
I think women are actually smarter than men

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This is not a misandrist post, I am a man, not a woman.

But I suspect that women do have a sort of intellectual-cognitive perk, his brain is more fast or advanced in terms of sociological-emotional skills.

For this reason, women are successfully playing this feminism chess game so smoothly and intelligently. Women were never the oppressed genre, they just had different roles than men! But feminism created this narrative of women being victims in the past, so now can actually get truly advancement and benefits over men.

Of course, since men are less cognitive developed/smarter, a lot of them actually support feminism, most of society do. This a good example that women are winning this smart 'war' of power, again. And I think, until society gets to a really conscious-unitary place, it will always be like that.

So basically the conclusion is:

-Women were never the oppressed or 'inferior' genre in the past, they just had different roles in society-family due to having different skills

- Women are taking advantage of the world becoming less strength-labor driven and more intellectual (technology), so in the next few years expect women to become really really strong, even more than the past 10 years.

- I guess it will come to a point where the differences are so big of privileges, that men will start to realize that they have been played, and start to slowly reclaim rights and justice, but overall women are smarter in a more profound way, so men will still be slaved to them. It won´be until a conscious society comes, that we will set up true equality. Until then, if you are men know you will have it more difficult.

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A lot of what you say is true, but women are more susceptible to group think than men are because they tend to be more social than men. Therefore, women generally are less inclined than men to come up with bold new visionary ideas or say original controversial opinions or do something truly ballsy.

Edited by Hardkill

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I think men are more confused than women.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Women are definitely the more socially intelligent part of the species. Social cohesion is a strenght of theirs. There is a reason for why women tended to be housewifes traditionally, not just because they had wombs and birthed babies. That housewife role was a very effective division of labor and resource management in a nuclear family system.

Women tend to be better at managing social resources whereas men tend to be better at managing physical resources. A lot of social work is female dominated whereas you will find very few women working within construction. Consequently, men (or boys, if you will) have a lot to gain from putting in an effort to learn social skills. Men are much more likely to be loners/recluses and simply not need or want a bunch of social connection. That makes it easier to have originial thought, as pointed out in an earlier post in this thread. Men tend to be islands as opposed to waves.

Men have an advantage in developing a skill, which is foundational to success. Men can get obsessive with a thing at the detriment of everything else. Many women could benefit from learning how to prioritize and focus.

It is worth noting the economical aspect of feminism in that it is no longer really viable for most people to have a single provider. It is not just that women have a lot more opportunity today, it is a necessity of modern society IMO. 

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Yes of course women are good at things too! Would you want half the population to be retarded? But forget the gender wars, it's a waste of your time. The "end of men" is just something you fear and has incel vibes. Chances are you are just using women as an excuse to be a victim.

I remember a Sadguru talk were he said "People act like we are a different species. We have WAY more similarities than differences and our differences make us strong." Or something like that. 



Edited by itsadistraction

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13 hours ago, Basman said:

There is a reason for why women tended to be housewifes traditionally, not just because they had wombs and birthed babies. That housewife role was a very effective division of labor and resource management in a nuclear family system.


The nuclear family was a failed sexist experiment. No time in history did we lock half the population up behind a white picket fence and a mowed lawn to do house chores. That's why it failed. Women would historically do farm work, have a community around them (I.e. not be alone all day in a house all day). I don't find it to be a coincidence that the black and the womans movements happened around the same time. It was a sexist and racist society back then.

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I thought there is no such thing as humans?


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Only sensible way to deal with people is to give them a fair chance as an individual to prove themselves. 

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7 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

Yes of course women are good at things too! Would you want half the population to be retarded? But forget the gender wars, it's a waste of your time. The "end of men" is just something you fear and has incel vibes. Chances are you are just using women as an excuse to be a victim.

I remember a Sadguru talk were he said "People act like we are a different species. We have WAY more similarities than differences and our differences make us strong." Or something like that. 




the fuck you calling me incel for?  I think you are actually the fucking incel and oppressing Male here. I never said they were retarded. I literally said I think they are smarter. Is you that you said that words. Your words games mean shit to me. Go project your hate to yourself buddy.

The fuck is wrong with you. 

Edited by Javfly33

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:


the fuck you calling me incel for?  I think you are actually the fucking incel and oppressing Male here. I never said they were retarded. I literally said I think they are smarter. Is you that you said that words. Your words games mean shit to me. Go project your hate to yourself buddy.

The fuck is wrong with you. 

Sorry @Javfly33  Didn't realize I came across that way.  I just meant that debating and trying to see which sex is smarter is what incels do. And your post sounded bitter towards women esp when you said "men are being played" " women are winning the war" and "men will be slaves to them" etc, this all sounds like you fear some sort of take over by women. Which is a ridiculous thing to fear imo.  

Didn't mean to offend or be hateful, but I see I might have been unnecessarily provocative. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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8 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

The nuclear family was a failed sexist experiment. No time in history did we lock half the population up behind a white picket fence and a mowed lawn to do house chores. That's why it failed. Women would historically do farm work, have a community around them (I.e. not be alone all day in a house all day). I don't find it to be a coincidence that the black and the womans movements happened around the same time. It was a sexist and racist society back then.

The nuclear family system was very efficient IMO back when nearly everybody was a farmer. Post industrialization, it made less sense, but you are also pointing to a relatively short time of (western) history. People have been farmers and living in tight-knit commmunites for about 7000 years.

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42 minutes ago, Basman said:

The nuclear family system was very efficient IMO back when nearly everybody was a farmer. Post industrialization, it made less sense, but you are also pointing to a relatively short time of (western) history. People have been farmers and living in tight-knit commmunites for about 7000 years.

That's exactly my point, the nuclear family is a relatively new thing (started in the 1920s) that occured only recently in the west. It was an experiment that was a disaster and failed. The term nuclear family didn't exist when we had farms or tribes. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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25 minutes ago, itsadistraction said:

That's exactly my point, the nuclear family is a relatively new thing (started in the 1920s) that occured only recently in the west. It was an experiment that was a disaster and failed.

The term "nuclear family" was coined around that time. The two parent relationship isn't an "invention" or an "experiment". Its a fundamental building block of any family that goes back generations. Changes to family structure that you see in the west the last century or so are more like adaptations to circumstance.

You are using the word "experiment" flippantly as if there is someone who is willing these grand social changes into being in some cruel fashion. There is no evil mastermind.


The term nuclear family didn't exist when we had farms or tribes. 

There was no need to, hence no such term existed back then. This doesn't say anything about the concept itself.

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On 29/08/2023 at 8:08 PM, Basman said:

The term "nuclear family" was coined around that time. The two parent relationship isn't an "invention" or an "experiment". Its a fundamental building block of any family that goes back generations. Changes to family structure that you see in the west the last century or so are more like adaptations to circumstance.

You are using the word "experiment" flippantly as if there is someone who is willing these grand social changes into being in some cruel fashion. There is no evil mastermind.

There was no need to, hence no such term existed back then. This doesn't say anything about the concept itself.

Ya that's cool, I think the nuclear family in the 20s were esp bad for women and that's why they revolted.

And I ment "experiment" as in something society tries (and in this case failed).  Thanks

Edited by itsadistraction

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On 8/28/2023 at 4:51 PM, Hardkill said:

A lot of what you say is true, but women are more susceptible to group think than men are because they tend to be more social than men. Therefore, women generally are less inclined than men to come up with bold new visionary ideas or say original controversial opinions or do something truly ballsy.

100% agree on this

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On 8/28/2023 at 5:05 PM, Princess Arabia said:

I think men are more confused than women.


About what?

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4 hours ago, The Redeemer said:

About what?

About women. 



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 8/29/2023 at 4:41 AM, Basman said:

Women are definitely the more socially intelligent part of the species

Women have a lower bar to be accepted into social situations. This is like women needing a lesser score to pass the exam. So obviously more women would pass the "social" exam. 

Even the most social women have terrible charisma and sense of humour and will still gets accepted to social circles due to obvious reasons. 


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7 minutes ago, The Redeemer said:


Idk, I get confused too. It's the only way to get clarity. Before clarity comes confusion, can't have one without the other. That's the beauty of Oneness, Duality. It's all fine. It's OK to be confused. How can we know what a clean house feels like if we've never seen a dirty one. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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