..

Observer and observed arise mutually. One could not exist without the other.

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It can increase tremendous amounts. Living in purpose is living in love, and consciousness is love. Love discloses its own nature to itself as you walk the path toward alignment with it.

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Try to practice mindfulness every moment of the day. Interesting things will happen. Who is in control of whether you are mindful or not ;)?

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