De Sade

All of the suffering in the world

1 post in this topic

God,the true self/me/i did it. 

The Holocaust: It was you

9/11: It was you

Slavery: It was you

Wars: It was you

Famine: It was you

Murder,torture,rape,theft,terorrism,fraud: It was you.

Yes,you did it. Accept it. Love it. Don't invervene. God is always Neutral.

You can only awaken. I REPEAT. YOU CAN ONLY AWAKEN IF YOU UNDERSTAND THAT NOTHING YOU SEE IS REAL; AND THAT YOU SHOULD DO AS MUCH DAMAGE TO THE DREAM AS POSSIBLE JUST SO THAT YOU CAN WAKE UP. You can't never reach enlightenment while thinking that anything you see is real,or that you can hurt something,or that something can hurt you; You cant. You.simply. can't

This is specifially for voices such as HolyKael


Edited by De Sade

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