
Women molt men into what they are

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After 2 years of serious pickup I came to this conclusion. I have become a totally different person.  Before I was a total nice guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly but if you deal with women long enough those attributes fly out with the window sooner or later. Women are no different than Mother Nature. It makes the rules of the game and within these rules you have to compete to gain the right to breed.

It is no different in nature. Dating is very easy to understand if you look at how animals do it. Especially mammals or other species who are even closer to us. Therefore it is totally useless to start a crusade against Mother Nature as some red and black pillers do. There is still a lot of value in red pill philosophy but one shouldn’t adopt the negative vibe that comes with it. Any red pill advice is still better advice than advice from women’s groups. Obviously one shouldn’t ask a fish how to catch it. 

Most of dating is monkey see monkey do. There is very little mental understanding required. If you try to understand it and it is nice to know but it is totally useless in terms of results. It might even hamper your results. The best is to find men who are naturals are just do monkey see monkey do. Most of social skills is unconscious and should be done from a non intellectual brain wave  state. 90% is vibe. If you get the vibe down you will be surprised what you can get away with. I know a natural guy who literally breaks every pick up rule and human decency rule in the book and still gets away with it because he has an appealing vibe. It is mind blowing. 


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That guy does what he wants and molts himself into what he wants to be,meanwhile you want to be like him and look what you have to do to get that resaults, thinking resaults is what makes you who you are its all clown thinking that societies programing gets you ?

Looking to get the vibe down so you can get a woman this is absurd that guy doesnt look to do that, he just does whatever he pleases and now you scratch your head to find formula, where he doesnt even have a formula and thats the formula ?

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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58 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Obviously one shouldn’t ask a fish how to catch it. 

This is a really stupid example to be honest. It's not applicable to dating.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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44 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

That guy does what he wants and molts himself into what he wants to be,meanwhile you want to be like him and look what you have to do to get that resaults, thinking resaults is what makes you who you are its all clown thinking that societies programing gets you ?

Looking to get the vibe down so you can get a woman this is absurd that guy doesnt look to do that, he just does whatever he pleases and now you scratch your head to find formula, where he doesnt even have a formula and thats the formula ?

That is what I’m saying but in a different way. Letting go of artificial rules and social conditioning that is not needed. 

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@StarStruck Love this, it reminded me of the beginning of The Book of Women by Osho, where he says that


a woman is to be loved, not understood.

I'm not sure how pick up works but I would presume that is like marketing, you are basically manipulating someone to buy something, and the product is you. As much as you study manipulation, deep inside you know it's not in your control, specially when you meet the person that is supposed to be in your life. All the games fall away. The same way there is conscious marketing, there could be conscious pick up. 

Now about you saying that you were all nice and good guy, these women made you a favor. The world is harsh, they just helped you with that. It's called building character..  The feminine sets the frequency, the masculine follows. Notice that in nature the one building the nest is the male bird, the female picks the one she likes the most. We are humans not animals, if our standards (as women) were low, imagine how uncivilized men would be lol

For example, if all the women decided that they would not date men who watch porn, the whole porn industry would collapse. You see how much power women have in their hands? That is why they were killed in the past. It's unfortunate that most women are trying to fight with the men, blaming them, without seeing that the key is actually in their hands.

I believe a strong woman can turn a man into a king, the same way that a woman is more powerful with a strong partner by her side. Men protect women in the physical realm, women protect men in the spiritual realm. The spiritual purpose of relationships is growth, so it's natural that our partners will always bring up the stuff that needs to be looked at to the surface, if we are smart we will work through things, not blame the messenger. It's the house of mirrors.

I was listening to a podcast by Annie Lala (Eben Pagans wife) and she talked about this beautiful metaphor of when Michelangelo created David's sculpture, he said that he carved out everything that wasn't David out of the marble block, he left only what was David, and in relationships, our partners will carve all the falsehood out of us, so those women actually made you more of a man, that is the same thing that psychedelics do, they make you more you, pilling the onion. Sacred union is such a beautiful thing, religion really messed up with the real significance of marriage. 

Also when talking about partners, it's important to notice that our external relationships are a reflection of the polarity we have within ourselves, our inner union. It's the dance of duality, the whole creation is built on this energy. So if you are attracting the same kind of women, you might want to look at the common denominator, you.

You have the feminine polarity within you, surrender to your inner feminine and you will fear no woman. xD

Edited by MsNobody

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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10 hours ago, StarStruck said:

There is still a lot of value in red pill philosophy but one shouldn’t adopt the negative vibe that comes with it. Any red pill advice is still better advice than advice from women’s groups. Obviously one shouldn’t ask a fish how to catch it. 

The negative vibe comes mostly from low-information/low-IQ caricatures of it.  In its unadulterated form, it's just raw truth without telling you how to feel about that truth or how to act on that information.  It's actually extremely integral to spiritual enlightenment.  If you get spiritually enlightened, at some point you have to contend with socially programmed myths as part of your integration process.  So it's not supposed to cause you to become bitter about women -- it's supposed to dispel whatever self-undermining myths you've believed about women so you can live appropriately AS a man.

Like you said, two years of experience of trying to do pickup allows you to see and understand things you can't UNSEE.  Believing the myths nice guys believe ends.  

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26 minutes ago, MsNobody said:

For example, if all the women decided that they would not date men who watch porn, the whole porn industry would collapse. You see how much power women have in their hands?

Power isn't controlling what other people do, it's controlling what you do.  If women could control themselves, the world would be very different, instead they seem to focus a lot of their energy on controlling men.  A lot of "porn"/OnlyFans/CamGirls is this very thing: women controlling men, trying to get their attention and money.  If women controlled themselves and stopped MAKING porn, the porn industry would collapse too. :)

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@SeaMonster Yes but see that you are doing the same thing. pointing the finger. The blame game doesnt work, each person must look within themselves, you cant look within yourself and blame others at the same time, cause while looking within you would have to look at your own shadow, making it easier to accept people's shadow.

Reminded me of this quote

If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?

The outside world it is how it is because we are too immature to be the big person, it's preschool lol. Men and women must take the high road, it starts within. 

Now women blaming men for being bla bla bla and men blaming women for doing porn and bla bla bla.. its gonna get us nowhere. xD


"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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@SeaMonster We are tried of controlling to be honest :ph34r: it's exhausting to try to be a men and seek power, I would rather be in by feminine. Society is so twisted, it's a whole delicate process to unlearn.

What women really want is to surrender, but most women are still trying to find the safety to surrender in men, instead of finding within themselves. 

Love this poem from Anais nin

“I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don’t mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don’t mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.”

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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OP is right, my natural childhood/teenage self only had positive intentions, I was kind and patient without expectations but you get taken advantage of. I've trained myself to be amoral, the world does not deserve kind, enlightened men. Once you understand female nature, I don't see how you can love them. 

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of course, that's how nature works

the solution is, burn that sex karma, fuck and lick, and suck and all of that, and then quit the game because it will toxify you deeply 

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As Adam in Dark says: "Humans are peculiar creatures. All their actions are driven by desire, their character are  forged by pain".

So yeah, I agree with you.

Edited by Karmadhi

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@Tenebroso good lord lol 

Don't forget you were born from a woman. Whatever you went through in your childhood gave you those lenses from which you see the world now, and women in this case. Time to clear your perception. Men and women are divine creatures. When you hate women you are hating your feminine within.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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@MsNobody Women like yourself speak with such self righteousness, as if you have everything figured out as if males drop from space fully formed with the views they have. There is an outcry for men to speak up and be more open, as soon as we do are experiences are invalidated. Before I logged onto a forum, before a subreddit existed my experiences showed me who women are.

From childhood I have not seen anything to suggest are the fairer sex and more evolved, even from my own mother. Harsh rejection and abuse is what I have experienced, power corrupts absolutely but society does not want to admit to the shadow of female nature. A man never hit me, touched me inappropriately as a minor, spread rumours about me. Most men have experienced this truth but fear to speak up about it, female nature is very twisted that is the harsh truth. 

If the men struggling with women and struggling in general with their own turmoil were actually as horrible as women like to make them seem, they would have zero issues with women. Throughout my life I have noticed the less moral a man is, the more of a drain he is to society the better he does with women.

So save your good lord, it is women who hate men. Men especially men from my generation (late millennials/gen z) have done nothing but adapt to women constantly with ZERO reciprocation. So I will say it openly women are not special. There is not a single advancement that I would roll back if I had the power they deserve their right to education, control over their bodies and financial independence. What I will not accept anymore is gaslighting about how terrible we are and the need to make women feel safe when the guys you all actually sleep with are not kind, gentle, enlightened, patient or trauma free. Men should collectively cultivate themselves without any expectation or even real care for women beyond basic day to day respect. 

It is ALL women not some or just damaged ones. My perception is clear, I have observed enough.


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13 hours ago, MsNobody said:


Also when talking about partners, it's important to notice that our external relationships are a reflection of the polarity we have within ourselves, our inner union. It's the dance of duality, the whole creation is built on this energy. So if you are attracting the same kind of women, you might want to look at the common denominator, you.

You have the feminine polarity within you, surrender to your inner feminine and you will fear no woman. xD

I'm working on developing the feminine polarity within myself. It is not easy to do stuff from emotions and just shut off logic. Now I know how girls operate lol.

It is especially difficult for me to do because I'm a very mental person and I don't like emotions. But the trick is to how both masculine and feminine polarity. It is the last week of my vacation so I can afford to be emotional for couple of days.

Another thing I noticed is the more feminine energy the girl has the more she communicates with emotions. If I talk to a high feminine girl from my stoic brain I could better talk to a wall, I don't exist for her. But If I connect to my own emotions when talking to her I see her getting alive. I always thought females want the masculine energy but a healthy amount of feminine energy is needed for the healthy masculine to be able to exist.

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@Tenebroso  It's not particularly healthy to make a whole universal philosophy out of your own traumas, you know? (Though it is healthy to protect yourself in a mindful way.)

It's a bit too easy to switch around the genders in mostly everything that you wrote.

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The important thing is not to be needy.
Although men also have their share of femininity and need, a man with good mental health and a good endocrine system is not too needy.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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@MsNobody girlllll, wow, im literally speechless with this...i read your reply a few times as it was so refreshing hearing a conscious perspective from a women who actually understands women lol. this was so relatable to me but i never knew how to express it as you did, you worded it so perfectly. 

i can see that your comments definitely went over males heads and that's okay, its like society gets so caught up in lying, cheating, stealing, controlling which leads to all this blame on each other and everyone's unconscious mentality to get at each other's throats when really both genders need to look deep within themselves in terms of their own beliefs about men and women and projections ie. i grew up in a house full of boys, 4 older brothers, and as a young girl i looked forward to growing into a women...i was so happy to be a girl.

Not for long though. As I got older I would overhear how my brother/brother's friends would talk about women and it got way worse when I started working, been sexually harassed in literally every job I've had...(which is a lot) i no longer wanted or looked forward to being a woman. I didn't want to play this game of trying to prove myself to have "value" because as a woman it feels like you can never win... literally doesn't matter what you do, I experienced this everywhere.

Anyway, all these experiences shaped an unconscious and uncomfortable bias towards a hatred for i never hated men deep down ofc but on the surface, I had built up A LOT of resentment against men. when I hear the shit SOME men be saying casually in regards to women etc i felt like i could cry sometimes, feels never-ending...  it becomes so normalised and accepted to speak of women this way. But looking back now i understand its a projection from the masculine within myself, but I really resonated when you said men and women both need each other and both bring different values to the table in developing a divine union ship but so many people don't accept this lmao, just keep wanting to control ie. point the finger at each other thinking that will solve anything.. (including myself) i mean we're only human and no ones perfect. 

But all of this i've definitely noticed throughout the years as I do more self-development and the more i learn about myself and my needs. don't get me wrong, i absolutely love men, i have amazing relationships with my brothers and dad ofc, but growing up ill never forget how they made me feel being a women, and it really made me feel low of myself? I wished to be a man all the time because if men were saying this so casually about women i felt like they hated women...I held so much shame for no fucking reason that i've healed now, but back then i genuinely felt ashamed to be a woman because of the things men and (women actually) standards they'd set culturally and i took this nonsense as truth on the surface and therefore unconsciously took everything they had to say about women so personally (well it's hard not too when you're a young girl becoming so conditioned in this bs patriarchy) 

but fast forward 10 years, now I feel so powerful and proud in my identity. women are as powerful and valuable as they feel they are. men are as powerful and valuable as they feel they are. its all inside... not outside. no need for external validation anymore. I feel proud and spiritually beautiful. I'd never ever want to speak badly about a man or tear them down because I'd only be doing that to myself...I love men and women equally now and it's the best feeling ever when u let go of the power wars and projections. I love and appreciate what men do for women as much as I notice and appreciate what women do for men. we both need to learn to work together and acknowledge our own natural strengths and weaknesses so we can make up for each other and work as a team. But it seems like everyone just wants to say fuck men, fuck women and we disconnect with our feminine and masculine qualities to feed our own egos. 

you're in your power when you let go of controlling and manipulating others. Everyone is you pushed out after all ;)

Edited by Naomi

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Yea I know I’m not realistic but I do truly believe like some masters say that if it’s meant to be it’ll be, existence will present you with a mirror/match of who you are if it feels you could learn from the relationship/connection.


I have nothing against seeking out a relationship but sometimes someone will just walk into your life spontaneously and serendipitiously I am very allergic to lists of expectations and definitely don’t like dating and monogamy isn’t  for me. I don’t really seek security I just enjoy sharing connections with women and all beings really I do think there is wisdom in allowing people into your life and letting them go when the relationship has run it’s course there is deep wisdom in that, but the intense desire for sex/security/pleasure at all costs from another being is ugly imo can safely say I wasted a lot of my life on that road

Edited by Gidiot

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