De Sade

What would be an example of Dark enlightenment ?

12 posts in this topic

The answer is whatever you say it is, seems you’ve just completely made it up, and tried to start a pointless thread about it

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If there is enlightenment then there is also endarkenment. So if enlightenment is like me getting these last 3 mins of my life back then endarkenment is I forget they even existed.



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Maybe if you realized you were God but somehow didn’t realize everyone else is also God, so you create a cult to have people worship you. or maybe you straight up believe that every other consciousness is an unconscious automation that you (your egomind) created to serve itself.

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Sounds like it would be some aesthetic style I’m down for it ?

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An enlightened ego. Someome who experienced reality, awakened, then uses its insights and new state for selfish purposes. Gradually growing a new ego that obscures the light it discovered. Basically a zen devil and here is where spiritual psychopaths are born. There are alot of people like this. I dont consider them spiritual but metaphysical egos. These People are full of vanity. I had a friend like this. The guy is in another dimension and very high consciousness. He got there through LSD. But he uses his telepathy and skills to manipulate and play people, get their money and seduce woman.

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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14 hours ago, Oppositionless said:

Maybe if you realized you were God but somehow didn’t realize everyone else is also God, so you create a cult to have people worship you. or maybe you straight up believe that every other consciousness is an unconscious automation that you (your egomind) created to serve itself.

I would like to do that,and i believe in the last part too. I don't know why but i have a thing for cults.,especially religious ones. It would be hella fun.

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I knew from the offset you were full of shit! Now confirmed

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