Princess Arabia


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This Channel is moving mountains. There's no other like it.

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Yes, this channel is amazing! I watch its videos everyday! It has helped me a lot in brainwashing myself to manifest the reality I want! 

 I know some other channels that those are great too! I put their links here: 

Juliet Cleary - this one is great. You can see one of his videos below: 


Manifest with Missy Renee

Meenakshi Yadav


I don't know why people don't use the law of assumption contents to learn how to brainwash themselves! It's not BS, Start with small things. It's actually what Razard has explained here in action.




Edited by fgh96

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@fgh96I meant to comment on your other post, but technical difficulties arose and then it slipped me. I am so amazed and delighted that someone else here is talking about this channel. I have posted a few videos from this channel in the past and it's taken a new subscriber to duplicate that. This is how powerful the Law of Attraction is. I knew eventually It would start to rub off and I would become aware of it's impact here. You never know who watches videos you post and sometimes you're unaware if they have served anyone, but, if you keep spreading the word and doing your part, it will start to reveal itself to you.

I've seen this too many times in my personal life. Countless times I was made aware, in different ways, how what I said, posted somewhere, a video I posted, treated someone etc etc, of the impact in made in someone's life and vice versa. So I know the importance of what it means to "keep going" someone's listening, someone's watching. And it's the small stuff, the little things. Don't hide behind a screen, don't constantly judge and find fault, go out and do your part however you can. Life is not about you, it's the lives you can make a difference in, the impact you have on people. I never know in the moment when it's happening, but it always reveals itself to me eventually.

I will check out the other channel you mentioned also, I've never heard of it, but that's the power of life's algorithm. It keeps showing you more and more of what you're focused on, that's why I try to focus more on the positive side of life and use the negatives as lessons and chances to grow because the negatives will knock you down and if you don't have the courage, to get back up you will stay down and keep on thinking life is against you when that's only because you keep believing that it is.

Edit: P.S. I just hit the link and noticed I'm subscribed to her channel. I know who she is. That's why I was curious, because I do know alot of these channels. I only focus on a few, though because it helps me focus and not get too all over the place. But I do know her. Tom's channel is different though. More deep. But I do like her too. I'm speaking of Missy Renee, here. A lot of these other channels are Manifesting Channels. 'Be Something Wonderful" is more than that.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

There's no other like it.

Mhm... children stuff

You cannot love what you need. 

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@Salvijusthere are countless of people on various channels across the internet including this forum where people are giving testimonies of life changing content, where people are changing other people's lives for the better, Including the Channel posted here, Leo's work and numerous others. Where is yours. Don't assume people aren't benefitting from various teachings and levels of teachings. There's something for everyone and sometimes the simpler the better. I will continue to posts videos that I think can be of service to others, since I'm not making content myself and I will continue to help others any way I can, because that is how I maintained my sanity and level of awareness because of others helping me and I'm giving back the best I know how.

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Huh? What just happened.

I knew I was provokative but I didn't expect this ? lol. 

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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I'm nagging you for a reason tho. The video is worth all the trouble in the world. ?


Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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I'll say took me a year of CONSISTENT deconstruction, contemplation, meditation, 6 trips and I broke through to baseline enlightenment and what that taught me is....don't knock it till you try it. The Law of Attraction, and other similar visualization methods that these channels give actually make logical sense when you discover it's a dream. 

I got a story for you....when I was 5 years old I was playing Double Dragon ONE and I struggled in trying to beat it. I went to sleep and had a DREAM where I beat it. I woke up....and beat it FIRST TRY. That memory never left me. Another example is . I was struggling with a math problem once when I was a teenager. I fell asleep, woke up..... and solved it instantly first try. So why should the Law of Assumption stuff be any different? Remember....Reality is conscious field that has no limits outside of what it self-imposes and that self.....IS YOU!!!

The same way you can have a limiting belief and overcome it through the same method towards Enlightenment. So why would Law of Attraction any different? You really believe all these people are coming together and sharing accident? Why not investigate it for yourself and might be surprised. One such law I know works is the LAW OF ASSUMPTION. You see that in play all the time if you study Implicit Bias, and Psychological Projection. Bias can literally rewrite your memories, and COLOR/INFLUENCE the reality you see. In can GASLIGHT YOURSELF into being a false witness of a crime by telling yourself the shooter wore a RED SHIRT when he really wore a blue shirt and send his behind to jail off your testimony. The a scary thing when you can trick/gaslight yourself. What you thought only supposed "others" could gaslight you? LOL.

So yeah I wouldn't be surprised through consistent application if Law of Attraction actually works...I even did a post in the past that explained it logically. I just never really tested it out because I'm not a very ambitious person when it comes to career/money etc..... but I don't doubt it. Hell I'd even call Enlightenment an example of Law of Attraction. In the words of Leo "YOU HAVE TO COME TO GOD. " How do you do it? By first opening your mind to that possibility, and through daily focus on that manifests into actuality. Sound familiar? Sounds like the same LOA step by step process....and I can say when it came to Enlightenment....that's exactly how it happened. 

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Where did the volcano go? Is it gone? Well, thank you for entertaining me st least a little bit ? it was fun

You cannot love what you need. 

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5 hours ago, Razard86 said:

"YOU HAVE TO COME TO GOD. " How do you do it? By first opening your mind to that possibility, and through daily focus on that manifests into actuality.

Funny you say this. I was raised in the church (Baptist). For years I attended as a child/late teens. Even got a reward for best attendance. Never missed a Sunday. Even got baptized at 14yrs old with my mom. Anyway, after years went by and I became an adult, I started to question the teachings. I came to US and went to chur here once or twice and didn't relate and never went back. Throughout the years I just lived my life normally, but in the back of my mind was wondering where is this God.

Never really gave it any serious thought because I was too busy surviving. It was always in the back of my mind, though. My mom even tried to get me to read the Bible with her when I would visit her and I would be silently resentful because something about it's translation never resonated with me and I felt forced. Not that I wasn't interested, I wanted something more.

To make a long story short. IT was when I was about to give up on God and started telling myself there is no God and even crying about it because I couldn't find it was when it revealed itself to me. It happened when I let go. When the confusion was becoming very apparent. It's like it was right in front of my face saying here I am, here I am, but I couldn't see it. When it said, I'm not letting this one go, I've gone too far with the hide and seek, I'm going to end this game now and reveal myself. "So-to-speak. I never looked back. Infact it can't get rid of me. I'm totally in love. I feel it through my bones, my heart and being. Even writing this part gives me goosebumps. 

So sometimes, it's not the coming to God, but the denying of God and the letting go of the search that can make it happen. For me, it was instant, no thought or reasoning. Just knowing, to the point where I felt so silly I didn't recognize it before. I was like a kid in a candy store. Telling everyone. Not too many, but those close to me, but sometimes even strangers if the convo went that way. It wasn't until I recognized that this info wasn't well received or people looking at you funny, that I really knew I was on to something, a revelation, that people would call you blasphemous and whatever other way they'll come up with to deny this Truth. I never once doubted. Infact, peoples' reaction, made me mire convinced, even though I needed no convincing. I have stopped doing that now, because I've recognized that they are all God too and makes no sense trying to tell God it is God if it's not ready to reveal itself to itself. Only on very few occasions if I sense an air of curiosity and the conversation is welcomed. I'm more now concentrating on how the mind works, the Universal laws, quantum physics and the nature of Consciousness.

Know thyself....

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6 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Where did the volcano go? Is it gone? Well, thank you for entertaining me st least a little bit ? it was fun

Am I the volcano you're referring to. If so, I erupted and fell back into homeostasis hoping to stay dormant. ?

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I will not even argue with people anymore about the obvious Universal laws that are always at play. Can't make the horse drink the water only lead him to it. They think shit is all random here. The laws are real and are always at play. It is the root of existence and why things are ordered and structured. Kind of a chaotic order. They call it woo woo. Nothing woo woo about God. Nothing woo woo about your heart beating. Nothing woo woo about the Sun the Moon and how we can predict the sun's rising and setting precisely. Nothing woo woo about the earth's magnetic field and your ability to repel and attract things to you. Nothing woo woo . Nothing woo woo about anything. Life should be playful, yes, and we should all lighten up, but it shouldn't be taken for granted. It is a magnificent show a Tristan Chord and when we sync up to it's melody, it can be a marvelous song there for us to listen to in silence.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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13 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Funny you say this. I was raised in the church (Baptist). For years I attended as a child/late teens. Even got a reward for best attendance. Never missed a Sunday. Even got baptized at 14yrs old with my mom. Anyway, after years went by and I became an adult, I started to question the teachings. I came to US and went to chur here once or twice and didn't relate and never went back. Throughout the years I just lived my life normally, but in the back of my mind was wondering where is this God.

Never really gave it any serious thought because I was too busy surviving. It was always in the back of my mind, though. My mom even tried to get me to read the Bible with her when I would visit her and I would be silently resentful because something about it's translation never resonated with me and I felt forced. Not that I wasn't interested, I wanted something more.

To make a long story short. IT was when I was about to give up on God and started telling myself there is no God and even crying about it because I couldn't find it was when it revealed itself to me. It happened when I let go. When the confusion was becoming very apparent. It's like it was right in front of my face saying here I am, here I am, but I couldn't see it. When it said, I'm not letting this one go, I've gone too far with the hide and seek, I'm going to end this game now and reveal myself. "So-to-speak. I never looked back. Infact it can't get rid of me. I'm totally in love. I feel it through my bones, my heart and being. Even writing this part gives me goosebumps. 

So sometimes, it's not the coming to God, but the denying of God and the letting go of the search that can make it happen. For me, it was instant, no thought or reasoning. Just knowing, to the point where I felt so silly I didn't recognize it before. I was like a kid in a candy store. Telling everyone. Not too many, but those close to me, but sometimes even strangers if the convo went that way. It wasn't until I recognized that this info wasn't well received or people looking at you funny, that I really knew I was on to something, a revelation, that people would call you blasphemous and whatever other way they'll come up with to deny this Truth. I never once doubted. Infact, peoples' reaction, made me mire convinced, even though I needed no convincing. I have stopped doing that now, because I've recognized that they are all God too and makes no sense trying to tell God it is God if it's not ready to reveal itself to itself. Only on very few occasions if I sense an air of curiosity and the conversation is welcomed. I'm more now concentrating on how the mind works, the Universal laws, quantum physics and the nature of Consciousness.

The part I bolded...I would say was you coming to God. I have had moments of despair when I cried out that caused a mechanism for the Absolute to reveal a glimpse to me in the past. So I would say the crying was the authentic reaching out, that brought you to God. But hey its all perspective at the end of the day.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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5 hours ago, Razard86 said:

The part I bolded...I would say was you coming to God. I have had moments of despair when I cried out that caused a mechanism for the Absolute to reveal a glimpse to me in the past. So I would say the crying was the authentic reaching out, that brought you to God. But hey its all perspective at the end of the day.

I see what you're saying and I agree.

Know thyself....

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21 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

So sometimes, it's not the coming to God, but the denying of God and the letting go of the search that can make it happen.

BINGO. In order to find God, you first need to loose (your false notion of) God.., Alan Watts aptly called this "ateism in the name of God", heh.

Whatever image or concept of God you concoct in your mind IS NOT GOD, which is why so many religions warn against idol worship and sometimes even outright forbid creating any image of God... and why I rail so much against mental fabrications like Solipsism or any other kind of "-ism". Every story about reality needs to be torn down in order to recognize reality itself.

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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

BINGO. In order to find God, you first need to loose (your false notion of) God.., Alan Watts aptly called this "ateism in the name of God", heh.

Whatever image or concept of God you concoct in your mind IS NOT GOD, which is why so many religions warn against idol worship and sometimes even outright forbid creating any image of God... and why I rail so much against mental fabrications like Solipsism or any other kind of "-ism". Every story about reality needs to be torn down in order to recognize reality itself.

BINGO.  How much did you win. ?. Yeah I'm starting to recognize this....what you're saying. We hold so many ideas about Reality that we begin to loose its essence. In my early teens, I literally thought there was a man in the sky and a devil in the ground. Then I said to myself, wait a minute, if the Earth is round, how is that possible. That's when the deconstruction began. Between the Adam and Eve story, the 10 commandments, the Saturday or Sunday Church, the creating the world in 7days or 6 and rested on the 7th, the Noah's Arc story. It all didn't make sense to me, the way they taught it anyway. Now I see how the Bible is allegorical, metaphorical and is subject to interpretation. All these Religious books are.

Now, it's a different kind of deconstructing. Not only from the Church's programming but now from Society's. It just seem like it never ends. That's why it's called Infinity, I guess. Even though the conscious mind can't even grasp what that means, only imagine it. The heart knows, though.

Know thyself....

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22 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

BINGO.  How much did you win. ?.

I won everything, of course... 'cause it's the only thing that is real. :D

22 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Between the Adam and Eve story, the 10 commandments, the Saturday or Sunday Church, the creating the world in 7days or 6 and rested on the 7th, the Noah's Arc story. It all didn't make sense to me, the way they taught it anyway.

Heh, tell me about it. My own father was a catholic priest before he got married (talk about conflicted family history, huh?), but even still as a little kid I always thought "okay, that sh!t makes zero sense"... however, I always felt that there was some kind of hidden truth buried beneath all of the hokum. But of course, you must discover the truth for yourself; nobody can just hand it to you on a silver platter.

In a way it's a good thing that religious doctrine doesn't make any sense on the surface, because it forces you to question it and dig deeper. I mean, if it all made perfect sense, it would be way too tempting to just accept it at face value and complacently stay in your religious comfort zone... so I guess it actually makes sense that it doesn't make any goddamn sense. ^_^

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7 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

I won everything, of course... 'cause it's the only thing that is real. :D

Heh, tell me about it. My own father was a catholic priest before he got married (talk about conflicted family history, huh?), but even still as a little kid I always thought "okay, that sh!t makes zero sense"... however, I always felt that there was some kind of hidden truth buried beneath all of the hokum. But of course, you must discover the truth for yourself; nobody can just hand it to you on a silver platter.

In a way it's a good thing that religious doctrine doesn't make any sense on the surface, because it forces you to question it and dig deeper. I mean, if it all made perfect sense, it would be way too tempting to just accept it at face value and complacently stay in your religious comfort zone... so I guess it actually makes sense that it doesn't make any goddamn sense. ^_^

Agreed. It's all a part of the design, like everything else. It really makes no sense to hate anything because everything, when put together, makes the complete whole. It's like a map cut into pieces, put the pieces together and everything fits perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle.

Know thyself....

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