Kalki Avatar

I discovered 2 life purposes

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I discovered 2 life purposes through LSD. These two paths are pure greatness and both align with my personality. I feel the Bliss of both ways. But, I dont know which one to pursue. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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Fantastic, so why not do both? I got multiple passions I'm pursuing and they didn't seem to have anything in common at first, but after a while it all ties in together. 

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@Butters Yeah. They are so opposite. Lets see how it goes. How did you managed to find how they tie together. Did you focused with the easiest or just did them all of them at once?

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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4 minutes ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Butters Yeah. They are so opposite. Lets see how it goes. How did you managed to find how they tie together. Did you focused with the easiest or just did them all of them at once?

I always said to myself "I enjoy Entrepreneurship but deep down I'm an artist". So at the time I did my business during the day and stand up comedy (my real passion) at night. So my identity was comedian, and that shit was pretty dope. 

Some stuff I won't go into happened and it turned my world upside down and I stopped doing comedy, which was just unthinkable at the time (part of me had to die).

So now I was really seeking my identity again but it turned out it was the best thing that could have happened to me. 

Right now I'm on my journey to start doing coaching and speaking, helping others grow. Doing stand up has added tremendous depth to my personality and I'm grateful for it. This has also helped me be comfortable on stage for public speaking. 

The coaching, Entrepreneurship, my teachers, actualized, my life experiences, comedy, it all starts to make sense and it's all one thing, they all tie in to each other. 

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Just like me in the past, my passion is in personal development, but my skills are in entrepreneurship. I thought about pursuing both as a life purpose, but I believe life purpose is one. Therefore, I decided to work on personal development, as it aligns with me the most. It's important to focus on one thing because the more we concentrate our energy and attention, the better. I suggest you choose one between the two, and from these options, you can select the one that aligns with you the most.

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